Two Dirty Reformed Christian Cops

If there were 50 cops there in LA that June, 1989 day. Not ONE stood up to the others and said, “We shouldn’t be abusing these people.” That would be the bare minimum. Not only that, not ONE said, “We’re on the wrong side. We shouldn’t be enforcing man’s law when it contradicts God’s law.” Out of 50 cops that day, zero showed themselves to be good cops.

Zero out of 50 is a terrible percentage. Furthermore, below is the story of a good cop, and how that got him fired, because good cops can’t be tolerated on the police force, at least in Las Vegas. I’ll admit there might be good cops, but you must admit the evidence is pointing to a small percentage.

I’m shocked that at least two Christian cops in the course of this conversation [This post was a comment I made in the course of a Facebook conversation discussing the first video.] can’t bring themselves to say that the cops in the video were evil. What is the deal? What have they bought into that makes them so biased? I’ve asked them both directly to denounce those cops. This is a private forum where their fellow officers won’t ever know what they say, and they still don’t have the courage or the common sense to bring themselves to say anything bad about these other cops from 26 years ago.

How will these guys ever have the courage to actually stand up to their fellow cops in real life when they can’t call evil what it is on Facebook? If they want to see a bad cop, they can look in the mirror. I hope they prove me wrong and come out to strongly denounce what police across the country did to Operation Rescue. But I’m not holding my breath.

We live in a country under God’s judgment and generally run by ungodly perverts. Cops enforce the evil, pagan laws in this country, and I have Christians telling me I’m the one that has to assume a cop is good. It seems to me they need to start showing themselves to be good. When magistrates (which includes cops) in this country start standing up to evil, maybe then we can start identifying some good cops. Until then, the good cops are so few in number that they must keep a low profile, are under discipline, or already fired or quit.