Category Archives: End Public School

Good Commentary


Joel McDurmon said, “The issues of sovereignty, non-neutrality, and purpose all mean that you have to make the choice for liberty, it will not happen for you. If you leave the decision for someone else, then you have abdicated your individual responsibility. If you accept that civil government can coerce you or others to pay for other people, then you have abdicated the principle of liberty. So, the question of control and command of education forces us before God to choose who shall lead and how.”

In response to that, Paul Dorr said, “To restore Biblical justice and liberty and push back tyranny please read and understand the most basic step starts with the education of Christian children.  There is no place in the Bible for the civil authorities to be involved in public schools.  Dr. McDurmond’s American history, below, stands in contrast to David Barton’s defense of public education from the beginning of America.   (Never forget Barton was once a public school teacher.)”

“The principles Dr. McDurmon lays out below became real to me 20 years ago.  When I challenged Iowa’s compulsory age laws in the mid 1990s in our home-school we not only defended our right to do so, but after being charged by a special prosecutor I, in turn, “prosecuted” the illegitimate public schools system, in the court of public opinion.  In initial proceedings the District Court Judge let the prosecutor know the bar was set pretty high for the him to prove the state could intrude into our sovereign parental realm.  A key element in his assessment, we later learned, was that we refused to take one nickel of government money to educate our children.  (I can thank the late Dutch Christian farmer, Henry Vellema, for teaching me that.)  Later, the prosecutor moved to have the charges dismissed and the court agreed, even in the face of a previous Iowa Supreme Court ruling granting the state’s “authority” in home schooling.”

“What Dr. McDurmon is spelling out below takes faith, complete confidence in Christ our King, and the support of your local Christian fellowship.  When it all comes together there is power, liberty, freedom…that even tyrants recognize and will yield to.  Study this carefully and given prayerful consideration.”

“P.S. As I’ve stated in the past my greatest burden through all of this was my compromised legal counsel: Home School Legal Defense Assoc.  They can’t afford to let such Biblical foundations of liberty take hold or their future will be at stake.”

Muslim School Or Secular Humanist School

The title of this article is “Marine Dad Makes School PAY the Price After Pushing Islamic Propaganda On Daughter”. First of all, that is the most false title anyone could come up with. The guy didn’t do anything except get himself banned from school property and sue the government in the government’s courts. As if you’ll get a fair trial when the judge and jury are paid by the government.

You know the way to make the school district really pay would be to take your kid out of the school. They receive federal funding based on the number of students, and when you take your kids out, they receive less funding. Homeschooling your kids is also biblical and has the added benefit of not marinating your child’s mind in government propaganda and idolatrous secular humanism for 13 years.

I loathe secular humanism just as much as Islam, if not more. Everyone talks about how little freedom there is in Muslim countries. It’s not like this is such a free country. They take 50% of our income and that is supposed to be better than jizya? (Jizya is the tax a Muslim government requires Christians and Jews to pay.) If sending your kids to a Muslim school would be a sin, sending them to secular humanist public schools is every bit as sinful.

Quality Public Education?


If you’re forced at gunpoint to pay for a service, it might be because that service is substandard. If it’s not substandard at the beginning, it will tend to be substandard as time goes on.  If it wasn’t substandard, they wouldn’t have to force people to pay for it.

We’re all forced to pay for other people’s children to be educated in public school. We all hold up our end of the bargain as only a tiny fraction of property taxes in this country go uncollected within months of the due date. However, public schools don’t need to hold up their end of the bargain as a Michigan judge has ruled.

So just as police don’t have a duty to protect people (like we’re forced to pay them to), schools don’t have to provide quality education (like we’re forced to pay them to). Socialism doesn’t work.

Socialization and Socialism


I homeschool my kid. It is a lot of work, but it is the right thing to do as I don’t want to accept stolen money to educate my children, and I think it is the clear teaching of Scripture that it is sinful to send children to non-Christian schools.

Some people think homeschool kids end up dorks, because they missed out on all the socialization that goes on in public school. The problem with that is that there are plenty of dorky public school kids. How do kids learn how to behave like well-adjusted adults? By hanging out with 29 other kids their same age? That doesn’t make any sense.

Like I said, it’s hard work, but he’ll have so many more opportunities  with so much less wasted time. The sacrifice is well worth it.

Khan Academy Destroys Public School

This is an excellent article about how government schooling is officially obsolete. Granted, there are people who will fight the truth of its obsolescence to the death, but it is a fact.

In the article, Gary North makes many of the same points I made in my article, where my points 5 and 6 were:

5. The free market will offer better, cheaper, non-violent solutions and choices to people.

6. Public School is technologically obsolete.

Khan Academy is not supported by money stolen from people by the government, but is a superior means of educating people. The free market offers better solutions.

The socialist public school system, propped up by the violence of the state, harms innovation and keeps bad employees around through unions and tenure. Check out the article as Gary North is a far more interesting writer than I am.

Cut Off Funding

This is a great interview! Chipping away at local issues  is something the average person can be doing. Everyone is worried about the presidential candidates while it’s the local school district, building department and police that are killing liberty. What if we were able to eliminate a proposed tax increase to support those organizations– Or maybe even cut their budget?

I’ve always thought of local politics as boring, but I can really have no effect on a presidential election, whereas I can have an effect on local issues.

Here’s the interview:

And here’s Paul Dorr’s website:

Great Discussion on Homeschooling: Is Accepting Stolen Money a Sin?

