Category Archives: Christianity

Christians are the Problem

An older guy who is truly a very kind person, and has an official (though unpaid) position at my church posted the following.

With friends like this who are confused and distorting the truth in such a way, who needs enemies? This guy is smart, and a knowledgeable Christian.

If social security was insurance, it wouldn’t be paid out to everyone. But it is mandatory to pay in and everyone collects who lives past a certain age.

Image result for first woman to collect social security

We also know it’s not insurance, because the first people to collect barely paid anything in. “The first monthly payment was issued on January 31, 1940 to Ida May Fuller. She paid a total of $24.75 into the Social Security System. Her first check was for $22.54. After her second check, Fuller already had received more than she contributed over the three-year period. She lived to be 100 and collected a total of $22,888.92.”

Social security is theft. It is not insurance. It is a Ponzi scheme. Government is the enemy of Christians. It is antichrist. That is the tidbit of truth that Christians are missing. There is no city, county, state or federal agency that is not an enemy to Christianity, free markets, and the truth.

Many baby boomers, like the man who posted the meme, are fond of mocking millennials. Millennials are probably worthy of mockery along with every other generation, but baby boomers are the real problem. Even the good ones defend socialist programs like social security.

Romans 13 Is So Misunderstood

Many Christians seem to take a blind obedience interpretation of Romans 13, but in actuality, it is dynamite laid at the foundation of tyrannical government. It says if you do good, you will have nothing to worry about from the civil magistrates, because they are God’s servants to carry out God’s wrath. Who defines good and evil? It’s saying if you follow God’s law, you won’t have any problems. And that the government’s job is to punish wrongdoers. The Supreme Court doesn’t define who the wrongdoers are. Government by God’s definition is to punish criminals as defined by God’s law.

And Romans 13 is also saying that punishing criminals is their ONLY job. It’s not their job to issue currency, build roads, provide welfare, educate children or even protect life and property. To believe that the government ought to do anything other than punish criminals is to have a misunderstanding of Scripture.

Comment on Executive Pay

You often hear of the CEO of a company making millions of dollars a year, and it’s tempting to think they’re getting overpaid. But here’s what Mr. T has to say about that.

Gents, I run an investment management firm and we’ve looked quite a bit into the whole topic of senior executives and their compensation. Based on what I’ve seen so far, I can tell you that the general public has it backwards. They thought that CEO pay was so obscenely high, that if it the numbers were publicly known, they would go down. So they passed a law and now every public company needs to make public the pay of its top 5 executives. And what happened as a result? The executives’ pay went up quite substantially. [In fact, one can argue that it’s as high as it is today because the government made it mandatory to publish that information. 🙂]

The fact is that the person at the top has tremendous influence on how the company is doing. Just look at the story of Apple and Steve Jobs. He founded the firm in the 70’s, and it became a top brand and a darling of the investment world in a few short years. Then the board of the company got rid of him around 1985 and by 1997 the company was on its deathbed. Then Apple hired him back, and in 14 years he made them the most valuable company in the whole world. This isn’t luck. It’s not that he was born in the right place at the right time. It wasn’t the connections of his dad (a Syrian immigrant, by the way). The guy was so good that when they announced the iPhone in 2007, Google’s team working on their own smart phone had to scrap the whole project and start all over again, copying most of Jobs’ ideas.

The fact is that even highly compensated CEOs get paid to the tune of 0.1% of the company’s value per year, but their work makes a difference much greater than 0.1%. The cold, hard truth is that the CEOs are actually underpaid. So when the numbers became public, the guys in the lower half basically said “wait a minute, not only are you paying me much less than I’m making you, but you’re also paying me less than my peers”, and so the boards (the shareholder representatives) had to always make sure they’re paying their CEOs at or above the average level for the CEO’s level of competence, industry, the size of the firm, etc. and overall executive pay started creeping up, up, up…

But again, we’re talking about small sums of money in the grand scheme of things. They make for juicy headlines for the mass media, but their economic effect is minimal. Frankly, it’s a societal breach of the tenth commandment. People should be focused on their own work and their own contributions. And if they see somebody making (in a free-market transaction) a hundred times more money than them, they should be inspired that such success is possible, rather than wish for that person to go down. And remember, even if you’re middle class in the U.S., you’re actually making a hundred times more money than quite a few people walking on this Earth. Not only that, but unlike the top CEOs, you’re probably not that much more talented than those making 1% of what you’re making. You’re actually the one who’s been born in the right place at the right time.

Am I Crazy?

How does no one at my church comprehend this? Am I the crazy one? This is what I wrote on a friend’s thread, and he gave some assent but actually completely missed the point.

I’m not sure what the Christian response ought to be when this country is drenched in the blood of the unborn. I’m open to ideas, but I wonder what would happen if 99% of Christians stopped standing for the national anthem until abortion was illegal. We’ve already seen what happens when 99% of us go on standing for it. I think it might be time for the people who love this country to pull out the stops and try a different strategy. What we’re doing doesn’t seem to be working.

Even Tony Miano Knows


I have fairly low regard for Tony Miano. I’m sure you can find what I’ve said about him on this blog by searching. But even he knows that it is no longer acceptable to work for the government.

In this podcast, he answered questions from several different people (and you should be thankful I took the time to listen to it, because his manner of speaking is drawn-out and repetitive). A guy named Otto asked the very last question. The question was whether Otto should become a cop. Ultimately Tony’s answer was that it’s not a sin to be a cop, but he would question the Otto’s wisdom if he became a cop in this day and age; Otto should not become a cop.

