Florida Clerks Object to Marrying Homosexuals

A “judge” has decreed that Florida county clerks have to start issuing homosexual marriage licenses. Here’s an interesting story about how some counties are going to stop holding ceremonies since the clerks would object to taking part in the ceremonies.

These clerks who object to performing the ceremonies apparently don’t have a problem issuing the license. I’m not sure how that works. But the end of the story is where Mike Huckabee is quoted saying some of the same things I’ve said. We must disobey when we’re asked to do something preposterous and immoral. Here’s what he says in the article:

Talk show host and former pastor Mike Huckabee stated in September during a conference call with the organization Vision America that Christians need to be more active in resisting evil in the land.

“I would remind people that the judicial branch is not the supreme branch, and the Supreme Court is only the Supreme Court, not the Supreme Being,” he said. “And I feel that we have failed in civics to understand that there are three branches of government, and one can’t overrule the other two, and all three of them together can’t overrule the people.”

“Yet, we have people who say, … ‘The courts have ruled on same-sex marriage, we have to live with it,’” Huckabee continued. “I would suggest no, we don’t. We shouldn’t just accept things that are ungodly and that will cause us to have to stand before God with bloody hands. I think that’s where we’ve failed.”

I call on every clerk in the country to not issue the homosexual marriage licenses. We will all stand before God and give an account for our actions–even the actions that we were ordered by our boss or a judge to do.