Exposing Idolatry

I’ve posted this in several different places on Facebook:

How evil does this country have to become before Christians stop standing for the national anthem? Apparently 60 million dead babies isn’t enough. Transgender bathrooms, obamacare and legalized gay marriage aren’t enough. Maybe Kaepernick is onto something. Maybe we should all repent of our American pride and stop standing for the national anthem as long as it’s legal to murder babies.

Here are a few places I’ve posted it:

  1. The Facebook page “Stand With Judge Moore”. I certainly stand with Judge Moore, and the common sense he’s shown. I can’t vouch for everything about him, and I hope he’s not the one running the FB page, because I’ve been blocked for posting that. There was no explanation or counter-arguments offered–just an unceremonious blocking.
  2. An older lady friend of my wife who has been going crazy posting America memes. I posted the above as a comment on one of them. She gave it a thumbs-up and kept right on serial posting America-worship memes.
  3. A friend of mine who posted a meme saying Kaepernick needs to stand for the national anthem because men have died fighting for our country. He didn’t respond, but deleted the entire post.
  4. The Facebook page “Cold Dead Hands”. You would think that a pro 2nd Amendment page wouldn’t be so statist, but it is extremely statist. They get hundreds of comments on their posts and I’ve posted this as comments to their post and replies to other comments probably 10 times. No one has responded even once, except an atheist who wanted to debate abortion.

The fact that no one will even respond to my argument shows it is a good argument, and Christians feel guilty about their idolatry of America. They just don’t feel guilty enough to stop.
