All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

The Ten Fundamentals of Modern Statism by RJ Rushdoony

1. The first duty of every state is to protect the state, not the people.

2. Other states are occasional enemies; the people are the continual enemies.

3. The purpose of taxation is confiscation, control, the redistribution of wealth, control, the support of the civil government, and control.

4. All steps to increase state power must be done in the name of The People, but the people are to be used and stripped of freedom in the process.

5. Freedom is dangerous; controls are good.

6. Freedom must be redefined; it is a right to be morally loose and irresponsible, but Christian morality is social slavery.

7. Children are the property of the state.

8. The two great sources of evil are the church and the family.

9. The only world is the world; there is no God, no heaven, nor hell.

10. Anything the state operates or does is good, in any and all spheres: education, war, peace, spending, and so on. What is “public” or statist is good; what is “private” is bad.

How Do We Know Whether We Should Have Open Borders?

There are a couple of issues where conservatives have completely gone off their rockers, where they endorse liberalism, and claim it is conservatism–borders and police.

Conservatives are supposed to be for small government, but they leave that ideal behind on this topic. In this video, we see a clear demonstration that Reagan is for much more freedom on this issue than Bill Clinton/Obama, etc. Yet conservatives ignore Reagan and adopt liberalism whole hog.

I’d also point out that conservatives are supposed to be strict constructionists on the Constitution. Yet, the Constitution gives no power to congress to regulate immigration, but they’re willing to throw out the Constitution on this topic.

Is this just an intellectual exercise, or is it important for Christians to be able to figure this out? It seems important to me to figure this out. The Bible speaks on this topic. Why would we be free to ignore it or contradict it? We are to be kind to immigrants and stand up for the weak. If we are in favor of the government harassing people, we are hardly applying biblical principles.

Tips For Young Women

I have two little girls, a 3-year old and one whose due date is tomorrow. I definitely feel unqualified to advise them as they grow up. I guess I haven’t prepared for that, but I have a few years, and things like this will catch my eye.

This is advice from Bojidar Marinov that sounds pretty good.

That’s why I tell single girls (including my own): As a general rule, stay away from these three groups of men: (1) statists and government employees (socialists, Communists, cops, bureaucrats, etc.), (2) institutional church leaders (pastors, youth pastors, worship leaders, teachers in seminaries, etc.), and (3) patriarchalists. There may be individual exceptions among them, but in general, all these people have the mentality of exploiting you as a weaker vessel, always under the disguise of “exercising authority” over you. And you will eventually end up exploited, no matter how glorious the beginning may be.

Find a man who is focused not on finding a wife but on serving others – whether business, work, art, finances, charity, etc. A man who has a field of work that doesn’t depend on you and doesn’t include ruling over you as a source for his sense of “manhood.”. That’s the man you want. If he is interested in you, great. If not, use your female charm to make him interested in you. And then, when you marry him, keep him focused on his work, so that he give you the freedom to be a true wife, not a concubine of the sort the patriarchalists want you to be.

Were the Puritans Theonomists?

Here’s Joel McDurmon answering that question, and assigning some reading.

Well, that first of all depends on how one defines “Puritan.” It also depends on exactly what you mean by “that view” of Theonomy, because both Rush and Bahnsen 1) did not fully agree with each other, and 2) left many exegetical questions vague or unanswered, which means other people (“Puritans” included) could disagree with either or both at various points as well.

Nevertheless, there is substantial agreement, in some cases almost total with Bahnsen, among some of the Westminster Divines, some of their precursors, and some of the New England Puritans.

For their primary sources, I would start with these few places:

Johannes Piscator, Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses.

Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses
The appendix in this book lists several theologians who followed this view, which is almost identical to modern biblical Theonomy.

For New England examples, see this collection of three sermons which relate that very view, clearly influenced by Piscator, et al after him. Appleton’s sermon especially is dead-on.

Finally, there is a terrific historical essay in a journal called The Confessional Presbyterian. The essay is on “The Westminster Assembly and the Judicial Law: Part One, Chronology.” It outlines many published views of the Divines. Some are dead-on for Bahnsen’s view. Other’s are Constantinian. Some are in between. Still others are completely dismissive of the judicial laws. There was a full spectrum of views at the assembly. I recommend this essay, but the companion essay right after it, “Part Two: Analysis” is awful.

These all should give you a great start on this question and some primary sources. There are more listed in that last essay. It may be good at some point to pull them up a reprint them, but Piscator and the New England sermons are all I have in full right now.

Another Lying Cop

Cops routinely lie about whether a citizen is required to show identification. You can catch the actual lying at 1:43.

There are awesome cop blockers and free speech advocates among Christians who are preaching the gospel/working to abolish abortion. They just don’t call themselves cop blockers or promote their videos that way. The cop blockers and citizen journalists go around and sometimes seem to be trying to provoke cops (which is fine and I enjoy watching that important work) while Christians truly have a purpose for what they’re doing.

Abusive Cop

Personally, I’d tell this guy that I respect neither him nor the law. Any cop that doesn’t lift a finger to protect unborn babies deserves no respect. Any country with laws that allow the murder of 60 million babies deserves no respect.

Furthermore, any cop that would pull someone over for disrespect, aka exercising the 1st amendment constitutional right, is not worthy of respect. His job is to protect constitutional rights, not use government resources to discourage their exercise.

Lessons From the American Revolution They Didn’t Teach You in Government Schools

1. Killing cops is within the realm of possibility.


2. Throwing off your government is within the realm of possibility.


3. You shouldn’t just always do what the cops say.


4. You shouldn’t always go on singing God Save the King and pledging allegiance to the union jack.


5. You shouldn’t trust the government to educate your children.

Do Police Protect Us?

A couple of my Christian friends have said that they support the police because they protect us. There are a few problems with that.

1. That’s not their God-given job.

The only job of government is to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4). THERE IS NO OTHER PURPOSE. Protecting the people is not the purpose of government.

2. Police don’t protect us.

a) They’ve failed to protect the 60 million babies murdered by abortion. They are bad at their job.

b) Government is the biggest thief and murderer. Their theft by civil asset forfeiture alone is greater than private theft. That’s not to mention property taxes, income taxes, vehicle taxes, etc. Police and government are the thieves we need to be protected from.

3. Americans are armed. The reason there aren’t gangs of thugs going around robbing, raping and pillaging (other than the police) is because Americans are armed, and a home invader knows there’s a good shot he’ll have his head blown off.

Those who would sacrifice freedom for security are worth of neither.