All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

Rampant Covetousness

There is a proposal for a new recreation center in Canon City. I don’t know how it will be paid for but I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to raise taxes. I’m not the only one who thought that as I read the first few comments, which I’ve pasted below. I’m only pasting the pro-tax comments. There were several anti-tax comments as well.

My Christian Acquaintance, who is a leader in a church, “Keep pushing, lets get it done!”

Another Christian Acquaintance: Excited for this hope we get this in canon tax away !!

Random Stranger: Why are you against being taxed for something that will HELP your community?? “Taxes: you have to pay for the goose that lays the Golden egg.” Even La Junta has a Rec Center.

Randam Stranger 2: I would happily love for my tax money to go to something product for everyone here in Fremont so that they can get out and live better lives, screw being greedy I’m all for the fun and bringing for recreation to the people!

After reading all that, I had to say something.

ME: If you’re willing to have your taxes raised to pay for this, then you’d be willing to write a check voluntarily. Advocating for higher taxes is saying you want your neighbors to be forced to pay for it whether they want to or not. You’re committing the sin of covetousness.

And Alexis responded to my comment.

ALEXIS: I see it differently. I see that all of us should be invested in a healthy community. Each is us pays a tiny bit extra, everyone has a chance to participate. Even those who don’t participate reap the benefits of a healthier, happier community. To not want to help the community is committing the sin of greed.

ME: You may be right that this is the greatest thing ever, but if someone disagrees, you don’t really care, you want them to pay whether they like it or not. You are breaking the 10th Commandment.

“For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” Ephesians 5:5

ALEXIS: “judge not, lest ye be judged.” We all need to pay our share. We pay for roads, we pay for fire and police services even if we never need them. Health is important, and if we share in the costs, we all win. So please spare me your self-righteous preaching.

ME: Are you judging me as having judged you? By doing that, you actually are judging hypocritically, and violating Jesus’ teaching. But you’re misunderstanding what He was saying. Jesus said to judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24).

You’re committing the sin of covetousness. If your eye causes you to sin, you should pluck it out, because it’s better to go to heaven with one eye than to go to hell with two.

“Judge not, let ye be judged.” is every unbeliever’s favorite Bible verse, quoted in perfect King James English.

Of course, unbelievers hatch all kinds of evil schemes and perpetrate all sorts of injustices. What do you expect? The problem is that in the face of all sorts of socialist programs and tax hikes, Christians are SILENT when such things violate God’s prohibitions on covetousness and theft at the very least (20% of the Ten Commandments). There is zero application of Scripture to the real world or to government from the pulpits. If Christians applied Scripture to government properly, and acted consistently in their own lives, we could defeat socialism tomorrow, and do it easily. But Christians want a rec center and public school, so they advocate for socialism alongside unbelievers.

Every pastor that doesn’t preach against every tax hike and socialism is a hireling who should be tossed out of the pulpit. A mass pulpit purging is what needs to happen in America before anything else good will happen.

This Week’s To Do List

Are you looking for something you can do for Christ? Here’s a list of ideas from Paul Dorr.

• Confront abortion clinics with the love of Christ while reminding them of the wrath of God
• Expose pastors pushing to poison many with the vaccination.
• Confront local government waste.
• Leaflet drop school parking lots on the sin of public education.
• Expose bond dealers plundering local county government
• Expose growth in local government employment along with decline in services.
• Confront cable companies pouring filth into local communities
• Praise local magistrates who are fighting to defend families and property rights
• Do public records request of fake government economic development groups and point to those profiteering
• Confront gay pride parade with the Gospel
• Confront local feminist organizations
• Confront feminism in the local churches
• Lit-drop and picket neighborhoods of local tyrannical judges
• Expose miserable misandrist lawyers exploiting marital difficulties to destroy marriage
• Lit-drop local bars on what real Christian manhood looks like and invite them to a Bible study.
• Confront local police who are encouraging tyranny
• Confront filth at local high schools
• Take home-school kids, especially boys, along with many of these public confrontations. Expose them to some human fear while teaching them to cling to Christ

The Biggest Bootlicker Ever

Dean posted this meme on Facebook:

I responded to him about this, and he set a new record for willingness to lick boots. Here’s the short conversation.

