“In the second poll the reader sees the implications of having no borders. They don’t want criminals invading our country, sex trafficking and drug trafficking, and plundering through the welfare state.”
Bojidar Marinov had this brilliant response:
“In other words, Americans believe that whoever is a citizen, is by default good, and needs no government control, but whoever is not a citizen, is by default bad, and therefore needs to be controlled by the government.
Which means, a piece of paper by the government makes you good. Legality makes ethics.
Which is another proof for the degeneration of Americans from the original intent of the Founding Fathers. A people that believes that legality makes morality is a socialist people.”
At 0: 56, the cop says, “You’re responsible as a citizen of the United states to dispel any services in that way.” First off, that is nonsensical, and she should be forced to take a sobriety test before driving anywhere. Secondly, it is completely false that we have to cooperate with police until we’re under arrest or being interrogated. I keep asking the question whether police actually believe the stuff they say, or whether they’re just lying. Surely, she can’t be that stupid, so she must be lying. But then again, she does seem pretty stupid, so maybe it’s not so crazy that she’s borderline retarded.
The PR for the thin blue line says they protect our rights. Now, most people you run into who worship the police really are so stupid that they actually have bought into that. But are the more professional cop apologists that stupid, or are they lying?
Either way, the PR for the police says they’re protecting our rights, which would certainly include the 4th and 5th Amendments. But that is demonstrably false, as I’ve shown on this blog many times. So, the police are so confident that what they’re doing is so great, that they’re willing to force me to pay for their services via sales tax and property tax, not counting whatever money they receive from the federal government. Yet what they are providing isn’t what they say they’re providing. They’re committing fraud on an enormous scale, and I want my money back.
I’ve never heard any decent responses to my arguments for open borders. In this initial comment, I argued from the Constitution, something conservatives supposedly respect, though I’ve seen nothing but disdain for the Constitution from conservatives.
I have no idea why Mexico’s treatment of immigrants would be relevant to this discussion, and it certainly isn’t a response to the point I made.
Here’s the conversation. My comments are the first and the last.
I had a conversation in a Christian Facebook group. A lady asked for advice on whether her son should be come a cop. I posted the following initial response to her question, and ended up introducing new concepts to several people. I’m sure the seeds will grow, but they have been planted.
Here’s my first comment, and the rest of the conversation.
ME: Christians should avoid law enforcement. The laws in this country are becoming more and more pagan. As just one example, police have demonstrated that they’re unwilling to protect unborn babies, but they are willing to protect abortion businesses.
I’m going to school to be an LEO and I WILL make a difference. People WILL know me by my fruits.
MISTY: thats ridiculous talk. Avoid law enforcement?? So the streets can be over taken by crooked and “pagan” cops?? How about leading by example and being different?
SHERYL: my husband is a believer and that is quite offensive. God places his people in all areas of life, including government, for His glory and His purpose.
MISTY: please thank him for his service!!My husband is also a believer and an LEO #bluefamily
KAYLA: This is just silly and ludicrous.
ME: A Christian enforcing pagan laws is not better than a pagan enforcing pagan laws.
A Christian cop who wanted to be consistent with scripture won’t keep their job for long.
SHERYL: still offensive. You have no idea how my husband, and others, want to be consistent with scripture. Abortion isn’t the only issue in society.
BETH: that is ridiculous to think that all officers are put in that position. My husband is a law enforcement officer an absolutely committed to the Lord. With that logic someone could say don’t be a Christian because I knew one one time who did……and plus all the more reason we need godly men in that position.
You are correct though the time is coming when we’re all going to lose our jobs if we’re not willing the cave on our convictions. But it’s not just law enforcement.
ME: The job description of government is given in Romans 13:3-4. Their only job is to punish evildoers. Abortionists are evildoers who not only go unpunished, but are protected by police. 60 million babies have been murdered, in this country. That is 10 times the number of Jews Hitler killed. I’ve heard all the excuses from cops, but zero cops are being consistent with Scripture, because a huge number of murders have taken place, and the murders continue with the blessing of police.
Cops from small towns think they’re off the hook at this point, saying there are no abortion clinics in their town. (As if they would be shutting down the clinics single handedly if they lived in a big city). Unfortunately, there are very few agencies so small that they don’t have a pharmacy, where chemical abortions are sold over the counter. God only knows how many millions more babies are legally murdered while the small town Christian cops delude themselves into thinking their hands are clean.
Abortion is only the most egregious issue. I could run down a list of major injustices and issues committed by Christian cops.
Sheryl, abortion isn’t the only issue, but what a pitiful excuse for your husband’s inaction on the issue. If he can’t do his job of punishing murderers, he should quit. But he’s got a pension to worry about, right? I’m not questioning anyone’s salvation or their self-delusion about their commitment to Scripture. But it is quite simple to show how there are no cops who fulfill their God-given job description.
