I happened across this fantastic paragraph dripping with Scripture in a longer comment written by Matt Mannucci.
The scripture is clear: the role of the Civil government is to be a servant of God to punish evil and not good (Romans 13:3-4). Good and evil is not determined by the arbitrary imaginations of men through the use of so called “natural law”, but rather good is the very character of God (Matthew 19:17, Mark 10:18, Psalm 11:7) as revealed to us in His Law-Word (Deuteronomy 4:5-6, John 1, Psalm 119:68). Civil rulers are to judge according to God’s Law (Psalm 119:46), not adding or taking away a single dot or iota (Deteronomy 4:2, Matthew 5:18). We are not to lean on our own understanding ( 3:5, 14:12, 16:25, Psalm 119:9) in order to reach our conclusions about policies (even if we want to rebrand our own understanding as “Natural Law” as the thomists like to do), but rather we are to study and lean on God’s Word, and He will make out path’s straight ( Proverbs 3:6, Psalm 119:24).