Eric Bolling Has Drunk the Kool-Aid

I guess people’s perspective on the level of oppression is relative. Some people apparently think that if you’re rich, you can’t be oppressed. Were the Israelite slaves oppressed in Egypt? They had leeks and onions back in Egypt (Numbers 11:5). Maybe some people can be bought off.

If you’re a government farming the people, and you want to maximize your income, you shouldn’t tax them at 100%. Communist regimes fail. So, maybe they’ve figured out that current tax rates are near optimal, where people remain happy and comfortable, and the government still makes a lot of money. I don’t know.

All I know is there is an absolute standard in God’s law, and the U.S. government violates that standard. It doesn’t matter whether we’re better off than others. It only matters that they are violating God’s law, and we need to stand against them.