Category Archives: Christianity

Good Conversation

I wasn’t planning on posting this, but these conversations have had a habit of being deleted lately, so I decided to start saving them. This one got deleted, so you can read it below.

I have seen so many shocking comments in conversations on this topic. This Patty Armfield Witkowsky woman is someone I thought was a Christian (I could be wrong about that), but you can see she has no concept of the golden rule, what the Bible says about how to educate children, the antichrist nature of our government and public school (Matt. 12:30) or seeing covetousness as a sin. And I don’t really blame her. You could sit through thousands of hours of sermons in the typical church and never hear anything about these topics. No wonder our country is going down the tubes when we have ignorant Christians and ignorant pastors. This woman’s soul is at stake, and her pastor is heinously negligent.

In another conversation a woman said, “I will never understand the grouchy people who don’t understand this concept!” The concept being that we should invest in our children’s future by voting for this socialist ballot initiative. I’m no psychologist, but I would say the inability to show a little empathy is a sign of some sort of disorder. She really can’t understand why someone might disagree with her and not care to be threatened and forced to pay for a cause they don’t believe in? It seems pretty simple to me.

And in some deep recess of Patty’s mind the thought sprung that people refraining from eating dinner out  is going to help business. She must have been publicly educated.

Property Tax is Theft

So there are at least two tax hikes on the ballot for Canon City. One is a property tax increase for the school district…for the children. I’ve posed this objection several times, and no one has answered yet, because there is no rational answer. Here’s the objection, and the response of someone who is normally reasonable, logical and successful in life.

His response is that voting gives the government the ability to steal. I don’t know whether voting turns stealing into not stealing, or just means that government can steal. But what a silly answer. Clearly this is a religious view for him. He thinks there is some sort of magic that takes place at an election that causes property tax to be acceptable.

Pastors need to be talking about this from the pulpit. There is stupidity in America, because pastors are not doing their job. They’re not preaching against covetousness and theft, or explaining that the government is accountable to the law of God.

The second tax hike is a lodging tax, and someone went around and put up an obscene number of bandit signs around town. The slogan on the signs says, “The tax someone else pays.” I hope there is a pastor in this town that points out the obvious violation of the golden rule being promoted on those signs to every man, woman and child in this town, but I’m not holding my breath.

Eric Garner Is An American Hero

Image result for eric garner
I wrote about Eric Garner when he was choked to death on the street for selling loose cigarettes and resisting arrest. His murderer, an NYPD officer, was found not guilty, of course. I’ve been thinking about it off and on ever since.

So many people (mostly brain-dead conservatives and Christians) hold the theory that you should never resist arrest, yet nearly seem to worship the founding fathers who resisted arrest attempts of British authorities.  There is no reconciling this in any logical fashion. Shockingly, it is vogue among Christians who have seen this contradiction to say the founding fathers were in sin. Regardless, both camps would hold that anyone resisting arrest today gets whatever they deserve.

Eric Garner was placed under arrest for selling loose cigarettes. The main issue is that he was not paying the proper taxes. The question is whether that is a just law or an unjust law. Justice is an absolute, and the only basis for determining whether a law is just is to compare it to the standard of God’s law. Certainly, under God’s law, this was neither a crime or a sin. Therefore, Garner had every right to resist his arrest, for this law was nothing more than tyrants making up arbitrary laws based on their own idolatry.

I certainly wish that Garner hadn’t died that day, but as far as I’m concerned he’s an American hero on par with the founding fathers. He stood alone against tyranny. I hope that someday there will be streets named after him.

American conservatism and Christianity seems to be anything but conservative or Christian. I hope that someday all of these duped “conservatives” will recognize their inconsistency and pastors will start preaching the whole counsel of God’s law.

What is Covetousness?

The Tenth Commandment is, “You shall not covet.”

I mentioned recently that I’m starting to recognize a lot of covetousness in the public sphere. For a long time, I didn’t really comprehend what covetousness is. I would define it as wanting something so badly that it is a sin, or being willing to steal something, or prompt someone else to steal it. The woman in that post certainly demonstrated covetousness. I will give some other examples.

I went to a Planned Parenthood rally yesterday in Colorado Springs to remind them that abortion is murder with several friends. The Colorado Springs socialists showed up, and they were kind of like Antifa wannabes. One dude covered his face with a bandanna, they blocked the sidewalk, and stole signs.

They said that they want to seize the means of production so that it can be owned by the workers. The one young guy said he works 40-60 hours a week for $25,000 and his eeeeevil boss makes hundreds of thousands by owning the company and exploiting him. He covets more free time and money to the point that he wants the government to steal the means of production from the current owners.

Another example of covetousness was a letter to the editor during the last election over the issue of whether the Canon City sales tax should be raised to pay for new roads. A guy wrote that he wants new roads, and the sales tax would be a way for out-of-towners to help pay for them. He revealed his sinful covetousness to the whole town.

I can’t remember the last time I heard a pastor explain this. What if Christians were taught to apply the Bible to their politics and voting? What if the guy who wrote the letter to the editor knew that Christians would immediately recognize his sinful attitude? Why does he feel no shame in expressing his sin in public? Because Christians haven’t taught God’s law.

