Category Archives: End Public School

Food for Thought

I emailed myself this quote from Facebook last May, and now I don’t remember who wrote it. Nevertheless, it is interesting, even if I may not agree quite 100%. Should we build a free Christian school? That would be expensive and time consuming. Is homeschooling not inadequate? I know there are plenty of Christians who would want to send their kids to school if there was an alternative to public school, but I think the gold standard of child education is homeschooling. It’s something to think about. Here’s the quote:

While calling sinful people to repentance is important, we’d be falling short of the Biblical standard if that’s all we do.

You can’t beat something with nothing.

If you want to get rid of the government-run schools, the way to do it is to offer a better alternative to the children who would otherwise end up there. Most likely, this means building our own free Christian schools, but it could take any other form that would work with the parents. Care for the orphan is a primary Christian duty, and children whose parents would abandon them to a Moloch school essentially fit the category.

If you want to get rid of power-religion churches, the way to do it is to build true, Christian churches, which aren’t beholden to the cult for power. Their fruit will be better (Matt 7:16), and so once the alternative is there, people would find no reason to join the power cults.

And if you want to get rid of abusive policing, offer an alternative. It’s not inconceivable to have a private company that can offer communities policing according to a Christian, self-sacrificial standard. What does this mean? We treat everybody with the presumption of innocence, and we never fire the first shot in self-defense. Offer the alternative to voters, and once it’s demonstrated to work better than the current practices, no community in America would have a reason not to switch to your demonstrably better approach.

Neither Jesus nor the apostles exhibited the deconstructionist rhetoric that I hear so often from my Recon friends. They lived in times of much bloodshed, slavery and abuse, yet they taught to honor the emperor (a rather shady guy), to pay the temple tax (which was clearly unjust, according to Jesus), and to honor the people sitting in Moses’ seat.

Does this mean they compromised? Not at all. The focus of their preaching was on constructing better alternatives. A new synagogue (the church of Christ) and a new society, with its own charity and its own judicial practices. Care for the orphans out of our own pockets. It’s all over the pages of the New Testament.

Our job is to faithfully construct godly alternatives. God will take care of the demolition. He demolished the temple and the empire. He’ll demolish today’s idols too. But only after we’ve built working alternatives (with His help).

And there is nothing that prevents us from building today. The only bottleneck is the shortage of our own faithfulness.

Lessons From the American Revolution They Didn’t Teach You in Government Schools

1. Killing cops is within the realm of possibility.


2. Throwing off your government is within the realm of possibility.


3. You shouldn’t just always do what the cops say.


4. You shouldn’t always go on singing God Save the King and pledging allegiance to the union jack.


5. You shouldn’t trust the government to educate your children.

Common Core Is Our Only Hope

For several years now, I’ve only ever heard people mocking common core. I’ve seen dozens of examples of how warped math education is in that system.

In a Facebook conversation, I pointed out that American public schools rank 24th in the world in science and reading, and 38th in the world in math.  Public education is a rat hole for money and is harmful to children.

I was a amused to see a local school board member pipe up in response, and pin her hopes for moving up in the rankings on common core.

There’s a lot to comment on there, so I’ll try to be brief.

1. I certainly wouldn’t trust the same people who have driven our education system into the dirt to devise the solution.

2. Common core is a joke, and will only take us further down in the rankings.

3. If, as she says, you don’t have the know-how to teach your children, why would you send them to the same system that failed you?

4. Home schooling can be done for free, so money isn’t an issue.

5.  I sympathize with single parents and people who are genuinely lacking in time to spend with their kids. Churches should step in to help in these situations wherever possible. But, many people who think they need two incomes need to reduce their spending and raise their children properly.

Scripture says that we should teach our children as we lie down as we sit at home and as we walk along the road (Deuteronomy 6). Nowhere is government given the job of educating children and when it educates children, it is usurping jurisdiction from its rightful owners. And it’s clear why governments would want to educate the citizens, as they have a vested interest in the docility of the population within its borders. But just like everything else government does, it does poorly and expensively.

The days are numbered for public school. Technology is going to drastically change education in the next decade or two. Public education will die a slow death as new competitors arise and drastically outperform it.


Public School Teachers

A public school teacher acquaintance said that she wishes homeschool parents would pray for public schools and explain that there are many good teachers working in public school.

Here’s my response to her.

