Donald Trump Guilty Verdict

Presidential politics is a joke and an idol for too many Christians. I have not paid any attention to Trump’s trial and I don’t care. It is much more fruitful to participate in local politics. I can talk to my city councilman or county commissioner, but I will likely never have a meeting with the president where I can explain my opinion on an issue.

However, what Texas governor, Greg Abbot, said about the verdict is interesting. He said, “This was a sham show trial. The Kangaroo Court will never stand on appeal.”

I have a couple questions about that.
1. If Abbot actually believed that, what action should he take?
2. If a New York court is a Kangaroo Court, is it so far-fetched that a Texas court might be a Kangaroo Court?

1. If there is a Kangaroo court in America, we need to do something serious about that. That is totally unconscionable. I believe that almost all American courts are Kangaroo Courts. That’s why I’m a secessionist and an anarchist. You will never reliably get justice from a system that rejects Christ as Lord.

2. There are plenty of liberal places in Texas. Does he think there is no court in Texas where a jury might reach the same verdict? I think it’s very likely that there are liberal courts and places in Texas that would have convicted Trump. The issue here is, now Abbot has things he can actually do about that. What is he doing?