
The only authority our government has comes from their willingness to use force. They reject the only other possible and valid source of authority–Jesus Christ.

The quote blow is from Larken Rose, an anarcho-capitalist. I agree with a lot of what anarcho-capitalists say, and I thought this was thought-provoking.


Gang rape is democracy in action.

The entire premise behind democracy is the notion that the majority has the right to force its will on the minority, and that as long as people are allowed to vote on what happens, and as long as the majority gets its way, then whatever happens is “legal,” legitimate and civilized. And that’s just bullshit.

If you want to be morally and philosophically consistent, you can’t praise “democracy” while condemning gang rape. If, however, you believe that every individual owns himself, and that aggression is wrong regardless of majority opinion, elections and “legislation,” then you can, and should, condemn both gang rape and democracy. In other words, be a voluntaryist. If you still feel inclined to vote, here’s a “vote” that actually matters–pick one:

1) “I believe that evil becomes good when the majority wants it.”
2) “I believe that majority-supported evil is still evil.”