All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

Do Socialists Want Open Borders?

When I advocate for open borders, people accuse me of being a socialist, in spite of the fact that:

  • No socialist country has ever had open borders.
  • Open borders is the doctrine taught in Scripture.
  • The federal government is not given the power to regulate immigration in the Constitution.
  • One of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence is that the king was trying to limit immigration.
  • The U.S.A. had open borders until the 1920s leading to unprecedented economic growth.

But does a good socialist, who wants to control wages believe in open borders? There might be some, I don’t know, but here is Bernie himself showing that he wants to control the labor market by controlling the border.

Good Border Conversation

I’m talking to a guy who is a knowledgeable Christian, but has just been duped.  His arguments are so bad they’re almost funny. Here is my last response to him.

You espouse the policies of Karl Marx and mock the policies of Thomas Jefferson, and I’m the traitor? You’ve been tricked into advocating socialism, and you don’t even realize it.

I think I responded to your arguments before you made them, but I will reiterate. The U.S. had completely open borders. The first limitation to immigration was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. One of the freest, most capitalist countries in the history of the world had open borders.

You’ll notice Rev. 21:25 says, “On no day will its gates ever be shut…” The gates are never closed. It’s saying that everyone is free to come and go. Ancient Jerusalem had a wall for defensive purposes, but there were Israelites outside the city. It wasn’t a border where they would keep people in or out. Using this passage is a really bad argument.

Maybe Matthew 16:18 better serves your argument: “the gates of hell will not prevail…” Hell is here described as having a wall with closed gates. You’re advocating the policies of Satan, Marx, Stalin, Kim Jung Un, etc.

There is another country that had a perfect law, and maximum human freedom, with civil laws written by God–ancient Israel. They had open borders. If you’re advocating government’s right to regulate non-sinful activities, you’re advocating for the government of the beast (Rev. 13:17).

Free markets with unmanipulated price action are what causes individuals to make the best decisions about where they should live so that their labor benefits society and their family the most.

1. Can you name a communist country that has/had open borders?
2. What acts (other than crossing a border) that aren’t sinful should the government be allowed to regulate (keeping in mind Romans 13:3-4 says they can’t punish good deeds, only evil deeds)?
3. What was the civil penalty for crossing ancient Israel’s border?
4. How were Israelites to treat sojourners?

So Ironic

I’m watching Part 2 of “Making a Murderer” on Netflix. If you’re not familiar with the story, Steven Avery was wrongfully convicted and spent 18 years in prison and was released. Only a few years after his release, he was convicted of murder again. And, I think he is innocent, but who cares what I think. His parents, who are about 80 years old and own a junk yard and auto shop think he’s innocent.

This picture of the inside of their business struck me. They have two large American flags hanging.

I bet if you asked his parents whether they believe America is a great country and if it’s a free country, they’d passionately say it’s the greatest and the freest, all while their son has spent about 29 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit. In the 2nd conviction, it appears the sheriff’s department and the prosecutor is out to get him. How could Steven’s parents still hang the American flag? How do they not see it as a constant reminder that there isn’t justice for all?

They remind me of so many others who have been brainwashed to worship America, while it continues to move toward what is unamerican and anti-Christian. All they can do is bury their head in the sand, make fun of Kaepernick and keep up the Americaolatry.

Who is the Troll?

There’s a ballot measure for a substantial property tax increase for the fire department locally. Sickeningly, people in my church are for it. The girl in this conversation goes to my church, and before I asked the first question, a guy from my church, who is a real pantywaist, had responded that he will bring her a sign. He showed again what a real pantywaist he is by deleting his comment. Here’s the conversation.

This girl is a perky, bubbly person who is currently running an insurance agency, and is marketing herself as someone with whom you’d want to come in and chit chat about insurance. I’m surprised she betrayed all the marketing efforts in this conversation with personal attacks.

A troll from stories I read as a kid is a creature that lives under a bridge and forces people to pay a toll. Does that sound at all applicable to this situation? Call me whatever names you want, but she is the real troll, in favor of forcing others to pay just for living in this fire district. Once a year the system of trolls send the bill, and we’re forced to pay.

She’s personally mounting an attack on my financial well-being. Any other business in favor of forcing people to pay for its services would be immoral, but I’m the troll for speaking out against the covetousness in my congregation. I’m the troll for not wanting to be forced to pay for services I’ve never used, and being in favor of a funding model that doesn’t involve threats and violence.

But yesterday, my pastor spoke on the minutiae of Exodus 35 for 50 minutes, while ignoring the gross immorality of a good portion of the people in his church.  Christians are the enemy of righteous government and liberty. That is why we are losing the culture.

A Simple Question

I used to listen to this guy a lot and I need to refresh myself on his arguments. He’s dead on on everything he says about our government. I don’t know if he would end up agreeing with the biblical plan for after our government is gone, but he’s awesome.

There’s a proposal for increasing property taxes for the fire department on the ballot, and a girl that goes to my church asked for a yard sign on the campaign’s facebook page. A guy who goes to my church and is a firefighter told her that he’d bring her a sign. I asked the question: So you guys are in favor of forcing me to pay this whether I want to or not, under the threat of confiscation of my home?

The guy deleted his comment. Whoever runs the facebook page is so ignorant that they said I must have the wrong ballot measure, because they’re not in favor of taking anyone’s home. The girl called me a troll. I said she takes the cake for being a troll, because she actually is in favor of forcing me to pay for her pet cause.  Of course, no one actually answers the question or carries on a conversation.

Here’s the video with the simple question.

Short and Sweet Conversation

I keep thinking about the documentary I once saw interviewing East Germans about their thoughts after East Germany fell, and they were going to be reunified with a much more capitalist West Germany. They couldn’t imagine how they could survive without big government in their lives. Freedom can be scary.

I see the same thing with conservatives on so many topics, like the one in this conversation about borders. I made the point that The founding fathers had open borders, and that Scripture teaches open borders. The immediate reaction of conservatives is the same as those East Germans. They have no faith in free markets. They have so much fear, and expose themselves as socialists.

I thought this was a good, short example of that.

As Concise as I Can Get on Border Policy

These two paragraphs sum up all my arguments for open borders.

Scripture teaches open borders. The Constitution doesn’t give congress the power to regulate immigration–only naturalization. The founding fathers listed immigration restrictions as one of the reasons for secession in the Declaration of Independence.

It’s not a sin to hire a foreigner or cross a border, and it shouldn’t be illegal (Romans 13:3-4). Conservatives have been duped into espousing big-government, central-control of labor markets. All socialist countries have closed borders. The USA had open borders until the 1920s and lead to unprecedented economic growth.

Lying Cops #1008

These cops are lying dirtbags.[0]=68.ARApqUf0aM4z-dZ01PFr2AkcP8Bmwwc51DJT-_khxhjbsW3XGVcsZd8vonNHzto3AAC3Ig4hwMhgnDPWXyXKppHgDfuCLAhk2brn-1OhwZe0QOuNQMcEXg8FDs7j8oQhwBmoIBOEPLGddE77QFQrJTVYqk2cookanzSwYsvL9whXv3rQTIMJpWwKxgXlNmuVoRMlD_javaplpJCuPHQrILTvX915jCAumSsWw00

The 20 year-old recording the interaction stopped recording when the deputy reached behind his back. He ended up not being arrested. The sheriff said that the deputy was wrong, and that you have the right to record. If he had been arrested, he probably would have had ended up with a pretty good lawsuit. Hopefully, he can still sue for something.