Doug Casey On the Existence of the State

As I’ve said on this blog before, things like public school will eventually cease to exist, because it is inherently inferior to other systems. We should, however, not take it for granted, but continue to do what we can to hasten the demise of these corrupt, immoral systems.

I the following, Doug Casey argues that nation states will eventually cease to exist, just because they are obsolete and ineffective. Of course, that goes right along with the whole purpose of this blog. Here’s what he had to say:

Science fiction has always offered both a more accurate and more timely look at the future than any think tank. For one thing, a good book is the product of a genius, not a committee of suits trying to reach a consensus. And a format of fiction allows one to speculate in ways that a “serious person” can’t do in nonfiction.

Every educated person should have read the classics by Jules Verne, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke, among others. Add Neal Stephenson to that list. I’ve been a fan of Stephenson’s novel The Diamond Age since it was published in 1995. I strongly recommend you read the book.

There are many themes in The Diamond Age, which refers to a near-term future (I’ll guess around 2050) when nanotechnology has transformed much of life. Although not nearly as radically as I believe will actually be the case. (See my essays on the future here and here.)

But one theme in the book is quite a breakthrough, and spot-on. It posits the creation of “phyles” as the major form of social and political organization. The word comes from the same root as phylum, from the Greek, meaning “tribe” or “clan.” But I think it’s also a pun on the word “filial,” with its connotations of family.

The book posits, I believe correctly, that in the near future most nation states will have broken down. Many will have ceased to exist. It’s quite logical, because they’re a dysfunctional way for people to organize. And it’s happening right before our eyes. None of the countries in the Middle East, Africa, or Central Asia have any coherence. They’re just the result of some ruler’s military prowess, or some politicians drawing lines on a distant map. Nation states themselves have really only been around since the 17th century. Before that, people weren’t loyal to a country; they were loyal to a chief, a king, or an emperor.

Loyalty to a country can make some sense, on at least a primitive atavistic level, as long as the inhabitants of the “country” share a common language, religion, ethnicity, and customs. But it makes no sense when they have little in common. So it’s natural, and salubrious, for the various religious, ethnic, racial, cultural, or economic groups within a country that’s become too big, too “diverse,” and too “inclusive,” to want to get out. Everyone recognizes – even if they don’t say it – that a national government is just a vehicle for theft, benefiting the group that controls it.

As the world becomes more educated, the average man becomes more acutely aware of that fact. And as jet travel and the internet become universal, people start to realize they might have almost nothing in common with their so-called “countrymen.” And a lot more in common with people who may be on the other side of the globe, many of whom will feel the same way about their own countrymen.

I can tell you that I have much more in common with friends in the Congo or China than I do with my fellow Americans living down the road from me in a trailer park. I have nothing in common with them. These people not only aren’t my friends, they’re liabilities. And may turn into active enemies under the right circumstances. I’d rather associate with people with whom I share common values and interests, not just the same government ID.

In any event, almost all the world’s nation states are terminally burdened with debt, taxes, regulations and increasingly, strife between groups fighting for either a teat on the milk cow or political power. The nation state is a dinosaur; it no longer makes sense in a world with today’s technology and demographics.

This explains what we’ve seen in the last generation: the breakup of states. The USSR into 15 components. Yugoslavia into six. Czechoslovakia into two. Sudan into two. This is just the opening round. Most European countries have secessionist movements. Russia should eventually break up into a dozen new states. China into at least a half-dozen. Brazil into at least two. Bolivia into at least two, etc., etc.

Military Violence and Terror

In fact, the primary reason that’s given for the very existence of the nation state is to defend its inhabitants. But, with the changing nature of warfare, that’s one of the things it’s least able to do. Can it defend against a nuclear attack? No. At best it can just threaten to counterattack.

In fact, a country with a big military stationed all over the world, not only can’t defend its citizens, but actually draws in attacks by making enemies among the natives in far off places. In the past, it didn’t matter – the natives were immobile and powerless. Today they can go anywhere and access a wide variety of weapons.

In fact, governments are so united against “terrorism” because it’s not just a very effective tactic against the nation state – it really can only be used against the nation state. Governments couldn’t care less about the few hundreds of people that might be killed in a terror attack. They care because it threatens their existence.

