I’m Flabbergasted!

This is unlike any cop video you’ve ever seen in your life. I’m sitting here shocked.

Personally, I don’t like the cussing, but I believe these guys did a tremendous service for freedom. The dude ran from the cops, and I can’t believe they didn’t just blow him away. Not only did he not get arrested for resisting or disorderly conduct, but the sergeant defended him, and the guy ended up getting paid $175,000 by the city because the taser got stuck in his arm.

I’ve never seen anything like this. The cops usually arrest people like this and worry about the consequences later.

Freedom Is Gone in America

I’ve said this before, but I appreciate hearing the people in this video say it. If the U.S. government can keep putting out the propaganda that we’re the freest and the best, and the rest of the world is a dangerous hellhole, they can get away with more abuse of the citizens and higher taxes without losing us tax cattle to competing governments.

I’d be willing to bet that Mexico has more freedom and more safety than the U.S. I have no doubt that drug cartels in Mexico are dangerous, but the U.S. government is a very dangerous cartel, and many times more powerful.

Another point they make is that the girl’s food allergies went away in Mexico. Like they say, who knows what the problem is, but with much less government intervention, the food is safer in Mexico. MORE REGULATIONS DON’T MAKE US SAFER. GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM.

I don’t have any idea who these people are, or what their beliefs are, but it’s an interesting video, if not a little long. The portion where they talk about freedom starts at the 2:00 mark. The food allergy discussion starts at 8:00.

I Can’t Believe It. I Found Another Wicked Cop. I’m Shocked.

This is unbelievable behavior from this cop, who is obviously a dirtbag. Of course, another cop showed up, and did nothing to stop the first dirtbag, so he is at the very best, a weakling, who is unable to stand up for what’s right, or maybe he’s just a dirtbag, too.

Of course, a cop can sit there and detain you for hours while he writes tickets. Then, he gets paid to show up to court, while the rest of us have to take time off work, and maybe even hire a lawyer. Even if the charges are dropped, he still doled out a significant punishment. He should be fired, but he’ll probably get a promotion.

If you hear some dinging while the video is playing, it is in the video. I was hearing it, and wondering where the dinging was coming from.

Here’s an update on what happened in this case:

The school police turned it over the Miami-Dade State Attorney to prosecute Kristy. Kristy then went to court. It took three seconds… Miami-Dade State Attorney: “The state takes no action.” The Miami-Dade State Attorney dropped the police officer’s charge. Kristy Hernandez: “All I know is that a lot of weight is off my shoulders.” The other four citations from the police officer were also thrown out, leaving Kristy smiling. Kristy Hernandez: “Beyond happy trying to contain my happy tears.”

Here’s A Power Tripping Cop For You

This cop has no idea what he’s talking about, yet insists on talking. He’s also a jerk. At least he didn’t taze the guy and arrest him. We can be thankful for small blessings.

As an aside, I don’t understand what the point of owning a sports car in America. I get speeding tickets in a mini van, I can only imagine the extra scrutiny that comes with a sports car. I don’t think you’d stand much chance of ever getting to really drive it to its ability, unless you took it on a track.

Canon City School District Incompetence

I went to a basketball game at the Canon City Middle School, and they had several buckets out to catch water leaking from the ceiling. For the sake of argument, we’ll assume it’s because the roof is leaking, which is probably a safe assumption.

It is perfectly predictable that the roof would leak. All roofs will eventually leak. Roofs last a certain amount of time, and then, they fail. This is why any competent homeowner and building owner has funds set aside for roof replacement, and other maintenance items that we all know are coming eventually.

The original building of the middle school is over 100 years old, while the gym, I’d guess, was built sometime in the 1970s. That’s practically brand new as far as most buildings and homes in this area are concerned. A building built in that era is well-built and functional, assuming it’s properly maintained, which, as we now know, is not a safe assumption.

The problem is that the original portion of the junior high hasn’t been well maintained. They have done a poor job of maintaining it, so they want to tear it down. Granted, a 100 year old building may have issues that come up, and may not be built to modern standards, but when I went there, it was a nice building, and even as a kid in my early teens, I appreciated the antiquity of it.

The irony is that they have shown themselves to be incompetent at maintaining that building, so the voters have chosen to raise taxes so that they can tear it down, and continue their incompetence. Their incompetence has been rewarded. Why anyone thinks they’ll be able to maintain the next building is beyond me.

It’s possible that the roof in the gym just recently started leaking, and they’re diligently seeking bids for its replacement, for which, they have adequate savings. But it’s also possible that it is evidence that they’re also incapable of maintaining a building built much more recently, and that they’re incapable of budgeting for large expenses, even if they are to be expected.

But why bother budgeting or properly maintaining a relatively young 40 or 50 year old building when they can use the water damage to show that taxes need to be raised? All they have to do is show people the water damage, say there are no funds for its replacement, and covetous voters will gladly spend other people’s money to fix it. That has proven to be a successful strategy for them.

Should we be embarrassed that past voters are so cheap that they’ve inadequately funded education, or that we’ve elected and hired people who are incapable at maintaining nice buildings?

But You Should Be Afraid of Illegals!

One of the newer tactics of socialists clamoring for a border wall is to cite examples of people who have been harmed by illegal aliens. Of course, there are illegals who do bad things. If that’s the standard you are going to use, you must be consistent, and apply that standard consistently to all groups. Here’s an example of someone who did just that.

The previous commenter had cited 3 or 4 cases of people who had been murdered, and this was Bo’s response.

Is The Supreme Court God?

I don’t want to put words in this lawyer/youtuber’s mouth, but it seems like the Supreme Court is his god. I think he’s correct when he says the Constitution gives the powers they have to the Supreme Court. But does that mean there’s no higher standard to be able to discern whether they are right or wrong on a topic?

At first, I thought this guy was just arguing based on the pragmatics of what the law is, but it seems he really is incapable of determining whether the Supreme Court is right or wrong, or at least has completely submitted to them. If that is the case, the Supreme Court is his god. He would have had no problem with owning slaves before the 13th Amendment. He apparently has no problem with abortion or gay marriage. I can only go by what he’s said, and he never responded to my last question.

I think there are many Christians who give powers that only God has to the state, and in so doing, they are guilty of idolatry.

Another interesting point he made in the original video is that it was William Rehnquist (a conservative justice) who voted in the majority to decide that DUI checkpoints don’t violate the 4th Amendment. Conservative justices have also given us Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. I say this to point out that the strategy of conservatives in electing a Republican at all costs so that he will be able to appoint conservative justices and turn the tide in this country is nothing more than a pipe dream, and there is no reason to think that it will suddenly start working in the future.

The Constitution has failed. There are some good points to it, but it has given us what we’ve got, which is tyranny.

Here’s the conversation in the comments of his Youtube video. I will happily refrain from watching or commenting on his videos.

I don’t care to link to his video, as someone who thinks slavery, abortion and gay marriage are acceptable if the Supreme Court says so really does have zero credibility, but if you really want to see it, there’s enough information in this article to find it if you wish.