I’ve written on this blog that I think that accepting tax money that was stolen is a sin. I was surprised to see what Bojidar Marinov had to say on that:

“I am not so hard-core as many people: I don’t believe USING tax money is sin per se, and I don’t believe we should excommunicate people for being on government payroll. It’s not because I am lax on the Law of God but because an ethical/judicial view of the Law requires that I focus on where the REAL CRIME is: The process of TAKING the money, not the process of their distribution. Thus, you won’t hear me criticizing government schools for the fact that they use tax money: the money is already stolen, and the secondary use of stolen money is not declared a crime in the Bible. In fact, short of returning that money to the tax-payers – which we don’t have the power to accomplish, yet – distributing it to areas where Christians will make use of it is a sort of “common-grace” remedy which mitigates against the worst aspects of the crime of taxation. Declaring the use of that money sin would guarantee that the money is forever lost for any good cause.”


I can see his argument, but I think the following comment from Paul Dorr closes the deal for me.


“…the process of distributing it” is not a real crime? Not sure I understand your position on this Bojidar Marinov. Consider Prov. 29:24 which says, “Whoever is a partner with a thief hates his own life; He swears to tell the truth,[a] but reveals nothing.” Government school administrators and teachers lie every day (in my work) about how they spend the stolen money. They clearly mark themselves as partners with the state/thief.

Psalm 50:18 says, “When you saw a thief, you consented with him…” School administrators and staff consent to spend the stolen money every day.

Even man’s law has a crime on the books called “receiving stolen property”. Not quite as serious as the original thievery, but a crime none-the-less.

Some of the greatest opposition my clients receive daily, is from fellow evangelical Christians with their children in the public school. I believe there is no greater temple to our statist idolatry than government stools….err, schools! We need to remove our children and rip our money out of their hands. God will bring them to an end….and I believe sooner than we think.


Bojidar goes on to say:

I agree with you, Paul, about government school administrators and teachers who lie about the use of the money. And of course, your argument about “consenting with thieves” is perfectly correct.

Here’s an application of the problem, though, where I am
afraid, I can’t see a solution within the more purely perfectionist position you take on it: A communist state where all property is government property, and all business is government business, and thus all jobs are on the government’s payroll. The land is stolen from its original owners, the capital was confiscated from private owners, the industrial facilities are stolen, the technology for production is stolen, the children in the schools and the kindergartens are stolen from their parents, the capital infrastructure was built on the compulsory labor of political prisoners, etc., etc.

A Christian with a family finds himself in such a situation. He has certain gifts and skills, and he knows he has to bide his time instead of going full-scale revolutionary resistance against the government. He has to feed his kids as well. But any gainful employment he can take is on government payroll, receiving stolen money for work, using stolen capital goods, on infrastructure built on the labor of political prisoners.

He has the choice, of course, to refuse to work and thus starve his family. But I somehow can’t see this as the Biblical solution. After all, Joseph could have refused to serve Pharaoh and could have stayed in jail. Therefore, the only judicial solution I see to the issue is that he is free to take a job – which will by necessity be a government job – and that being on government payroll is not sin per se. (Although, I agree with you that school administrators who lie WITH THE PURPOSE OF STEALING more of their constituents’ money ARE in sin.) Therefore, the sin is not in being on government payroll, it is in being on the robbing side of government – which is the case of your school administrators, but not necessarily of everyone who in one way or another receives a pay from the school.

I relate this issue to the much misunderstood issue of Ron Paul’s support for ear-marking funds. It was used by his enemies to create an image of a politician who is in favor of more taxes whereas his position was perfectly logical: “If I can’t stop the increase of the government budget, I need to at least make sure the money is not just given as general spoils to the bureaucrats but its purpose is specifically declared.”

I am willing to hear where I am wrong in this.


Here’s what I say. Bojidar is correct in his example of a communist country. Americans are in the same boat as a citizen of a communist country in some areas. I have no choice but to drive on roads that were built with stolen money. There is no alternative other then flying a helicopter, which is not a viable alternative due to financial constraints. But, where we have a choice, we ought not accept stolen money. And, where we have a choice, but choose to accept stolen money it is a sin.

Lessons To Be Learned

First of all, the video says he may still be charged. That is obsolete, he’ll be facing no charges.

There are some lessons to be taken from this situation:

  1. Take your kids out of public school!
  2. Kids in school have little 4th Amendment protection.
  3. Teach your kids not to talk to cops, even when they’re innocent!
  4. Teachers are too stupid to tell the difference between a clock and a bomb.
  5. Cops are too stupid to tell the difference between a clock and a bomb.

Homeschooling Discussion: Is It a Sin to Send Kids to a Public School?

Here are some fantastic thoughts on whether it is a sin to send our kids to a secular temple for their schooling from Bojidar Marinov.


“So if you’re asked point-blank: “Am I in sin by having my kids in public school?” How do you respond?”

My answer: “Yes, you are. Just as much as you would be in sin if you sent your kids to the local mosque five days a week.” If they hate you for that, they will hate you for that. But some will be stung in their hearts who won’t be stung if you took the softer approach.

If you are a Calvinist, you should know this corollary from Calvinist soteriology: The reprobate won’t become less reprobate because you were friendly and soft; but the elect will be driven to respond if you speak as one of authority, not like their academically-feminized seminary professors (Matt. 7:29).