All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

Ten Purposes of God’s Law

I wrote these down from this podcast, and I didn’t catch exactly which book they came from, but they’re from Greg Bahnsen, who is the Einstein of Christianity.
The ten purposes of God’s law:
1. The law declares the character of God.
2. The law reveals the demands of God on our lives.
3. The law pronounces blessing on its adherents.
4. The law provides a definition of sin.
5. The law exposes infractions and convicts of sin.
6. The law works to incite rebellion in sinful men
7. The law condemns all transgression as deserving God’s wrath and curse.
8. The law drives us to Christ for salvation.
9. The law guides the sanctification of believers.
10. The law serves to restrain the evil of the unregenerate.

List of Most Dangerous Jobs

1. Logging workers
2. Fishing and related workers
3. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
4. Other extraction workers
5. Roofers
6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
7. Mining machine operators
8. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers
9. Farmers, ranchers
10. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
11. Construction laborers
12. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs
13. Maintenance and repair workers, general
14. Grounds maintenance workers
15. Police and sheriff’s patrol officers

From here.

I’ve never seen the grounds maintenance workers complaining about how dangerous their job is. I’ve never heard of them abusing anyone because it’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, or because the most important thing is to go home at the end of the shift.


Must Listen – Session 4 of the Freedom Conference

-Belief in an executive government (our government) is idolatry. An executive government is one that makes laws. If government can make laws, they are a god. Only God can make laws; government’s only job is to punish those who violate God’s law.

-Torture is unbiblical.

-Questions for self-examination:
1. Do we call the cops on our neighbor for things the government ought not be involved in? Stop.
2. Do we teach our kids to respect all authority? Stop.
3. Do we teach our kids to discern proper authority?
4. Are our kids in public school? Public schools haven’t failed, but are very successful, and operating at maximum efficiency.

-The nuclear family is the building block of a Christian society.

-1 Cor. 3:21-22: The past isn’t ours. The past is forgotten. Christians are to have a future orientation.

Step 1. Purge the pulpits of idolatry.
-Socialists aren’t the problem; American pastors are the problem.
-If a pastor isn’t preaching rebellion at this time of injustice, he’s preaching idolatry.
-Stop donating to idolatrous churches/pastors/ministries.
-We are responsible for rebuilding the black robed regiment.

Step 2. Starve the beast.
-Serve on a jury. Only vote to convict for biblical crimes.
-Defeat school bonds and tax increases.
-Influence the sheriff to reject federal government handouts.
-Don’t submit to the government voluntarily. Make your compliance painful and expensive.


Must Listen – Session 3 of the Freedom Conference

Here are the highlights from session 3:

Our job is to eliminate:
1. Standing armies. A standing army would have been repugnant to the founding fathers, and it is repugnant to God’s law.
2. Police. Police are a domestic standing army. Any sheriff who has a single piece of equipment from the military isn’t a local. He’s a government henchman.
3. Taxing Agencies. Taxation for any other purpose than that in Romans 13 is theft.
4. Sin tax. Sin taxes are the attempt of a god to reach into our hearts to try to change us.
5. Public school.
6. Economic regulations.
7. Econimic subsidies. Including agriculture, welfare, minimum wage, federal reserve, immigration restrictions.

– 1 Cor. 11:3: “…the head of every man is Christ.” This is a political statement. Government is not the head of any man.