Tag Archives: Border Patrol

Border Problems Have Biblical Solutions

It should come as no surprise that the border crisis could be solved tomorrow by applying biblical principles. Freedom and justice are absolutes. Anything other than biblical solutions will cause injustice and loss of liberty.

Are men free to make up whatever laws they want? No, because any deviation from God’s law causes someone to suffer injustice or some loss of freedom.

It turns out that the founding fathers gave us a system that was much closer to biblical ideals than what we have now. This consisted of:

1. Open borders and freedom to travel.

2. Freedom to work for whoever cared to hire you.

3. No government handouts to anyone–only private charity.

4. Limited political franchise/citizenship/voting rights.

These are not only biblical principles, but America’s founding principles. Any objections to open borders from Republicans/”conservatives”/Socialist Party R are answered in these 4 principles. This is the true conservative, free-market, anti-socialist position.

When we advocate for anything other than these principles we advocate for government of the beast (Revelation 13:17) and abuse of strangers. Strangers are a protected class in Scripture along with orphans and widows. You will face God on judgment day and give an account for how you treated them (Matthew 25:31-46) and how you advocate they be treated by the government.

So what should we do? We are to teach the nations to obey all that Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).

The Real Issue

This is a 1:38 video where the border patrol agent did nothing especially harmful. The driver didn’t answer any questions but didn’t get his window smashed in. All’s well that ends well, right?

But hereĀ is the issue. Americans have the right to travel freely through this country without being harassed by the government. This guy is wearing a taxpayer-purchased uniform and is costing Americans at least $40,000/year with benefits–probably much more.

He is a drain on American productivity. He produces NOTHINGĀ of value. He is only a drag on the economy. That would be one thing if he were off in a cubicle in an office somewhere not bothering people. But he has the gall to think that it’s the right thing for him to do in life to harass people who are doing valuable things with their time.

People doing useful things for our economy have to slow down from 65 miles per hour to talk to this loser. That costs gas and time. Sometimes there are lines waiting to talk to these dorks. The whole thing is a travesty and a waste.

Christians who are employed by the border patrol should be encouraged and offered assistance to find a more productive line of work by their churches. Those who refuse to quit working for that agency should be placed under church discipline.

The videos where these agents beat and arrest someone are reprehensible, but what is just as wicked is when a law-abiding American has to pull over and talk to these idiots even if it’s only for just a few seconds.

The Border Patrol Is Evil

These border patrol agents are communists. I can’t believe they think they can treat people like this or that it even crossed their minds.

The founding fathers went to war for a fraction of what we endure and no one seems to care.


What is it going to take to wake people up?

The whole story is that there was a trace of marijuana odor–enough to cause the dog to alert–and the driver was in handcuffs for an hour and released without charges.

The issue is that Americans can’t even drive down the road without being harassed by dirtbags on a power trip.