Tag Archives: preaching

Another One From Bo

This one is really important.



Our government is a reflection of our preaching; what comes out of our pulpits tells the government how far it can go in destroying liberty without expecting pushback. The real culprits for tyranny are not government agents who do injustice but church ministers who preach non-resistance.


Jesus actually DID resist tyranny, and did tell others to do so. Why would He be killed if He didn’t resist tyranny in one way or another? Was He killed by tyrants because of His obedience to them? Why would a tyrant kill someone who is perfectly obedient and submits in everything?

Resistance comes in many different shades, and not all resistance is armed resistance, and not all submission is obedience. And armed resistance is not excluded, but it is not to be used foolishly either; the rules for war in Like 14:31 apply when we talk about our relation to a tyrannical civil government.