Tag Archives: insubordination


The NYPD turned their backs on the mayor again.

Some police officers in the crowd outside the funeral home turned their backs as Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke at the funeral for Officer Wenjian Liu in Brooklyn on Sunday.

1. What would happen to someone in the military who turned their back on the president or their superior?

2. What would happen to an employee who turned their back on their boss?

3. What would happen to us if we turned out back on these officers?

4. What happened to Eric Garner when he turned his back on the NYPD?

These guys are hypocrites who demand absolute obedience (even though that’s nowhere called for other than their wild imagination), but can’t even keep themselves from disrespecting the mayor. And this time, they not only disrespected the mayor, but disobeyed the request of the police commissioner.

The other point in this article is that the NYPD made fewer arrests and issued fewer traffic tickets. The purpose of this is not to punish the people of New York, but to punish the mayor and the city’s budget. Chaos didn’t erupt in the streets. People continued to drive safely. To me, it seems all they’ve done is show what a waste of money they are. Fifty percent ought to be laid off tomorrow.