In regards to this story about the Fair DUI flyer, so many of the people commenting were saying that we should just all cooperate with the cops.
Here’s what I said:
Anyone who thinks these checkpoints are a good idea is a terrible American. You are the reason this country is in the state it’s in. Ben Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Only a few seconds later some random guy said:
At the time people were not killing people at a rate of nearly 30 people a day due to driving under the influence.
I guess I’ve come to take the Ben Franklin quote to be a fundamental truth. Here’s why: We will never eliminate bad things or death this side of eternity. Searching for the holy grail of just the right law, won’t eliminate bad things. Bad things are the result of sin–not incorrect laws.
Liberals who keep saying you can’t legislate morality are the ones who are all about the government controlling every aspect of life. In reality, all legislation is legislating someone’s morality. It’s only a question of whether the legislation is consistent with God’s law or is against God’s law.
We all have to choose whether our motto will be “Live free or die.” or “Slavery is OK with me, just give me a little government security blanket, please.”
I can see how these officers would be unfamiliar with the amendment that says you don’t have to talk to police. After all, it’s the 7864th Amendment.
Oh wait…that’s not right. It’s the 5th Amendment, just like the guy told them. These cops are probably still studying, and just haven’t gotten to the 5th Amendment yet. I bet if we gave them a basic Constitution test, they would get less than 50%. Is it just me or would that mean that when they cash their paychecks as law enforcement officers, they are committing fraud?
Of course, I bet 80% of Americans would flunk such a test. Is it a surprise that the government schools don’t teach Americans how to exercise their rights against the government.
And here’s the dumbest comment of the year award, regarding this video from FB:
Sam HydleIt may not be a crime to not answer questions but when you bring someone in to a hospital that have been stabbed cops want to know what happened if you don’t tell them what happened they assume you have something to do with that so yes That guy was in the wrong and he deserved to get arrested because he didn’t want to fill out a statement if a cop tells you to do something and you don’t do it you’re just asking for trouble
And the obvious response is:
Sean Caouette“It may not be a crime to not answer questions”… but “he deserved to get arrested”.
What would you do if you saw this happening in front of your eyes? We need to think ahead on what might be the right thing to do, because this seems to be happening more and more.
For all of you who are tired of me posting stuff about the cops: I’m going to attempt to explain it.
There are hundreds of instances coming out of cops acting illegally, harshly and in an unjust way. Every video I post is a fellow human being, created in the image of God, being abused, killed, harassed or stolen from by the government.
A majority of Americans having video cameras in their pockets and having the ability to upload it for all to see is something that has only developed in the last few years. We’ve seen people killed on some of these videos. Maybe this type of behavior has been going on for decades (Rodney King incident, 1991), it’s just that people videotaping it is new. I think a better question than, “Have cops gotten away with murder because there was no videotape?” is “How many cops have gotten away with murder because there was no videotape?”
These cops are on a power trip. And the supposed vast majority of good cops aren’t standing against this injustice. As Christians, we are to be concerned with justice. God’s throne is built on justice (Psalm 89:14). I keep posting these videos, because cops dealing out injustice is not a rare occurrence. I bet I could post videos at least 40 hours/week and not run out of things to post. I realize that few have time to watch a bunch of videos and I don’t have time for that either.
My conservative and Christian friends should be alarmed about these government agents trampling people’s Constitutional rights. Conservatives are the ones who love the Constitution, and hate big government, right? Maybe we only love the 2nd Amendment. (Newsflash: the 2nd Amendment isn’t to protect our right to hunt, but to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. I’m not the crazy one on that–blame the revolutionists who founded this country) Am I the only one concerned that there is a domestic army driving around to make sure people are wearing their seat belts, don’t break the speed limit, and make sure our papers are in order?
I hate to even suggest it, but maybe most Christians don’t care because a lot of the recent high-profile killings have had black victims. Maybe they’re just enough not-like-us that we can’t find it in ourselves to get too worked up about their murder? I don’t know. I’m struggling to figure it out, but I’m concerned about anyone who is more outraged with looting than they are with murder. Christians are supposed to care about people, since their souls and the Word of God are the only things on this earth that are eternal.
So, how many videos do I have to post for people to believe that there is rampant injustice in this country? If these instances come about from a small minority of bad apples, where are the good cops calling them out? I only hear cops, unions and cop worshipers defending them.
When Muslims blow something up, not hearing an army of peaceful Muslims say terrorism is un-Muslim makes us doubt the existence of peaceful Muslims, right? Well, I’m starting to doubt the existence of good cops. Prove me wrong by sending me the boat-load of links to the good cops standing up to the few bad apples.