In today’s world, nation states are no longer the big risk to other nation states. Rather, it’s groups like ISIS and al Qaeda that are a much bigger threat. They can’t be destroyed by dropping a nuke on their cities; they don’t have cities. They can be everywhere and anywhere. But they can easily attack the cities of their enemy. And those are just well-known Islamic threats. There will likely be many others of many varieties, on templates as different as the Red Army Faction, Aum Shinrikyo, or FARC.

The safest way to avoid attack in the age of cheap and easily available atomic, biological, and chemical weapons is to be dispersed. At least not to be part of a geographic nation state. From a military point of view a nation is about as viable as cavalry before WW1 or battleships during WW2.


Not being part of a nation state ameliorates a lot of problems for a person, but it’s not a total solution. What The Diamond Age posits, and I think is going to happen, is that people will form phyles, joining in an alliance according to what’s most important to them. Or the way they “self-identify,” to use a currently fashionable term. Jews famously stick together relative to the goyim. That’s one reason at least part of Israel (likely excluding the Hasidim and Palestinians) will survive as a nation. One reason Mormons are so successful is that they favor each other, like the Jews. Muslims (although rarely economically successful, for other cultural reasons) definitely do the same. Birds of a feather (all the outraged hysteria about racism notwithstanding) do, in fact, tend to flock together.

So here’s my prediction of what’s going to happen over the next couple of generations. Many nation states will simply collapse or disappear. Incidentally, I don’t think the U.S. will be a survivor. The country used to share a common culture, albeit with quaint regional variations. That’s no longer the case. The election of Trump has crystalized long-simmering, and growing antagonisms. It’s not that Americans just have a political difference of opinion. It now boils down to mutual cultural hatred, and on a visceral level. It’s only been exacerbated by the push for “multiculturalism,” always a stupid and destructive concept, from the usual suspects.

Take California, the Left Coast, for instance. Even now some of them are talking about divorcing themselves from hated Flyover Country. But even California makes no sense as a political entity. What does the Mexican population have in common with Silicon Valley? Nothing. What do the hippies in Humboldt County have in common with the Los Angelenos? Nothing. What do farmers in the Central Valley have in common with anybody else in the state? Nothing.

Incidentally, we can break down Canada and Mexico the same way. Much smaller entities within these (and all other) countries would be much more viable. But still anachronistic. And suboptimal.

So what will happen? Everywhere people will reorganize for mutual support, defense, insurance, companionship, and everything else. But it won’t have much to do with politics as we now know it. They’ll form phyles.

An outrageous concept, I know. Now you see why radical ideas are best presented in the form of novels.

Bo Clears That Right Up

There are often misunderstandings among Christians over what the Old Testament teaches on a certain topic. Here is one such example.

Misunderstander 1 says, “Restore OT immigration policy. Servants until the 3rd generation so that they are adequately educated on the culture and assimilated before they enjoy benefits and authorities of a “member of the congregation “.

[At least this individual wants to restore biblical policy, unlike most Christians who want a police state to enforce their arbitrary whims.]

Bo says, “There was no such “immigration policy” in the OT. No one could be forced to be a servant for any reason whatsoever except for crime. Even those who were slaves in foreign lands and fled to Israel, automatically were to be considered free persons.

Caleb was a second generation “immigrant.” His father was a Kenezite – from one of the Canaanitic tribes. He was a prince of Judah, not a servant. Obed-Edom was a first generation immigrant from the Philistines; he was originally from Gath, a compatriot of Goliath. He was appointed worship leader in the Temple. Certainly not a servant.

I am afraid, some of your practical theology may be rather based on modern politics than on the plain Biblical text.”

Misunderstander 2 writes, “Not all the individuals the Israelites made to serve them were guilty of a crime, but they were part of the spoils of war.”

Bo says, “To the contrary, they WERE guilty of a crime. They were Canaanites, the original inhabitants of the land, who were able to trick the Israelites into making a covenant with them. As Canaanites, they were guilty of the crimes that God condemned all Canaan for, but they got grace.