A police state is one where the citizens are expected to obey the arbitrary whims of police or face violent consequences. That is exactly what Dean is advocating with the meme he posted.

Furthermore, Daniel Shaver didn’t point a rifle out the window, and even if he did, it’s not illegal to possess a rifle in a hotel room. Even if he was doing something ill-advised, like handling a rifle (or a pellet gun) where other people could see him, 911 should have informed the caller that guns are legal. If that didn’t happen, the cops should have knocked on his door and had a quick discussion rather than acting like a bunch of pansies and end up murdering him due to their fear of a pellet gun.

Daniel Shaver completely complied and didn’t break any laws, but ended up dead, like so many others murdered by police. So many cops are cowards, scared of their own shadows and have their guns on a hair trigger. Police should be abolished. Conservatives are supposed to oppose socialist programs, but that just isn’t the case. They are just as socialist as liberals. They just are too stupid to realize the extent of their socialism.

And I highly recommend studying the history of police in America. Dean is the only one confused on that topic. I posted this article for him, and he claims to have read it in a comment he made 16 minutes after I gave it to him. He must be an amazing reader, because no one could really digest all of this in 16 minutes. It is an amazing history, but somewhat long. I highly recommend reading “Are Cops Constitutional” by Roger Roots.

Uncle Tom on Amazon Prime

My friend recommended I watch “Uncle Tom” on Amazon Prime. It makes a lot of good points, and some that I disagree with. I think Larry Elder misses the point and isn’t thinking clearly on some things.

Before that, I will say, I love Herman Cain and his attitude and stories. If someone is a racist, that is their problem. It sucks and I acknowledge that it can and has been costly to people, but we are all responsible to God for what we do with our lives. America has a lot of problems, but there are still a lot of opportunities.

Larry Elder, just to give an example of his erroneous thinking, talks about how immigration should be controlled by government, because immigrants shouldn’t be getting welfare. So, without realizing it, he’s defending the integrity of the welfare system of a nearly-bankrupt, evil government. Why not let the government and the unbiblical welfare system die? He ends up advocating unjust, unamerican, big-government, socialist border policies to protect the unjust, unamerican, big-government, socialist welfare system. Retarded.

But that was all just an aside to the point of the movie. At one point, a guy points out that cops are more likely to kill black people. Elder spouts off a bunch of statistics that were beside the point. Police are a big-government, standing army, funded by socialism. They should be opposed by all conservatives. You can disagree over whether police are systemically racist, but don’t pretend to be a conservative and support the existence of police. Larry Elder repeatedly shows himself to be a fake conservative.

The solution is not to lecture people about racism like liberals, or defend cops at all costs like conservatives, but to end all socialist programs (like police) and let the free market dole out consequences to racists. The color that speaks in the free market is green.

Here’s Bojidar Marinov’s explanation of how individual cops may not be racist while still taking part in a racist system. The rest of this post is his words.

Most people, especially white people, do not understand how institutional (systemic) racism works. They think it is white cops hating black men. But that would be individual, not institutional racism. Institutional/systemic is when the very institution/system is geared so that it targets certain racial group.

Here’s how it works:

All government agencies are under constant pressure to justify their existence and budgets. They need to show some activity that the majority of constituents would deem “necessary.” Police is not an exception. They need to show arrests. More precisely, a GROWING number of arrests to justify their growing force and budgets. But in a world of declining crime figures, that is a challenge.

It is an even greater challenge in a society of increasing wealth, where more and more people can afford good lawyers. Especially in the white neighborhoods or in white-collar areas like Downtown Manhattan. The cost of making arrests there is too high.

Where the cost is low is the black neighborhoods. The probability of a black man to be well-connected and affluent enough to cause legal trouble is very low. Thus, patrolling black neighborhoods is like shooting fish in a barrel for cops. They can make their quotas easily, at a low cost, without any hate to any black man. (That includes black cops.) And indeed, there have been multiple testimonies by cops themselves that this is a regular policy.

