Category Archives: Economics 101

Wicked Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is a bigot who votes against people on the basis of their religious beliefs.

He did to the guy exactly what he’s accusing the guy of. That is the kind of absurdity and hypocrisy that rejecting Christ leads to. Bernie’s brand of socialism is wicked because it is based on government theft, and appeals to the covetousness of the people.

I try not to spend too much time on federal politics, but I will take a moment to expose stupidity at any level.

The Religion More Violent Than Islam

Here Mark Zuckerberg touts his religion saying that we ought to have universal basic income in this country. People can tout their religion all day. The problem is that in Zuckerberg’s religion they are willing to kill those who don’t bow down and participate.

He’s perfectly free to give away his money to whomever he wants. But he doesn’t want to do that. He wants the government to do it for him. Not only that, but he wants to use the force of the state to make everyone participate in his scheme whether they want to or not.

No Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, JW, Mormon or Muslim has ever held a gun to my head or issued a credible threat of further violence if I don’t participate in their religion. However, every day I face those threats from one religion: statism. One of the fundamental blind-faith beliefs of the statist religion is that an immoral act can become a moral act if performed by the government. If this act passes through the magical religious rituals of getting the right people to vote on it or sign off on it, an immoral act becomes a moral act.

I’m sick of it. Zuckerberg can do what he wants with his money. He has a zillion dollars, but it’s not enough. He covets more money. He wants the money of others to enact this scheme, to the point that those who refuse will be jailed and murdered if they resist. I think he’s a reprehensible person, and his religion is the most evil on earth.

Ann Coulter’s Marxist Line of Thought

Ann Coulter said, “You want a higher minimum wage? Turn off the spigot of low-wage workers pouring into the U.S. and it will rise on its own through the iron law of supply and demand.”

That quote is self-contradictory. If Ann is so concerned about obeying the iron law of supply and demand, why does she still want government interference in the free market? Who is going to turn off the spigot of low-wage workers? Government, of course (cops to be exact). She’s fine with them interfering with the market in that way, but doesn’t want them interfering with the market to raise the minimum wage.

We need a higher level of thinking among conservatives. We need pastors to step up and teach what the Bible teaches on these things. The law of God is a firm foundation for capitalism.

Don’t pretend to be a constitution-loving, free-market, small-government conservative if you support government harassment of non-criminal individuals crossing the border. You’re a Marxist who wants government control of the labor market. You’re just as bad as Bernie Sanders. With conservatives like Ann, who needs liberals?

You have to listen to this short podcast on this topic for a refreshing dose of liberty and capitalism based on Scripture.

Ten Difficult Truths

You probably won’t hear this from many pulpits, but the Bible teaches these truths. If you want to learn more, I can help point you in the right direction. These have not been easy pills for me to swallow, and I suspect they won’t be easy for most others, but Christians are to be truth seekers and tellers, regardless of the consequences.

  1.  The U.S. government at every level is antichrist. It is your enemy.
  2. The U.S. dollar system/federal reserve is sinful.
  3. Public school is a sin. Sending your kids there is a sin.
  4. The American law enforcement system is sinful and needs to be abolished.
  5. Drugs aren’t illegal under God’s law, and only tyrants are in favor of them being illegal under man’s law.
  6. Taxation is theft, voting for a tax increase is a sin.
  7. To have government agents controling the border is sinful.
  8. Requiring driver’s licences, building permits, liquor licences, business licences and on and on is a sin.
  9. Prison/jail is an unjust, wicked punishment.
  10. The U.S. has fought many unjust wars, and having a standing army is a judgment from God.

I’m not offering my opinion. These items are biblical truths. You are sinning if you send your kids to public school, are in favor of closed borders, support police, are in favor of keeping drugs illegal, vote for tax increases, etc.

These are controversial topics, but like I said, I’d be happy to explain why these items are true from the Bible.


Motivation For Racism

Who has an incentive and motivation to foment racism? Is it big business and capitalists or government or labor unions. I’ve never thought about this before, but Bojidar Marinov obviously has. Here’s what he said:


Corporations didn’t create racism and don’t support it today. If anything, it was the rich Northern magnates of the 19th century who supported abolitionism and backed up the War between the States. There is absolutely no economic logic behind racism from the perspective of the corporations. The corporations want (1) a larger and more equalized pool of consumers; and (2) a larger supply of qualified workers. Neither is served by racism.

The real culprits behind racism are Big Labor and Big Government. Big Labor wants a smaller pool of available workers in order to have a better negotiating position. Big Government wants a divided population which would be focused on its internal divisions, and not on issues of justice. Both are served by racism.

The Biblical solution is libertarianism: Get the government out of the market altogether. Some employers may be racist and refuse to hire blacks. Thus, their marginal rates of hiring will be higher, for they will choose from a smaller pool of available workers. Other employers will take advantage of it and will hire mainly blacks.

Blacks were better off when there was no government to control the market.

Republican Policies are Democrat Policies from 20 Years Ago

Clinton’s policy in 1996 was Marxist. Marx wanted government to control the borders of England to prevent Irish workers coming in and increasing the supply of laborers.

Clinton’s policy there is alarmingly similar to Trump’s current policy. No wonder liberals have been kicking our butts when our own “heroes” are stealing their socialist ideas and slowly moving us to the left. We move left, and Democrats move farther left. Forgive me for thinking that in 2036 the Republican presidential candidate will be taking a strong stand to protect Obamacare.

People need to educate themselves. The video below is step one on educating yourself on what the Bible teaches on immigration. If you can, take notes and send them to me. I wish I had taken notes the first time I listened. But that’s okay, because these lectures are worth listening to again.



Come On People

US Dollars are slips of paper that are only worth anything, because people mistakenly believe that US government can back them up.

I’m going to give some unsolicited investment advice, and say you need to have some gold and silver coins around the house. I like for purchases.