I’m going to sum up Tony’s reason. Ultimately the answer was that the government glorifies sin, so you shouldn’t be a part of it. Welcome to the club, Captain Obvious. That was a huge issue even while he was a cop. Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops. But abortion has been legal during all of Tony’s career. It was OK for Tony to be a cop and help protect abortionists, but at some point the government crossed Tony’s arbitrary, subjective line, and went too far.

At least there is a line for Tony. All too many Christians seem to not have a line, or at least be oblivious as to what’s going on.


Exposing Idolatry

I’ve posted this in several different places on Facebook:

How evil does this country have to become before Christians stop standing for the national anthem? Apparently 60 million dead babies isn’t enough. Transgender bathrooms, obamacare and legalized gay marriage aren’t enough. Maybe Kaepernick is onto something. Maybe we should all repent of our American pride and stop standing for the national anthem as long as it’s legal to murder babies.

Here are a few places I’ve posted it:

  1. The Facebook page “Stand With Judge Moore”. I certainly stand with Judge Moore, and the common sense he’s shown. I can’t vouch for everything about him, and I hope he’s not the one running the FB page, because I’ve been blocked for posting that. There was no explanation or counter-arguments offered–just an unceremonious blocking.
  2. An older lady friend of my wife who has been going crazy posting America memes. I posted the above as a comment on one of them. She gave it a thumbs-up and kept right on serial posting America-worship memes.
  3. A friend of mine who posted a meme saying Kaepernick needs to stand for the national anthem because men have died fighting for our country. He didn’t respond, but deleted the entire post.
  4. The Facebook page “Cold Dead Hands”. You would think that a pro 2nd Amendment page wouldn’t be so statist, but it is extremely statist. They get hundreds of comments on their posts and I’ve posted this as comments to their post and replies to other comments probably 10 times. No one has responded even once, except an atheist who wanted to debate abortion.

The fact that no one will even respond to my argument shows it is a good argument, and Christians feel guilty about their idolatry of America. They just don’t feel guilty enough to stop.


Eric Bolling Has Drunk the Kool-Aid

I guess people’s perspective on the level of oppression is relative. Some people apparently think that if you’re rich, you can’t be oppressed. Were the Israelite slaves oppressed in Egypt? They had leeks and onions back in Egypt (Numbers 11:5). Maybe some people can be bought off.

If you’re a government farming the people, and you want to maximize your income, you shouldn’t tax them at 100%. Communist regimes fail. So, maybe they’ve figured out that current tax rates are near optimal, where people remain happy and comfortable, and the government still makes a lot of money. I don’t know.

All I know is there is an absolute standard in God’s law, and the U.S. government violates that standard. It doesn’t matter whether we’re better off than others. It only matters that they are violating God’s law, and we need to stand against them.

America Worship

This country abounds with idolatry. We conservatives and Christians take great pride in our country and we stand when the flag passes by in a parade. We say the pledge of allegiance. We shed a tear during a moving rendition of the Star Spangled Banner before every sporting event.


If you want to get a real reaction out of people, don’t do those things. Stay seated when they stand. Don’t put your hand over your heart, and see what happens. They will act as if you spit on their idol. Because you have, not literally spit, but you have not paid homage to their literal idol. They idolize our country, and once you see that truth, it will make you sick to your stomach.

I’m grateful to live here; we have it pretty comfortable. But I worship Jesus Christ alone–not my comfort and not the country that’s helped provide it. It is definitely not above criticism, and I don’t particularly care whether someone observes the religious ceremonies.

But the standard for America, and how great it is, isn’t other countries. We measure any country by the standard that God provides in His law. We have no idea what justice is apart from His law. We have no idea what good and evil are apart from His law. Does America provide justice? Is America a morally good country? The answer to those questions is a resounding NO. Are we doing better than some other countries. Yes. Are we doing better than every other country? I don’t know.

Many of us have a limited perspective–including myself. My parents wanted to never travel outside of the USA. We drove to every one of the lower 48 states, but just crossed over the Canada and Mexico borders a few miles, and only briefly. I think that the PR they put out is that many other parts of the world are dangerous and backward. I’m sure there are plenty of places that are, but many that aren’t.

Where God’s law is, there is liberty. This list ranks America as the 11th freest country in the world.  11TH! This is supposed to be the land of the free–the greatest nation in the world. We rank behind Estonia. Most Americans couldn’t even find Estonia on a map. Chile ranks ahead of us. Most Americans are too afraid to go to Chile. I’m personally ashamed to be ranked 11th.

And, if you’re an unborn baby, you’re considered sub-human and you can be ripped apart limb from limb. How’s that for justice and freedom? They have no right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The words in the pledge of allegiance are false. I refuse to say them, because I see it as a creepy religious ceremony AND the words are complete BS. As the purpose of this website is to encourage secession, I believe it is definitely not indivisible.


See Full List of Country Rankings


Here is a great article. This is one of the best quotes from it:

When we teach our congregations to vote for one candidate merely out of fear of the other, we have already accepted a government that allows too much power in one person’s hands, or in the hands of captors who are using candidates as mascots. We already admit they have too much power; when we vote for this current system, therefore, we are condoning it. We must acknowledge the whole system is broken and not just the President.