Is The Government Closing Borders the Same as Locking Your Door?
No. And anyone who thinks that they are alike is a socialist. The government doesn’t own this country.
Here’s a good quick video explaining some other issues with this analogy.
Is The Government Closing Borders the Same as Locking Your Door?
No. And anyone who thinks that they are alike is a socialist. The government doesn’t own this country.
Here’s a good quick video explaining some other issues with this analogy.
Here’s Officer Willis with the Plano PD handing out government propaganda stickers to some kids in Chik-Fil-A in August, 2015.
Here’s Officer Willis harassing some teenagers during a traffic stop for smiling a few months earlier.
He supposedly faced discipline, but it appears his punishment will not be divulged to the public. He clearly has no business being a cop.
I posted this question to a tea party Facebook group and had an interesting conversation with one of the many socialists who are trying to pass as conservatives. Here’s the question, and the conversation.
ΜΕ ⇒ Does anyone know what the immigration policy the founding fathers implemented? Should their policies and thinking on the subject influence us as conservatives?
SOCIALIST ⇒ Our borders were to be secured. I believe that is clear!
ΜΕ ⇒ That is the opposite of the truth. There were no limitations on immigration. The borders were open until the 1920s. The Constitution doesn’t give Congress the power to regulate immigration–only naturalization.
SOCIALIST ⇒ To secure our border was always a priority. To say otherwise is just plan idiotic.
ΜΕ ⇒ Secure from invaders, yes. But the founders gave us open borders.
SOCIALIST ⇒ isn’t 25 million a threat? At what point does a group become an occupational force that then needs to be handled like a security issue, a national threat?
ΜΕ ⇒ So you don’t care about the legacy of the founding fathers. The only threat to the American way of life is conservatives who advocate for socialism and big government–like you.
SOCIALIST ⇒ Wow, you’re an argumentative ass. …you also know nothing. ….I think you’re a lying troll trying to confuse people into believing that conservatives did the immoral deeds and sins that the progressives and Democrats are responsible for…..
ΜΕ ⇒ You’ve been duped. The founding fathers gave us open borders, and socialists and Marxists want central control of the labor markets. Democrats have been the ones who want to limit immigration. Conservatives like Reagan and the founding fathers advocate small government and free immigration. Show me the limitations the founding fathers placed on immigration. Otherwise, just admit you don’t care what they thought.
SOCIALIST ⇒ officiating the truth is a tactic of the left. …you are an evil person! [Editor’s note: I have no idea what this means.]
ΜΕ ⇒ I know it doesn’t feel good to be shown that you’re advocating for Marxist policies. But show me where the founding fathers limited immigration. In fact, one of the reasons given for their secession in the Declaration was that the king was trying to prevent immigration, and they wanted free immigration.
SOCIALIST ⇒ Lynette, he is a member of the tea party. ….but only to troll. …he is a bad person.
ΜΕ ⇒ Being in the tea party would indicate that I have an affinity for America’s founding principles. I realize what they gave us is the opposite of what conservatives believe today.
SOCIALIST ⇒ Unjust taxes is a strong belief by many independents /Liberians…..taxation without representation. Non professional politicians. [Editor’s note: It’s officially gone off the rails for our socialist friend.]
ΜΕ ⇒ Do you reject the immigration/border policies of the founding fathers?
SOCIALIST ⇒ take your medication and go back inside to your therapy group, they miss you!
I’ve had this same conversations several times, but I thought this one was relatively short, so appropriate to post here. I think this meme is a very accurate portrayal of how these conversations go.
The story of the police in Denver shutting down a kids’ lemonade stand on Memorial Day weekend made big news. Everyone got mad that the government would do such a thing, and that neighbors called the cops on little kids. But that’s not the big story.
The real story is that the cops completely made up the laws they were enforcing. There is no law requiring children to get a permit or forbidding children from setting up a lemonade stand. It is the cops who weren’t obeying the law. The people should have arrested them. The cops expect people to just obey them, even when they’re lying through their teeth.
This isn’t anything unique. I can find dozens of examples of cops telling people they’re required to carry ID, or making up other laws. In fact, it’s happened to me.
This has happened because most people do whatever the cops say. We need to get back to defying the government as the founding fathers taught us. We need to teach our children to not respect cops, and to not respect the law.
Obviously, it’s not a crime to disrespect a cop. He’s just lying through his teeth.
The choice in this life is between Jesus Christ and absurdity. The U.S. court system has determined that it’s unconstitutional for the government to submit to Christ. Therefore, they have chosen absurdity, and it is not only not worthy of respect, it is only worthy of mockery.
Listen to this cop lie about identification. He just expects everyone to do what he says. If someone stands up for their rights, (supposedly purchased by the blood of America’s service men) they’re being difficult.
He was hired by the people to protect our rights, yet here he is trying to take this lady’s rights away.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Christians are against abortion. But are they against it enough to actually do anything? If they were passionately against abortion, what would it look like?
First of all, Canon City has about 20,000 people. That would mean there are probably more than 10,000 professing Christians (which is somewhat meaningless), and I’d guess about 2,000 that are actually saved. What would happen if those 2000 people spent 2 hours per month fighting abortion and preaching the gospel? That would not be too much to ask. In fact, it’s commanded in Scripture (not the 2 hours, but the caring for orphans). Abortion is murder, and children are being torn limb from limb, legally, in this country.
What would 4000 man-hours spent per month look like in Canon City? First of all, there are about 720 hours in a month. Let’s eliminate any type of work from 10 pm to 7 am, as there aren’t much people around at those times. That means there are about 450 working hours per month. That would mean there would be nine Christians laboring to end child sacrifice from 7 am to 10 pm every day. That would be impressive. How much discussion would there be if there were always Christians out agitating the public?
