Are These Violent People?

All taxes are collected by threats of violence and property confiscation. That means if you’re in favor of taxation, you’re in favor of government violence to collect money.

Canon City has a measure on the ballot to increase its sales tax by 1%. I had an online debate with a guy who is in favor of this tax increase, to repair roads. So, this guy doesn’t like the condition of the roads, and covets better roads to the point that he’s willing to see increased government theft for his own personal benefit.

I confronted him with these truths, that he personally is being sinfully covetous, and is willing to see increased threats of violence for his pet issue, and that this is immoral. He said that our conversation reminded him that governing people is like herding cats, and he sees why there must be an enforcement mechanism for taxation.

So, I assume the guy isn’t personally violent. I don’t know him, but I think it’s safe to assume. But, he sees the need for the government to be violent. He’s not personally violent, but has no problem hiring thugs in blue costumes to perform violence so he can benefit personally from better roads.

He would probably say it would be immoral for him personally go try and collect money to pay for roads. But something magical happens in his mind to make it moral for a cop to coerce payment.

I’ve been wondering whether this makes him a violent person himself. But I don’t think he would ever harm anyone personally. I think it just makes him a sissy. He’s not willing to go kick someone’s head in; he wants someone else to do that for him. He’s just a sissy.
