Eschatology Matters

Some people like to say they’re pan-millennialists, meaning they’re not sure what is true about eschatology, but they believe it will all pan out in the end. I think for some it is just a way to get out of having to study the subject.

But I think it definitely matters. Believing something that is false leads to misinformed and probably incorrect actions. Believing something that is true will much more often lead to correct actions.

I love what John Andrew Reasnor says here. He first quotes David Chilton:

“The fact is that you will not work for the transformation of society if you don’t believe society can be transformed. You will not try to build a Christian civilization if you do not believe that a Christian civilization is possible.”
-David Chilton.

The fact is that you will not work for the total abolition of abortion if you don’t believe that society can be transformed. What you WILL do, more than likely, is work to regulate abortion because there’s no real hope of abolition.

Thankfully there are a few who pit their practice against their expectations.

In case you don’t know what I’m getting at, most Christians are premillennialists, which is the rapture and tribulation and all of that. What I believe is true is postmillennialism, which means that the church will succeed in history rather than being defeated. There is much more to it, and I’ll leave it to you to look up.