There are enough Christians in this country that if covetousness in politics was taught to be a sin, very few tax increases would ever pass again. Is covetousness in the voting booth less of a sin than covetousness in day-to-day life?

What Stupidity!

That picture and text is taken from this silly website. Notice especially the highlighted text.

I hate to point out the obvious, but Christ is king. Any church that honors the American flag above the Christian flag is a false church.

I looked this up, because Focus on the Family did just that at a conference recently..

How Does The Bible Define Anarchy?

I told someone that the cops should arrest abortionists for murder, and they said that would be anarchy. Here is my response. Please check out the link, and take the time to read that important article.

If the Nazi guards at the concentration camps had disobeyed orders to kill Jews, would that have been anarchy? Six million murdered Jews is anarchy. Sixty million dead American babies dwarfs Hitler’s anarchy. The Bible only ever refers to man’s laws as lawlessness, i.e. anarchy. Check out this article.

All unlawful orders must be disobeyed. Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops.

Woe to Those Who Call Tyranny Freedom

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

Woe to those who call evil good. I see three possibilities for people who are calling evil good.

  1. Deception. They do it because they know they’re evil people and they’re trying to trick you.
  2. Perversion. They think they’re right and good but they are incorrect.
  3. Ignorance. They don’t know what is good and evil, and they are well-intentioned, but wrong. This is the category many Christians are in without knowing it.

It’s kind of a fine line between category 2 and 3.

The point is that there are many conservatives and Christians praising this country saying this is a free country. What they’re doing is calling tyranny freedom and freedom tyranny. Woe to them.

Freedom and liberty are good things. They are a result of God’s law and God wants them for us (assuming He’s not pouring out His wrath). James 1:25 calls God’s law the perfect law of liberty! I’m proud of God’s law. Jesus said the truth will set you free (John 8:32)! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will. Let’s go build a free country!

Christians are the only ones who can do it. Everything else is a failed worldview that leads to the tyranny of rule by man’s law. The choice is theonomy or autonomy (God’s law or self law).

Continuing to call this a free country at this point shows that you are ignorant of the teaching of God’s law. You’re willing to call bitter sweet and light darkness. You don’t know your right hand from your left. How do you rectify this fearful situation? Study the perfect law of liberty.

When I say this isn’t a free country, does that mean this isn’t the freest country? Generally, that is the argument from someone when someone says this isn’t a free country. They’ll say, “Well then why don’t you move to another country?” That is a terrible argument.

I don’t know if this is the freest country or not. But the standard isn’t other countries. The standard is the perfect law of liberty. Liberty and freedom are absolutes under God’s law just like good and evil, justice, truth and the laws of logic.

So start comparing what you see in America to God’s law–not to Mexico or Norway. Mature Christians are to be discerning good and evil, right and wrong, freedom and tyranny (Hebrews 5:14). Whatever you do, don’t be calling good evil or freedom tyranny.

Ann Coulter’s Marxist Line of Thought

Ann Coulter said, “You want a higher minimum wage? Turn off the spigot of low-wage workers pouring into the U.S. and it will rise on its own through the iron law of supply and demand.”

That quote is self-contradictory. If Ann is so concerned about obeying the iron law of supply and demand, why does she still want government interference in the free market? Who is going to turn off the spigot of low-wage workers? Government, of course (cops to be exact). She’s fine with them interfering with the market in that way, but doesn’t want them interfering with the market to raise the minimum wage.

We need a higher level of thinking among conservatives. We need pastors to step up and teach what the Bible teaches on these things. The law of God is a firm foundation for capitalism.

Don’t pretend to be a constitution-loving, free-market, small-government conservative if you support government harassment of non-criminal individuals crossing the border. You’re a Marxist who wants government control of the labor market. You’re just as bad as Bernie Sanders. With conservatives like Ann, who needs liberals?

You have to listen to this short podcast on this topic for a refreshing dose of liberty and capitalism based on Scripture.

Government Sanctioned Union Thugs

Here’s a story of a guy criticizing red light cameras. The state sent him a fine in the mail.

He is an engineer, but the state of Oregon controls the use of the word “engineer”. This helps engineers with job security and pay rates. They’ve managed to convince the state to give them special rights. In the past, union thugs would go and break people’s bones and threaten and destroy property. Government-sanctioned union thugs just have to send a fine in the mail. Both systems are equally immoral.

There are a million ways that government can show favoritism to certain people. Colorado approves realtors, and realtors have to use their special forms. Realtors get a special dispensation to fill out contracts, which is practicing law. I guess their lobbyists are better than the bar lobbyists, or probably more likely, lawyers don’t want to fill out routine contracts.

Then, there is a box to check on the contract where the buyer can ask the seller to pay for extended coverage title insurance. First of all, title insurance is usually a waste of money. So extended coverage is an absolute joke. But how much extra money do title companies make by selling this extra policy? And how in the world did they get the state to put that little check box on the form that every realtor uses? How many palms got greased?

Can we get a little capitalism and freedom please?