Here’s a quick conversation on Facebook.
Stephen says, “I think you need to get out while you can. I suspect things are going to get really nasty in the USA, and Texas will not be immune to it, no more immune than elsewhere in the US. I would never have believed I would say this a few years ago, but I think things will be worse in the USA than parts of Europe, worse that the UK. I can hardly believe I am saying it, but there appears to be an authoritarianism, born of a largely unrecognized teutonic influence in America, coming to the surface in the USA that will end up being as bad as anything Europe had in the 20th century. I have been told this for many years by an American friend who insisted that I did not undertand the teutonic influence in the USA (I was first told about this by my friend nearly 30 years ago when it seemed incredible and the USA was a different place or at least seemed to be). I thought he was woefully mistaken. I do not think this now. I think he understand perfectly. Come to Britain while you can. We shall quite possibly be leaving the EU in year or so, and after that your chances of getting in, unfortunately, will diminish.”

Here’s how Bojidar Marinov responded,
“Well, yes and no. Don’t forget that these things don’t happen in the UK only because the government has won this war there. The reason the new totalitarians are so violent in the US is because there is still a spirit of resistance here.”
“At its very bottom, the really fundamental conflict in the US is not in the society, the people vs. the government. The fundamental conflict is in the church: the preachers vs. their listeners. And it is a war of deception, not a war of arms. The listeners in the churches are fully aware of what is happening in the society; they are still blind to the fact that their own preachers are accomplices of the enemy and are charged with the task to keep them down while the government advances its agenda. What most outside observers – and most American Christians as well – often miss about the US is how much this nation is driven by what’s preached from the pulpits. The statists know it very well, though, and that’s why they have worked so hard to capture the pulpits. And I am not talking about the liberal pulpits here: The pulpits in the so-called “conservative” and “Reformed” churches are just as much accomplices to statism as the liberal and the Charismaniac churches.”
“The solution to America’s slippery slope to statism and tyranny is actually very simple: purge the pulpits of any preacher who doesn’t preach righteous rebellion against unjust authority. Yes, even the celebrities. Yes, even those that are otherwise orthodox and preach really good sermons on the doctrines of grace or the five points of Calvinism. And even those that are good men and wonderful pastors. If they fail to take the right side in the great conflict of our day, they are useless and even dangerous. Kick them out. Replace them with preachers who will fearlessly oppose the Beast. Restore the Black-Robed Regiment.”
“The solution to Britain’s spiritual problem is not that simple. In Britain, it will take longer, and will take more steps.”