Tag Archives: Statism

China and Taiwan

A few years ago, I took a cruise on the Rhine River. For a little while, the river forms the border between France and Germany. It was puzzling to me that a couple times in the previous century, some moron in Berlin tells German men to go fight France and take their territory…and they obey him.

I’m confused by what the German leaders were thinking. They wanted to go in and defeat the French military and then tell the French people that your new government is in Berlin, and you just need to get back to work and send all your taxes to Germany now. The long term plan is just to get back to normal and pay taxes to Germany?

I’m definitely confused by the German men cooperating. Some of these Germans could look across the border and see French people and probably considered them neighbors they get along with. But then, they decide to risk life and limb so that their government can tax the French. It makes no sense to me.

The same goes for Russia and Ukraine. Russians are willing to go into Ukraine and give their lives so their government can govern portions of Ukraine? Russians are being told that Russians living in Ukraine are being abused by Nazis, but that’s surprisingly little reason to me to go and annihilate a bunch of Ukrainians.

The China and Taiwan situation is equally puzzling. The Chinese government thinks they have some right to boss around Taiwanese people and tax them. What are they smoking? Why do people want to control others so much? Would a Chinese guy be willing to give up his life so that his government can get a few percentage points richer? What kind of moron would do that?

Statism is a crazy religion.

The Ten Fundamentals of Modern Statism by RJ Rushdoony

1. The first duty of every state is to protect the state, not the people.

2. Other states are occasional enemies; the people are the continual enemies.

3. The purpose of taxation is confiscation, control, the redistribution of wealth, control, the support of the civil government, and control.

4. All steps to increase state power must be done in the name of The People, but the people are to be used and stripped of freedom in the process.

5. Freedom is dangerous; controls are good.

6. Freedom must be redefined; it is a right to be morally loose and irresponsible, but Christian morality is social slavery.

7. Children are the property of the state.

8. The two great sources of evil are the church and the family.

9. The only world is the world; there is no God, no heaven, nor hell.

10. Anything the state operates or does is good, in any and all spheres: education, war, peace, spending, and so on. What is “public” or statist is good; what is “private” is bad.

Christians Are the Problem

As a little bit of background to the story below, HB 948 is the bill in the Texas state legislature that would abolish abortion completely in that state. Byron Cook is the legislator that runs the committee that would need to approve the bill to go on to the legislature to vote.

I’m sure the Texas attorney general is correct that this would be struck down by the Supreme Court. But only a complete coward would care what stupid thing the Supreme Court says. Our job is to do the right thing and leave the consequences to God, and that may very well include the states telling the wicked Supreme Court to shove it.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t going to force the state of Texas to do anything. She is merely a priestess of the false American statist religion.

But the most heinous part of the story below is that Byron Cook is a Baptist deacon. What a terrible situation American Christianity finds itself in when a deacon can’t tell right from wrong. Christians are the problem in America. Pastors are derelict. I’m not just saying there are a few bad churches, like anyone would concede. There are so precious few good churches. I don’t believe there’s a decent church in the state of Colorado, including mine–at least I don’t know of any.

Here’s the story from Kendra Thomas.

Met with Texas Rep. Byron Cook. Had a 15 minute conversation with him. He was gracious with his time and listened to our concerns.

House representatives are in session deciding on the state budget. Five bold Republican women joined me. We sent a note through a page, which was delivered to Rep. Cook on the floor.  We asked him to leave House Chambers so we could pray with him and thank him for his public service.

After we thanked him, we got down to business. We introduced ourselves as delegates to the state convention in 2016, reminded him that 88% of delegates voted to make abolishing abortion a legislative priority THIS session, that we expected him to support HB 948, and as chairman, to move it out of committee.

Rep. Cook argued that HB 948 would never withstand a SCOTUS challenge. We reminded him courts cannot make law. Despite his personal opinion, he was duty bound to enact the will of his party and allow it to come to the floor. Rep. Cook argued that we must be patient and pursue incremental legislation. We countered that regulation was NOT what the delegates at the state convention voted for. Delegates demanded the immediate end of abortion. He said he has done much to regulate abortion, so some babies have been saved. We STRONGLY reminded him that 60 million dead babies over a span of 40 plus years is not a victory. It’s a Holocaust. We reminded him too that 4,000 dead babies a day is losing, not winning. We must abolish abortion now. He said, no, we must wait on the new SCOTUS appointment. He claimed that the Attorney General said that the bill would not withstand a court challenge. He said we’ve all discussed it (whoever we is) and it’s not leaving committee. Again we reminded him courts cannot make law. Roe is legal fiction.

Before he left, we asked if we could pray for him. He agreed. We prayed for him, his family, and asked God to awaken his conscience and convict him of his responsibility to defend the preborn. That last part irked him. At the end of the prayer, Rep. Cook said, “That kind of a prayer is not going to change my mind.” He said that our faith is not superior to his faith and that he is a deacon in his Baptist Church. It was a respectful, but at times heated, confrontation. He was adamant in his sin. We were adamant in our plea. Please contact Rep. Cook and ask him to move HB 948 out of committee. Pray God breaks his heart. 512-463-0730
#AATX #JesusistheStandard operationsaveamerica.org

Here’s a few pictures of Byron Cook’s workplace. You can see how frugal the state legislators have been with taxpayer money. It is an opulent, lavish temple of America’s false religion.

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Image result for texas state capitol interior