I’m not trying to be mean when I say this. I think that there are several biblical issues that are clear to me, but seem to not be understood by most Christians, and are rarely or never taught from the pulpit.
 The public school system (and all American government agencies) are forbidden from acknowledging Christ as Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 12:30 that you’re either for Him or against Him. Public school cannot be for Christ, therefore it is antichrist.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ (Colossians 2:3). Anyone who attempts to gain knowledge apart from acknowledging Christ is directly contradicting Scripture.
Nowhere does Scripture give the education of children to government. It is explicitly given to parents (Deuteronomy 6). It is funded by theft and socialism, and I will not pray for it to prosper but for it to be abolished. I will pray that you have wisdom in speaking boldly for Christ. But I’m afraid that if you speak as boldly as you ought, that you will not remain employed there for very long.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more on this topic.
I certainly sympathize with someone who spent four years in college preparing for a career as a teacher and who later sees the truth. I have found that it is hard for people who are heavily invested in something are incapable of thinking logically about it, and I’m sure I’m included in that as well.

Confused Pastors

I know a guy who is a pastor in town, and has been a Christian for decades. I’m not all that young anymore, but this guy has had formal Bible education and has a lot more experience in life and in studying Scripture than I have. You would think this is someone that I could look up to and find answers from–not someone I would have to be offering correction to. Furthermore, I think that today, and hopefully for the rest of my life, that if someone offers me a logical correction that includes a lot of Bible verses that I will be open to hearing them, no matter how much younger they are.

And it’s not like his generation (or him personally) has it all together and they’ve been so successful in accomplishing so much for Christ. They (and their predecessors for generations now) have stood by and watched our culture rot. They have been miserable failures. They have zero cause for cockiness or thinking they have it all figured out.

Larry Weaver, the pastor of the First Baptist Church, has come out in favor of this property tax increase for the school district. I pointed out to him that public school is antichrist because of what Jesus said in Matthew 12:30. My comment disappeared.

I wrote him a message saying it looks like my comment was deleted and that was fine, but I’d like to discuss this issue because there are serious biblical issues with this. He wrote me back and said that he didn’t delete the comment, his friend hid the comment. I don’t really know what the difference is, but there’s that clarification. Neither has the comment reappeared, so I don’t think there’s any difference. He said he’s not interested in discussing it with me online or in-person.

In his message, he said that there are enough Christian teachers doing good work that he doesn’t consider the school system to be antichrist. Well, that’s nice, but I don’t remember having any openly Christian teachers in my time in public school. Maybe the whole thing has been completely Christianized since then (ha, ha, ha). Also, public school is funded by socialism and theft–things frowned on in Scripture. If Christian teachers are taking advantage of a socialist system to advance Christianity, they’re attempting to advance Christianity by the sword, by government power. If they’re not attempting to advance Christianity, they’re advancing humanism.

I also pointed out the injustice of property tax and I said that anyone who votes for this is guilty of covetousness, which is covered by the Tenth Commandment. If someone personally objects for whatever reason, the people voting for this are in favor of using government force to make them pay. They aren’t standing up for the weakest among us, but for the principle that might makes right. It’s disgusting to me.

And the vast majority of Christians think that we can vote however we want  on issues like this. They think that Scripture must not dictate and we shouldn’t get into politics. But the truth is that every area of life is moral and religious and a spiritual man is able to discern the truth, and judge rightly by God’s standard (1 Corinthians 2:15-16). Pastors and the previous generation have failed us miserably, and there are very few who can judge properly.

Good Conversation

I wasn’t planning on posting this, but these conversations have had a habit of being deleted lately, so I decided to start saving them. This one got deleted, so you can read it below.

I have seen so many shocking comments in conversations on this topic. This Patty Armfield Witkowsky woman is someone I thought was a Christian (I could be wrong about that), but you can see she has no concept of the golden rule, what the Bible says about how to educate children, the antichrist nature of our government and public school (Matt. 12:30) or seeing covetousness as a sin. And I don’t really blame her. You could sit through thousands of hours of sermons in the typical church and never hear anything about these topics. No wonder our country is going down the tubes when we have ignorant Christians and ignorant pastors. This woman’s soul is at stake, and her pastor is heinously negligent.

In another conversation a woman said, “I will never understand the grouchy people who don’t understand this concept!” The concept being that we should invest in our children’s future by voting for this socialist ballot initiative. I’m no psychologist, but I would say the inability to show a little empathy is a sign of some sort of disorder. She really can’t understand why someone might disagree with her and not care to be threatened and forced to pay for a cause they don’t believe in? It seems pretty simple to me.

And in some deep recess of Patty’s mind the thought sprung that people refraining from eating dinner out  is going to help business. She must have been publicly educated.

Who Should Homeschool?

I hear many people say that not everyone can homeschool. Here’s a great way to answer that.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Ephesians 6:4, Psalm 1, and Proverbs 22:6 (and others) tell us how our children are to be taught. God has given us clear instruction! Christian education is not an alternative. It is not a luxury. It is not even just a good idea. It is the law of God.

Too many Christian parents say, “The Bible might teach this, but my circumstances make it next to impossible. My circumstances excuse me from my responsibility to God. I do not have to obey the Lord in this matter because of my situation.”

I would add that the church should be helping any family in need to get their children out of government schools.