Category Archives: Basic Economics

Do Not Fear

The most often repeated command in Scripture is, “Do not fear.” I admit that sometimes it is hard to be optimistic, but the future belongs to Christians (1 Corinthians 3:21-23). Christianity is the only true worldview; all other worldviews lead to death. Therefore, it is the only successful worldview.

It has been shown that those who are optimistic are more likely to succeed. Things change constantly. Things we used to do may not work like they used to, but we can find new things to do that work better.

I think that is the problem that conservatives/Republicans are having now. People are scared to death of Muslims. They’re scared of free trade. It’s really lame. America benefits from free trade. America benefits from Muslims who come here and often convert to Christianity. Christianity is better than Islam; Muslims should be afraid of all the converts they lose to us.

So, conservatives are afraid, and they run to the government to get rid of free trade. They run to the government to keep Muslims out. There is much more to fear from the government than from freedom. And God won’t bless disobedience to His law as even conservatives move to greater socialism.

Do not fear!