All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

Cop Murders Woman and Gets Off – The Whole Thing on Video

This poor officer was overwrought with emotion to think for even a fleeting second that he might face jail time for murdering this woman. The DA never even sought charges. Everyone knows cops are free to fire their weapons willy nilly, especially when there’s a dog in the vicinity.

But the only source of justice says that anyone who kills someone with a deadly weapon must be put to death.

Numbers 35:15-16, “These six cities shall be for refuge for the people of Israel, and for the stranger and for the sojourner among them, that anyone who kills any person without intent may flee there. But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death.”

This cop may not be guilty of any crime under man’s law, but he’s a murderer under God’s law. Are we really doing his eternal soul any favors by pretending otherwise? Any Christian who doesn’t call for the death penalty for this cop is an idolater.

Before You Condemn Kaepernick

Kaepernick has stayed in the news for two solid years now. What an amazing protest it’s been, as it persists to be in the news even while he’s no longer in the NFL. I’m ashamed and horrified at the Christian and conservative reaction to the issue. It has revealed so much idolatry of America. Here are a few corrections to the falsehoods conservatives use to argue against Kaepernick.

  1. Black-on-black crime isn’t the issue.
  2. The likelihood (or unlikelihood) of being killed by a cop isn’t the issue.
  3. The issue is the likelihood of a cop murdering someone and going unpunished. It is very likely that a murderous cop will go unpunished.
  4. Even one instance of a murderer going unpunished is a problem, but it is a common occurrence.

Before you brush Kaepernick off dismissively, you must explain whether it’s acceptable for cops to murder people and get away with it. If it’s not acceptable why aren’t you outraged about it?

The cops who murdered the following individuals (as a matter of a very small sample of the thousands of murders police have committed against people of all colors in the last few years) got off scot-free.

Those are black victims, but there are white victims cops have murdered and have gone unpunished such as Daniel Shaver and Andrew Finch. For some reason most white people don’t give a crap, but I, for one, am outraged about the murder of Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and so many others, regardless of their color.

Anyone who is more outraged at Kaepernick than they are about actual murders being committed by police and the murderers going unpunished reveals a gross level of idolatry of America.

For My Safety

The other day, I went to the courthouse in Pueblo. When you walk in the front door, you have to go through a metal detector, and there’s a pathway roped off where you have to walk back and forth when there’s a long line. I’ve never actually seen a line of more than three people, but I figured there must be a line at some time.

On this day, there was no one there. It seemed like a waste of time and foolish to walk back and forth through the circuitous pathway, with no one in line, so I ducked under the rope. The sheriff’s deputy told me that I have to go all the way through the line, “for his safety.”

I’m not always very good at coming up with things to say; I just laughed at him. He relented on making me go back through and start over, but said that if his sergeant had been on duty, he would have made me go back to the beginning. I can’t imagine anyone has ever actually attacked this old fat boy sitting on a stool.  I should have asked him how many times he’s been attacked.

The taxpayers hired cops (at least that’s what they claim) to protect us and our rights–not to make us walk back and forth in a non-existent line because they’re worried about their own safety. I want cops to be as safe as possible, but I expect them to put their safety after our rights, and after the safety of the public.

Law enforcement is a safe job. Garbage men have a more dangerous job. Feel free to look it up for yourself. This guy is just on a power trip like so many other cops.

Why is it that we as “free” people of this society have to be extra sensitive towards cops and their safety?

Conservatives Have No Idea What Socialism Is

I joined a new conservative Facebook group that has tons of action. It’s named “The Deplorables”. I got kicked out of a big tea party group several months ago. I joined several others, but there are rarely enough people commenting there for some reason, even though some of them have thousands of members. But Deplorables is where the action is now.

A guy posted that social security is socialist, and retirees who want to fight socialism ought to burn their checks. I absolutely agree, and I’m planning for retirement hoping to do just that. I understand that some people aren’t financially able to do that, but I always thought that was the conservative position–that socialism should be rejected.

Apparently I was wrong, because a shocking number of the people there are defending social security. They say things like we paid into it, so it’s not socialist. It’s shocking.

If conservatives are those who believe that social security is great, then conservatism has been defeated, and the USSR won the cold war. Here’s a sample of the conversation I had in the Deplorables group.

Lying Cops #1004

Here’s another cop that is either lying or is completely ignorant of the law. Either way, her job is supposed to be to protect our rights, but that is a joke. Every paycheck this cop accepts is an act of fraud.

This is almost exactly like a conversation I had with the police a few years ago. It was resolved when our lawyer threatened to sue the city. The dispatchers were instructed to explain to those calling to complain that no law was being broken and the cops would not be responding. The truth is they don’t have to respond to every complaint.

Here’s A Great Article

I happened across this article, and it is excellent.

Here’s a quote:

Immigrants today often move here with no money and no job, and not knowing anyone. That’s bravery to me. It’s a risk that “C” students, the dullards, don’t ever take. Immigrants tend to be highly ambitious and brave persons, which explains why they are more likely than native-born Americans to risk starting up their own businesses. Today, immigrants are the brave people needed to populate the “home of the brave”.

The most oft repeated command in Scripture is, “Do not fear.”