MIKE: this is one of the dumbest lines of argument I’ve seen on Facebook. Congratulations.
Thankfully in the time you spewed out this garbage and painted an entire community of people with your broad flawless brush there have been hundreds if not thousands of officers actions that have made a difference in the world we live in. Romans 13 also says that God chooses our leaders and we should be subject to the leadership. Life is complicated, but the answer is not for every Christian to exit law enforcement and it certainly isn’t for some random dude on the top row of the bleachers to command what everyone else should and should not do.
ME: Those are the same arguments used by the guards at Nazi concentration camps. Stop twisting Romans 13, and do what it says.
I hate to say it, but either conservatives have always been stupid, or Trump is making them act stupid. This was posted in a TEA Party group, and I left the following comment with no response. Unfortunately, it had already received many likes before I was able to blow it out of the water.
That any conservative would post this speaks to a vast sea of ignorance of America’s founding principles, and even the documents themselves. This is a famous line from the Declaration of Independence, a document you would think might be well-known among conservatives and TEA Party people. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
Here’s what I wrote, with no response from anyone.
“If the rights mentioned in the Constitution don’t come from God and don’t apply to everyone on earth, then they come from men, and they can be taken away by men. Furthermore, this is a great argument for abortion, because citizens are defined as people born here. If you’re not born, you don’t have rights if this terrible argument were true. “
Whenever I discuss politics with a Christian, the other person usually ends up quoting Romans 13 to suggest that I ought to shut up and just submit to the government.
This happens so often that I coined a new word to describe this occurence, “romansthirteen”. Here’s the definition.
Of course, the bootlicking, Hitler-glorifying interpretation of Romans 13 most (90+%) of Christians teach is incorrect. Romans 13:3-4 clearly teaches that there is one purpose of government, and that is to be God’s servant to carry out His wrath against evildoers. Any government worker who cares to glorify the Lord in his or her duty, has clear direction on how to do that.
1. Stop attempting to punish people who aren’t committing evil. 2. Stop attempting to collect taxes for anything government does other than punishing evildoers. 3. Be God’s servant to carry out His wrath on evildoers. 4. Stop harassing children with lemonade stands.
Of course, this is a radical idea to Christians who may have read this passage many times without paying attention to what it actually says, and believe that if a cop says kids must have a permit for their lemonade stand, the kids should jump up and go get a street vending permit, a food service license, and a sales tax license. I’ve tried to communicate this true message of Romans 13 to Christians many times online, and even meeting with otherwise knowledgeable people from church in person.
The only counterargument I’ve received is them jumping to some other passage in some other book and trying to explain Romans 13:3-4 away. This is a sure sign of a failed argument.
Whatever biblical doctrine you’re advocating, you must be able to walk through any and all passages and present a clear explanation of what that passage is talking about.
I learned this principle when studying Calvinism and Arminianism. There are passages that appear difficult for both of those systems of thought, and there are passages that initially appear to teach one over the other. The true test for which is correct is to listen to a Calvinist walk through a difficult passage for him, and see if he has a sensible explanation. Then, do the same thing for an Arminian. Of course, you would want to listen to the best and brightest individuals each side has to offer.
Calvinists can walk through 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and Matthew 22:37, and explain what those passages are actually talking about in context, in a way that makes sense. Arminians can’t walk through John 6, 8, Ephesians 1, Romans 8:28-30, Romans 9, etc. without jumping to some other passage. This is how we know Arminianism is false.
Anyone can take a few verses out of context, and twist them to teach anything they want. The real test is whether they can make sense of the verses that are difficult for them. Whatever doctrine is true, is true from Genesis to Revelation, in every single passage.
So I’m still looking for someone to explain how Romans 13:3-4 teaches something other than what I’m saying without jumping to some other book of the Bible. Until then, I will support my kids’ black market lemonade stands.
Social Security sucks. The first woman to receive social security benefits was Ida May Fuller. Feel free to google her for exact numbers, but she paid about $20 into social security, and received about $20,000.
Ida May Fuller was a covetous, greedy bitch, along with almost all others who have accepted Social Security.
Social Security is a wicked Ponzi scheme based on theft, and there is no good way to end it. The only way to end it is for a certain group of people who have have paid in not receive anything. And when I say “paid in”, I actually mean “robbed at gunpoint”. There is always a gun behind tax collection, even if you choose not to see the gun and pay by the due date.
I’m willing to forgive all the Social Security payments I’ve been robbed of to this point, and continue paying in (for a while) without ever receiving any benefits. I’m willing to be the victim of the covetousness and greed of socialists down through American history so that we can end all the greed and covetousness that Social Security causes the average American to engage in.
Baby boomers are fond of mocking younger generations while ripping off the younger generations by accepting their stolen Social Security payments.