There’s something more, and this is the really inconvenient truth: This practice is encouraged by racism in the general public that is not self-conscious but still real. Most people react differently to a white man being arrested and a black man being arrested. And in the latter, it is always assumed that he must have done something. That’s why Chauvin was not concerned that he was on camera; in his eyes, he was doing a service to the society. That has always been the perception. The black man must have done something, and the cop is there to protect us all. He meets his quota, and the society has a “proof” that police protects us against dangerous criminals.

Thus, in order to have institutional/systemic racism, you don’t have to prove that any particular cop is necessarily a racist. You just need to understand how the institution/system works.

And if you want an analogy, no socialist self-consciously hates successful people. It’s when the system is applied, it destroys success by its own operation. Same with systemic racism.

That’s why police needs to go. It will always target the weakest minorities in order to justify its existence. The only solution to it is a return to an America without a standing army on home soil.

Vaccine Passports

Here’s a great post from Bojidar Marinov:

“Many of the same people who today complain about vaccination passports are also the kind of people who would complain about “illegal” immigrants, insisting that everyone must go through the government process of getting a visa.”

“Ironically, however, an immigration visa is, among other things, also a vaccination passport itself. One can’t apply for it unless they present a proof of having been vaccinated. We are talking about 6 to 10 different mandatory vaccines, depending on the country of origin. That is a mandatory part of the legal immigration process.”

“I have said it many times before: Whatever you want the government to do to the stranger, it will eventually do it to you. There is no escape from this rule.”

“Enjoy your vaccination passports. And remember: you asked for them.”

Another One From Perez

Here’s another great post from Nicholas Perez, prompted by James White saying he’s become a postmillennialist:

If I were a pastor converted to postmil, I’d have to think about the fact that Jeremiah 31 and several other passages expressly teach that realization of the New Covenant/postmil hope involves the gradual ABOLITION of pastors and any special class of leadership.

Then I’d ask myself why after 2,000 years, pastors and special leaders have only gradually increased, while Christ has decreased.

Which would lead me to the conclusion that the Body of Christ is at this point in Church history burdened by leaders rather than edified.

I’d repent of making a career on the backs of the people of God. I’d get a job, or start a business. I’d sooner scrub pots and pans than participate in the Ministry Complex which perpetuates the immaturity of the Saints.

What shall we say if this line of reason is sound? Our only conclusion can be that if a pastor professes to be Postmillennial, yet continues to hold his position of leadership, knowing he is a cancer to the Body rather than a blessing, we have no reason to believe he is Postmillennial at all. Maybe not even a believer. If we are being charitable, he is so hopelessly schizophrenic that nobody should ever pay attention to a word he presumptuously says.

The Biggest Gang In Denver

You may already know that I’m a huge critic of American police. I think police, as an institution, is evil and unAmerican. It ought not even exist. I have called police as a gang repeatedly on this blog, which you can see multiple examples of by clicking here.

I’m astonished to find out that the Denver police agree with me on this topic. The Denver PD is the biggest gang in Denver. They are the biggest by personnel, by funding and by amount of theft and evil committed, by far. If they ceased to exist, there would be far less crime in Denver, because they are the biggest criminals. The private criminals couldn’t compete with the cops, even if they were allowed to run free. In the video below, you see this man, whose life has been ruined by these evil thugs, explain how a Denver cop admitted to him that they’re the biggest gang in Denver.

Kind of Funny

I had this conversation today on Facebook with a random liberal. Her first comment was in regards to Joe Biden increasing funding for something in Central America.

In case you missed it, I didn’t say “anarchist government”. I said “antichrist government”.

Liberals pretend to be so nice and caring that they’re in favor of spending money on whatever do-good program. Of course, they are in favor of forcing you at gunpoint to pay for whatever that program is. They love guns and violence as long as it’s the government using the guns to force everyone to pay for their loving program.

We should all be pissed and pointing out how evil they are, and not let any liberal get a pass on their hypocrisy and evil. I would bet that many people reading this are conservatives and rooting me on. Unfortunately, conservatives have the same problem. They want to force people to pay for police and military and whatever their programs are. Liberals want bleeding heart stuff. Conservatives want guns and power. Both are equally evil and sick and socialist.