Of course, the more likely scenario is that people would concentrate their efforts a little more. There might be times when there are more people out. You might hear Christians bringing up the topic wherever they go. Maybe we could picket pharmacies until they stop selling their abortion pills.
There are no abortion clinics here, but there is in Colorado Springs. There, there are enough Christians to block the doors of the abortion clinic so that no one could ever even approach the doors. I’ve been to the Planned Parenthood there, when my family were the only ones there.
We already have everything we need to end abortion. We have enough people and the God-given conscience of everyone else who know murder is wrong. This saying is right: Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by permission of the church.”
Proverbs 24:11: Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
James 1:27: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
I posted this video on Facebook and had a couple cop worshipers respond. I called the police pansies, which they certainly are.
The main reason they’re pansies is because they tackle this guy from behind. There is also a possibility that they’re pansies because depending on what information they had about this bag, they overreacted. However, we’ll withhold judgment on that until more is known about the situation.
I asked the first cop apologist what good reason they might have had for tackling him from behind with no warning, and there was just silence, though she’ll pray for me.
The second cop apologist asked whether the guy may have punched a cop while entering the cordoned-off area, and whether the local cops know this individual as someone who always struggles while being arrested.
Even if those were both true, the guy was not presenting a threat when he was tackled. He wasn’t leaving the scene or even walking towards his bike to leave. He was staying there probably expecting them to shake his hand. There is no biblical justification for assaulting the guy.
I asked the apologist what the biblical justification for assaulting the guy was, and he never responded. The crazy thing about this guy is that he is completely anti-government. He thinks sharply about many different topics. I agree with him on so many things, but it seems that because he is a cop, he is unable to apply his thinking to this one topic.
A Christian, cop friend of mine posted this:
You may remember Rodney King. He was badly beaten by a few cops, whose trial was moved from LA and a jury of Rodney’s peers to Simi Valley, which is about 90% white. The jury found the cops not guilty, and that sparked the LA riots in 1992. Rodney’s beating was video taped from afar by a guy with a big VHS video camera. If it weren’t for that guy’s video, no one would have ever known about those evil cops.
Today, a lot of cops wear a body camera, and people have video cameras in their pockets, and carry them everywhere. It has led to hundreds of cops being exposed as evil, crooked, power-tripping, dirt bags. However, just as with Rodney King, prosecutors (who are on the same side as the cops) manage to get cops off for the crimes they commit, even when there is video.
For example, several cops have been caught planting drugs by their body cam. Cop apologists say that is the 1% of bad cops they’re talking about. I have a couple of questions about that. Did the police departments in these cases volunteer this video to the defense or the media? Wouldn’t the real measure of the effectiveness of body cams be the rate at which the “good” cops voluntarily use the footage to pursue justice against cops who do bad things? How often, when a cop sees another cop doing something wrong has the good cop requested the footage or taken his own footage of the incident and sought justice for the wrongdoing, or even made an arrest? Are the relatively small proportion of body cams catching bad cops due to defendants, prosecutors or media requesting footage? How hard is it for people to get the footage of any given incident, and are we sure the footage isn’t doctored?
I have no doubt that cops love body cams when they’re falsely accused, and they spread the footage far and wide. I also have no doubt that people have often falsely accused them, and “good” cops ought to love body cams.
All of that is interesting, but the big question this meme raises is: By what standard do we measure “good”? Greg Bahnsen wrote books on that topic, one of which is titled “By What Standard?” I vehemently reject that the standard for what makes a good cop can be found in man’s law. A cop that goes through his career having never abused any citizens, but strictly enforcing unjust laws is not a good cop. The standard for goodness must come from Scripture. God owns the terms good, bad, evil, wicked, righteous and just. Those are terms only he can define.
So what is the biblical definition of a good cop? First of all, socialist-funded security services wouldn’t be permitted in Scripture. Second, individuals having executive power to arrest people on the spot is also biblically prohibited. Third, forgetting the first two issues, the definition for good government would come from Romans 13 (among other places). That chapter teaches that rulers are supposed to be God’s servants to carry out His wrath against evildoers. Every level of U.S. government is prohibited from seeking to be a servant of the God of the Bible. It is unconstitutional.
Did you catch that? It is unconstitutional for our government to be good by God’s definition. There are no good cops, judges, street sweepers, TSA agents, bureaucrats, etc., unless they are somehow sabotaging the system, disobeying orders or refusing to do the sinful things they may be asked to do.
So, body cams have shown that there are plenty of bad cops. And for a Christian to post this meme only goes to show the sad state of the American church.
Body cams are great, because even though they may not be effective all the time, and may be tampered with, they have exposed many dirty cops. I would also think that police would be less likely to abuse people with their body cams on. Ultimately, the only thing that will improve police behavior is if they’re prosecuted and treated under the same law as everyone else. Having cops commit a crime on body cam and then having the prosecutor not prosecute or throw the case is useless.
In reference to yesterday’s video, Bojidar Marinov had this to say about whether it’s polite for immigrants to this country to only speak English in public.
Until 1920, the US had large areas where English was a minority language. In 1875, more than half the newspapers in St. Louis MO were printed in German or other languages. Central and North Texas had more German speakers than English speakers until the 1930s. I have friends of Norwegian and Swedish descent who grew up listening to sermons in Scandinavian languages in their churches in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and that was back in the 1960s. The majority of the Dutch Reformed theologians in America in the 20th century grew up with Dutch being the main language spoken in their communities.
Guess who started the campaign to unify all under the same language.
The socialists. The campaign started in the late 1800s, and behind it were Fabian socialists who were concerned that a diverse population could be much harder to control. One of the concepts behind the government schools was to make all the kids uniform under the same language, Once the kids were separated from the language of the parents, they would be an easy prey for socialists to indoctrinate.
Well, they succeeded.