One way to end socialism is to have a tax revolt. I have no doubt that would work if you could get enough people to participate. But, there seems to be little appetite for freedom among Americans, so I have to do what I can do, while avoiding prison. I have been on a benefits revolt for many years now. I hope others will join me. It might take a little longer to end socialism and tyranny with a benefits revolt, but if enough people refuse benefits of social security, public school, welfare, etc. we can end those systems.
There is a clear, perfectly legal path to victory over socialism for anyone who cares to take it. Are there enough people with a desire to end socialism?
This whole video is worth watching, of course. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything bad by John Stossel. However I’m just going to comment on what Hugo Chavez does at the 2:00 to 2:08 mark. He says, “Expropriate it!”, referring to the private business they were looking at.
It struck me what a greedy dirtbag he must be. He wants something, so he just takes it by threat of force. That is what all unrighteous government is based on, and the bigger, more socialist the government is, the more blatant they are about it.
Marx and the socialists on the street like to say that capitalists are the greedy ones, and anyone can certainly commit the sin of being greedy. However, capitalism doesn’t require greed. Socialism is built on, and requires greed and covetousness.
Capitalists get rich (in most cases) by serving people. In whatever business you’re in, you make a profit by serving people. Some businesses are more suited to serving a greater number of people than others. Sports and entertainment people can serve a greater number of people with their work hours than a guy who mows lawns, for example. A guy who figures out a way to mow lawns more efficiently and more cheaply than his competition, will please more people than a guy who doesn’t, and will make more money. People being motivated to make more money honestly, aren’t greedy.
Socialists are greedy. They covet free stuff either for themselves or for others, and they may even be willing to personally, voluntarily sacrifice, but as socialists, they ultimately want to force other people to pay as well.
Let’s take a local issue as an example. Socialists want more money for the local public school system. The school district is more than willing to accept their donations, and they may very well donate. But a socialist isn’t happy until everyone is forced to give more, whether they believe the school system is a worthy cause or not. Socialists like that are the greedy ones, who are committing the sins of covetousness and greediness.
Hugo Chavez demonstrates that sinfulness perfectly in those few seconds of this video.
Little girl detained by Border Patrol scum for 32 hours…ALONE!
This 9-year-old girl is a U.S. citizen, with a passport, and was detained for 32 hours, by herself, because she gave inconsistent answers to questions. I have two main points to make about this.
First, teach your children to disrespect false authority, and to not to talk to government officials, whether it’s border patrol, local police, child protective service, school teachers (because I know no one reading this would ever be stupid enough to send their kids to public school), or anyone else with the government. We all have a 5th Amendment right to not answer questions. What good is a right if you voluntarily give it up? If they don’t answer questions, their answers won’t be inconsistent, as this girl had, and is completely understandable for a girl her age.
I have told my kids this, but who knows how they would actually behave when under pressure. This is a good opportunity for a refresher.
Second, most of my friends are conservatives. Standard conservative beliefs include the following two tenets:
1. You should submit to, and honor law enforcement. 2. Members of the armed forces serve to protect our freedom.
These are contradictory beliefs. The police lie and steal (via civil asset forfeiture, frivolous traffic ticketing and enforcing unjust taxation) to take away our freedom.
Most of my conservative friends would be in shock that I’m not teaching my children to be subservient to the police, and that the police aren’t a valid authority. They would be in shock if I told my kids to remain silent and not answer government’s questions.
However, the best way to honor the sacrifice of military veterans is to exercise those freedoms they fought for. Remaining silent is the best way to honor veterans. When you surrender your freedoms you’re disrespecting the sacrifice of veterans.
I spoke with a couple people demonstrating for universal healthcare on 9th and Royal Gorge today. I asked them what exactly they’re wanting, and they wouldn’t really commit to anything specific, saying there are several different proposals being discussed in the state legislature.
I pointed out that whatever they’re advocating, if it’s based on taxation, and forcing people to pay, they’re committing the sin of covetousness, and they’re in favor of government theft.
The guy said we already fund fire services, public schools, etc by taxation. I told him we homeschool, and don’t receive a dime from the government, yet I’m forced to pay for the education of other people’s children under threat of confiscation of my property. We learn in kindergarten that it’s wrong to force people to participate in something they don’t want to do.
But he is absolutely correct in pointing out that if I were to take the position that it is just fine to fund public school, fire departments, and police services by socialism, then it is perfectly fine to fund everyone’s healthcare by socialism. Any line that you want to draw between public school and public healthcare is completely arbitrary. There is no logical reason why one would be acceptable, and the other unacceptable.
That is why unless we take a stand against all socialism, we will lose this debate. Our society will be based on covetousness, unless we start applying Scripture to the public discourse, and appeal to God’s law written on people’s hearts–even socialists. It is equally wrong for conservatives and Christians to covet taxpayer money for public school, police, fire services or border walls, as it is for liberals to covet money for healthcare.
Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union