Great post from Bill Evans

America is dying from systemic decay extending across a broad front, and overlapping many issues. Abortions by the millions are not merely performed, it’s tolerated and more, codified as a right. Sodomy is not merely legalized, but celebrated. Efforts by a few to resist evil locally are prosecuted as crimes. Yet these are but symptoms.

Meanwhile, careful sermon preparation, to insure proper exegesis and delivery goes on. God’s people must understand some nuance of the TULIP or baptism while their children attend Caesar’s schools, receiving 40 hrs/week of training in Total Depravity. Churches have become all but irrelevant as salt and light. Civil government, with its ten thousand rules, codes, regulations, has all but been deified. Church congregations remain pleasant, insulated, and unprepared and unwilling to fight, intellectually, much less physically, the war of worldviews that is upon us. Pulpits are filled with nice, polite, pastors instead of angry, Holy Spirit filled leader-warriors. The church triumphant has become the church recumbant.

May the Lord quickly send the tribulation and persecution we desperately need to stir us from our fatal ease! Will Christ indeed reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet? To be sure, but America a think, will not be around in its present form to observe it. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. The next enemy to be destroyed may just be America, along with her myriad of 501c3, tax-exempt religion dispensary franchises. Any tree that does not bear fruit… Truly, pending revival, for which we must earnestly pray, this nation will be destroyed. Is this tragic? Does it undermine our confidence in Gospel Victory? Not at all! It will be merely a case of the Lord of the Harvest, pruning and destroying the unfruitful branches.