Category Archives: Abolish The Police

Biblical Illeteracy

A knowledgeable Christian cop posted this:

I’ve discussed the general error of this meme before, but I ran across it again, and thought I would point out another error it puts forth.

When discussing government, many Christians will quote Romans 13 to you as if that is an argument in itself. Romans 13 defines the purpose of government. Biblical government has one purpose and that is to punish criminals. It’s not the government’s job to protect anyone.

For a knowledgeable Christian to espouse an unbiblical purpose for government shows the level of knowledge among American Christians.

Very Simply Put

Here’s a good comment from a friend.

Just watch some cop block videos and if you are a discerning person, you will see that it isn’t simply the issue of police acting badly or there are only some bad apples etc… but the problem is that they act this way because the system allows them to do it..

if the system allows them to do it (as in there are special rights for police officers that non police do not have), then the system is inherently unjust and tyrannical..

Let’s say a police officer is beating the shit out of you because you were “resisting arrest”, for self defense, why don’t you point a gun at a police officer and see how he reacts??
He will freak out and will do everything he can to shoot you first.

What about when a police officer points a gun at you with no biblically justified provocation? While the police officer can go berserk on you if you pointed something to him, YOU are expected to be calm and follow everything he says.. And if you try to defend yourself when a police officer points a gun at you, you will get put down.

And if you ever survive the encounter in scenario 1 or 2, good luck actually proving that you were legitimately trying to defend yourself in our Mickey Mouse courts.

Romans 13 Is So Misunderstood

Many Christians seem to take a blind obedience interpretation of Romans 13, but in actuality, it is dynamite laid at the foundation of tyrannical government. It says if you do good, you will have nothing to worry about from the civil magistrates, because they are God’s servants to carry out God’s wrath. Who defines good and evil? It’s saying if you follow God’s law, you won’t have any problems. And that the government’s job is to punish wrongdoers. The Supreme Court doesn’t define who the wrongdoers are. Government by God’s definition is to punish criminals as defined by God’s law.

And Romans 13 is also saying that punishing criminals is their ONLY job. It’s not their job to issue currency, build roads, provide welfare, educate children or even protect life and property. To believe that the government ought to do anything other than punish criminals is to have a misunderstanding of Scripture.

Amazing Comment

We are all proud Americans, and think of ourselves as living in the land of the free and home of the brave. My parents never even wanted to visit another country, because all countries are a step down from America, and are probably dangerous and crime-ridden and there’s a chance you’ll end up in a flea-bitten, third-world prison, because no other country is as free as ours.

Obviously, they were exaggerating, but I’m starting to think that other countries, like Mexico, that have bad reputations are actually more free than us. I haven’t spent much time there or any other country, really, but I’ve heard other people say that there is more freedom there than in America. Here’s a comment from a guy from South Africa that confirms that America has serious problems, and we’re all the proverbial frog slowly boiling to death in the pot of water.

I have been [to America] a couple times and I find it to be a police state. When I was 24 all I wanted to do was travel the great liberated free country. I found Americans to be over the top PC and bound up in all sorts of knots. It was a total bring down and I found myself wanting to leave. It finalized my thinking that I was better off in South Africa.

As Bob Dylan’s says in his song “when you going to wake up”

Counterfeited philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots.

When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up  When you gonna wake up strengthen the things that remain ?


The Best Thing You Will Read All Week

Bojidar Marinov posted this article

about how closed borders (the position of Republicans, Democrats and the vast majority of idolatrous, American Christianity) is the socialist position.

A guy objects to the fact that immigration controls are socialist by saying, “Yeah, well we no longer live in a time of peace, border control is necessary….”

Bo says, “It’s the other way around. We don’t live in a time of peace exactly because of the same ideology which also promotes closed borders. As long as we have closed borders, we will have no peace. God doesn’t grant peace to those who rebel against His Law.”

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry.