Another One-In-A-Million

People tell me that it’s only a one-in-a-million thing to be abused by police. If there are 300 million Americans, that means that only about 300 stories of abuse would have occurred. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have 300 posted on this blog. And probably only at best are one in 10 videotaped.

So here’s another one-in-a-million guy who was simply hanging out on the sidewalk and got arrested.

Why Keep Posting Bad News?

I had a conversation with someone, and I told them that I tell my children not to talk to the police. She was a bit taken aback by that. A lot of people still look at police as beneficial to society.

I told her that CPS and police can go to school to talk to your kids without your knowledge (another reason to homeschool your kids). I mentioned that one girl has been held hostage at a hospital for months.

She told me the odds of government abusing people like that are similar odds to winning the lottery.

That’s why I need to keep posting stories and videos of police abusing people. It’s not a rare thing for the police to trample people’s rights. Jeff Gray has had his rights abused dozens of times, and he has it all on video. Personally, I came within moments of being arrested for exercising my First Amendment right to free speech on a public sidewalk once, and have been harassed to varying degrees several times. Maybe I should play the lottery.

Try searching Youtube and see if police abuses are rare. Some of my favorite search terms are:

police shoot unarmed

police wheelchair

police elderly

Just with those searches you’ll have to spend several hours searching through egregious instances of police abuse. Sometimes, the cops are disciplined, sometimes they’re fired. Rarely are they prosecuted and jailed; the district attorney and the police are on the same team.

So, I will keep posting about government agents abusing people, because it can happen to anyone. It has happened to me. And only because Americans are so ignorant of our rights do we not realize that every checkpoint is an affront to liberty. Every traffic ticket we receive where there is no victim is an un-biblical affront to liberty. We’re all victims of police abuse, it’s just that most of us haven’t thought about it.

The Border Patrol Is Evil

These border patrol agents are communists. I can’t believe they think they can treat people like this or that it even crossed their minds.

The founding fathers went to war for a fraction of what we endure and no one seems to care.

What is it going to take to wake people up?

The whole story is that there was a trace of marijuana odor–enough to cause the dog to alert–and the driver was in handcuffs for an hour and released without charges.

The issue is that Americans can’t even drive down the road without being harassed by dirtbags on a power trip.

The United Police States of America

The founding fathers of this country declared independence because of unjust taxes, and being forced to quarter British troops, among other reasons. The battle of Lexington and Concord took place because the British were trying to seize weapons.

I believe the colonists had the right to defend themselves. The taxes were unjust (because there is an absolute moral standard for justice), and they were right to fight for justice.

Watch this and tell me this is not much worse than what the colonists were facing in the 1770s.

Great Quotes

“We ought to obey God rather than men.” -The Apostle Peter and other apostles, Holy Bible Acts 5:29

“For earthly princes lay aside their power when they rise up against God, and are unworthy to be reckoned among the number of mankind. We ought, rather, to spit upon their heads than to obey them.” ~John Calvin

“But hereof be assured, that all is not lawful nor just that is statute by civil laws; neither yet is everything sin before God, which ungodly persons allege to be treason.” -John Knox

“Let a thing here be noted, that the prophet of God sometimes may teach treason against kings, and yet neither he nor such as obey the word, spoken in the Lord’s name by him, offend God.” -John Knox

“If their princes exceed their bounds, Madam, it is no doubt that they may be resisted even by power.” -John Knox (while being questioned by Queen Mary about his views which legitimized subjects resisting their princes)