These cops don’t know what a phone is. I wonder if they eventually called in a detective to investigate the device. The sad part is they’ll probably be promoted to detective.
By the way, the 1st Amendment protects our right to film public officials performing their duty.
Clearly this deputy thinks he can do whatever he wants. It’s one thing to slap someone around when you have a badge and gun, and another to slap someone when they can defend themselves. The only reason he doesn’t get slapped back is because the victim knows he’ll get arrested or shot.
This is the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life. At least in the top 10. I considered naming my 2nd child Milton because Milton Friedman is a genius.
There are 10 parts and it will take an investment of time to watch them all, but it is well worth it. I’ll post the first one and I’m sure you can find the rest.
I think this guy is a little bit smarter and knows a little better than the average cop that he can’t demand ID (even though he tried). But he still can’t just admit he’s wrong and just walk away.
It’s amazing how easy it is for Jeff Gray (the guy behind the camera) to get the cops to show what a bunch of thugs they are.
In addition to tripping a pregnant woman, they also beat the crap out of a guy, and try to delete the video. The police consultant in the video says beating the guy was a bad idea, but it’s OK to trip the pregnant lady. I disagree. Part of the cop’s job is to protect the baby, and tripping the woman placed the baby in danger. There were other ways to handle the woman. There were several officers there, and one of them could have gotten off the guy and calmed the woman without attempting to hurt her.
This is a big deal. This is what happens in third world banana republics. I thought America was above this. This is grounds for secession.
The 4th Amendment outlaws unreasonable searches and seizures. If this is taken farther by these evil attorneys, it will end investment, private property, and capitalism in America. Where does it end? Regular Americans can have their bank accounts seized. People who aren’t even involved in a crime can have their cars taken. This is a criminal gang in principle no different than Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.
This is an 8 hour seminar in New Mexico where attorneys discuss how to more effectively seize more stuff. Here are some of the highlights. Watch each highlight for about 30 seconds or so.
1. At the 1:26:57 mark, he talks about taking a $300,000 house because of a $10 marijuana sale.
2. 5:05:20
3. 1:12:23
4. 1:02:31 to 1:04:30
6. 1:16:28 Don’t feel bad about it.
7. 56:58
8. 2:32:37
9. 1:22:59 We could be czars.
Give me liberty or give me death.
Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union