A Free Lunch?


This sign hangs on Washington Elementary School’s fence at a fairly busy intersection in Canon City. It shows the ubiquitous nature of socialism in our country.

Of course, what’s the obvious thing to say about free lunch? There is no such thing, even in the summer. The money the government spends giving people lunch is money taken by the IRS under the threat of imprisonment or confiscation of money.

It’s obvious that when the government takes money from some people and gives it to others, they are stealing, and it is evil. More interesting questions are: Are the people who receive a “free” lunch sinning as well? And, do those who benefit from the Stalinist lunch program have any room to speak out against Obamacare (or whatever socialist program)?

If I am given or buy goods that I know to be stolen, that is sin. Simple enough. Those who get free food can’t spite someone who gets a free health insurance policy. What’s the difference between free food and free healthcare?

I pay my taxes for the same reason I would pay a mugger with a gun to my head. It’s cheaper to pay the mugger than to pay the undertaker.

Jesus said, “Render unto Ceasar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matt 22:21). I love the way Jesus answers questions. It is a very brief answer, and people have taken it to mean that we pay any and all taxes without uttering a peep of protest. What Jesus wasn’t saying is that the coins belong to Caesar, just because they have his image.

We already know that everything belongs to God. What He was saying is that wasn’t the time to protest taxes. If money buys something of value, like not being locked in prison, use it to buy your freedom. He wasn’t saying that the government can tax you however it wants, or that you should never speak out against unjust taxation.

What about the poor children who would starve over the summer without the nanny state to take care of them? It is the job of charities to take care of people-not the government. Besides that, this program is open to anyone. I know people who are well off that participate.

The truth is that we have to start rejecting government benefits ourselves. Participating in these programs is rejecting God’s law. How can God ever bless us when we reject His way of doing things?