Anyway, here’s another video with some insane, power-tripping, loser cops expecting the slaves to obey their order to leave a public street. How dare those taxpayers expect a little decency out of a public servant! For those of us who have submitted to Christ as Lord, watching people be treated in an unjust way is supposed to make us angry. That is righteous indignation–RIGHTEOUS indignation. If you don’t feel indignation after watching this, I hope that your chains rest lightly on you.
Just watch the last minute from 15:35 to the end. And may this video be the straw that breaks the camel’s back of conservatives’ cop worship.
Moore is usually way off, and I think maybe he just got lucky on a couple things, and what he says is hypocritical to many of the other things he’s said. But he’s probably closer to truth here than most conservatives who decry big government yet worship cops (government agents with guns).
The Bible teaches that prison is wrong. The three possible punishments are fines, whipping and death, and there are no victim-less crimes (like drugs or speeding).
There ought to be no cops as we know them, so disarming them is a step in the right direction. People are responsible for their own protection, whether they do it themselves or hire private security.
The Bible is extremely capitalist and the notion of forcing people to pay for public school or police and the zillions of other things is atrocious.
This is a 1:38 video where the border patrol agent did nothing especially harmful. The driver didn’t answer any questions but didn’t get his window smashed in. All’s well that ends well, right?
But here is the issue. Americans have the right to travel freely through this country without being harassed by the government. This guy is wearing a taxpayer-purchased uniform and is costing Americans at least $40,000/year with benefits–probably much more.
He is a drain on American productivity. He produces NOTHING of value. He is only a drag on the economy. That would be one thing if he were off in a cubicle in an office somewhere not bothering people. But he has the gall to think that it’s the right thing for him to do in life to harass people who are doing valuable things with their time.
People doing useful things for our economy have to slow down from 65 miles per hour to talk to this loser. That costs gas and time. Sometimes there are lines waiting to talk to these dorks. The whole thing is a travesty and a waste.
Christians who are employed by the border patrol should be encouraged and offered assistance to find a more productive line of work by their churches. Those who refuse to quit working for that agency should be placed under church discipline.
The videos where these agents beat and arrest someone are reprehensible, but what is just as wicked is when a law-abiding American has to pull over and talk to these idiots even if it’s only for just a few seconds.
So, maybe the building inspectors across the country are friendly people with abundant common sense. That’s not the case in my experience in the two counties I’ve worked in. They are individuals on a major power trip with arbitrary and shifting standards who feel no need to do anything that actually makes sense.
Currently I’m trying to sell a house where the attached garage was converted into living space a long time ago–there is reason to believe it was 1972, but no one knows for sure. In any case, it was long before I bought the house, and Ray Charles could see that. The buyer’s appraiser said the square footage doesn’t match the county’s records. That is, when they finished the garage, they didn’t get a building permit.
So, now to sell the house to this guy, I have to jump though government hoops. I went to Caesar’s mini-tyranny office this morning and the government leeches there didn’t know what to do and I asked if maybe they could just write a letter saying there is no procedure for inspecting 40 year old work. They refused to make a decision and said call the main tyrant who would be in this afternoon.
I called him and this is an individual who’s probably never worked a real day’s work in his life. He told me He’s going to assume I did the work and he’s going to expect it to be up to today’s building code. I asked if all the drywall is going to have to be ripped off so he can see the wires and insulation. He said hopefully he can see enough just by opening the electrical boxes, but it’s possible the drywall will have to be removed.
Not only that, but I can’t get a permit as a homeowner, because I don’t live there. All the work is done, but I have to get someone who has run the tyranny gauntlet and has become a licensed contractor to get a permit.
I’ll tell you right now, there is zero chance that I’m letting a government agent on a power trip in that house. Nothing good will come from a government agent poking around my property. Ronald Reagan says it best:
The Bible makes no room for the government to enforce building codes. This could all be done privately. It is already done privately with Underwriter’s Lab inspecting a lot of the stuff we buy. But as it is the government has to give me a permit so I can sell to someone getting a government-backed loan and the government gets to tax every step along the way. We live in a wicked society that thinks that if there is enough government control, nothing bad will ever happen again.
Those who give up their freedom to gain security are worthy of neither.
So there’s one bad cop in this video. There’s a bad apple in every bunch, right? But watch all the good cops stand up to him and protect an innocent citizen from his abuse, and make right what the one guy wronged.