Public School Teachers

A public school teacher acquaintance said that she wishes homeschool parents would pray for public schools and explain that there are many good teachers working in public school.

Here’s my response to her.

I’m not trying to be mean when I say this. I think that there are several biblical issues that are clear to me, but seem to not be understood by most Christians, and are rarely or never taught from the pulpit.
 The public school system (and all American government agencies) are forbidden from acknowledging Christ as Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 12:30 that you’re either for Him or against Him. Public school cannot be for Christ, therefore it is antichrist.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ (Colossians 2:3). Anyone who attempts to gain knowledge apart from acknowledging Christ is directly contradicting Scripture.
Nowhere does Scripture give the education of children to government. It is explicitly given to parents (Deuteronomy 6). It is funded by theft and socialism, and I will not pray for it to prosper but for it to be abolished. I will pray that you have wisdom in speaking boldly for Christ. But I’m afraid that if you speak as boldly as you ought, that you will not remain employed there for very long.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more on this topic.
I certainly sympathize with someone who spent four years in college preparing for a career as a teacher and who later sees the truth. I have found that it is hard for people who are heavily invested in something are incapable of thinking logically about it, and I’m sure I’m included in that as well.