Again, those were not immigrants. Those were the original inhabitants of the land. As to immigrants, there was absolutely no rule about their immigration. There was only the rule about citizenship, and that was only about SOME of the cultures, not all. Ammonites and Moabites took ten generations to become citizens, Edomites and Egyptians took three generations. Everyone else could become a citizen upon conversion. And that was only about citizenship. Immigration was open to all.”

Hopefully, this will help us all remember, and understand God’s law better.

Conversation With Conservatives

Conservatives are just as socialist as liberals. They just have different programs, and don’t call it socialism. They are also just as anti-constitution. If half their lip service were true, I’d probably still be willing to call myself a conservative.

Here’s a typical conversation I’ve had on the topic of the constitution and immigration. I’ve had almost this exact conversation with about 15 different people now.

Me: “The Constitution doesn’t give the federal government power to regulate immigration. The founding fathers didn’t think it was the government’s business to control who comes and goes.”

“Conservative”: “You’re stupid.”

Me: “Prove me wrong. Cite the Constitution.”

After skimming the Constitution for the first time in their life, the conversation continues.

“Conservative”: “Well, times were different then. They needed to populate the continent.”

Me: “That’s the same argument they use when they want to ban guns. They say times were different then. The 2nd Amendment only applied to muskets. You have such little respect for the Constitution that you don’t even care to amend it. I always thought liberals were the ones who wanted to ignore the Constitution. ”

Trump Supporters

Trump is a tyrant. He might be slightly less tyrannical and nuts than Hillary Clinton, but that’s just a maybe. Evil is evil.

Someone posted this picture in a Trump-supporting Facebook group, and the commenters said some of the funniest things. It’s been pretty fun to go through and tell them that Trump is the one who actually said it.

Trump has done some good things, but he’s also banned bump stocks, and said things like this quote attributed to AOC. Trump supporters make the craziest excuses for him banning bump stocks. They elected a New York liberal, and they can’t just criticize him when he does wrong. So, it makes it all the more fun to catch them mocking AOC for saying something Trump said.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, meme and text

Here are some of the comments left by these people. No one has responded when they were told that Trump is the one who actually said that.

“Wow she realy wants a civil war.”

“Typical democrat turd. Doesn’t know what constitutional protections are.”

“Take em early? Before I get it sighted in.”

“This SHOWS her immaturity and ignorance. Growing up in an URBAN setting deprived her of a true understanding of the freedoms afforded to all citizens. She is WILLING to give up these freedoms because she’s been brainwashed into that belief. SO SAD”

“Her 15 minutes of fame is up”

“The woman is an idiot and needs to go back to where she came from.”

“Keep talking BIMBO, you are helping us conservatives. Brain dead idiot.”

“I’m about tired of her.”

“About tired? I’ve been sick of her since about day one when she was still running”


A few said their guns will have to be pried from their cold, dead hands. If there was a Democrat president, and the cops came to take the guns, I think that might be true. If Trump is in office, I’m not sure. That is the level of sycophancy in some of these people.


This really doesn’t have much to do with the overall topic of this website, but it’s interesting. Data taken from this website, and this website.

The countries with the highest proportion of millionaires are:
1. Singapore
2. Switzerland
3. Qatar
4. Hong Kong
5. Kuwait
6. UAE
7. USA

Country# of millionairespopulation% of millionaires
United States15.7 million325 million4.8%
United Kingdom2.4 million66 million3.6%
Japan2.1 million126 million1.7%
France1.8 million67 million2.7%
Germany1.5 million83 million1.8%
China1.3 million1.39 billion0.1%
Italy1.1 million61 million1.8%
Canada984,00037 million2.7%
Australia961,00025 million3.8%
Switzerland667,0008 million8.3%

Evil Dirtbag Cops

So the cop’s story is that he has to run their IDs to see whether they’re committing a crime. Obviously, they’re not committing a crime, or they would have been arrested right off the bat by this power tripping tyrant. The validity of their IDs obviously has no effect on whether they’re currently committing a crime.

What they do when they give him their IDs is to open themselves up to arrest for something they may not even know about. Maybe they have erroneously had a warrant attached to their ID (that happens quite often). Why even risk it by handing over your ID voluntarily?

As I’ve said before, a truly meaningful way to show gratitude to veterans is to tell a cop to bug off.