Category Archives: Power Trip

A “Good” Cop

I want to show you what a “Christian” cop posted in response to this terrible incident.

Here’s the “Christian” cop’s comment:

“Do you know the whole story on this incident? I know I don’t. Perhaps your hatred of cops in general accounts for your bias. Proverbs 18:13”

This is the problem with police. They have a bias towards themselves (the people they feel a bond to). I suppose we all do, but are we willing to defy logic in the course of defending them?

What would happen if thousands of cops publicly called this dirtbag cop out (via the internet)? What would happen if cops started rooting for cops who committed murder to stand trial and go to prison? What would happen if they started caring about the victims of police brutality?

Blowhard Cop

There are countless examples of this kind of thing. If you’re not suspected of breaking a law, the cops can’t arrest you for not providing ID. This cop says otherwise. So is he lying or is he ignorant? Who knows, but either way he should be fired for harassing people.

Whether the cop is lying or ignorant, he’s attempting to take away your rights. The job of police is to take away your rights. The government PR is that they’re here to protect us, but that is obviously false. If you believe that, you’ve fallen for their propaganda.

Useless Moron Sheriff

Here’s a little background on this story. A bill was submitted to the Texas state legislature earlier this year, HB948. Its purpose was to abolish abortion, and instructed the state to ignore any judges at any level that attempted to strike down the law. The bill was blocked from being voted on by Byron Cook who is a legislator. He is Republican and pro-life. He is also a deacon at a Baptist church in Corsicana, Texas.

Since he used his power to block this clearly righteous bill, he should be under church discipline. But his pietistic 501c3 social club isn’t into that sort of thing, so abolitionists protested his church from the public sidewalk.

Today, this article appeared in the local paper.

This shameful quote appeared in the article:

“This was disrespectful, inconsiderate and inexcusable to be in front of a church on Sunday morning where these little ones were walking in to learn about Jesus and the Bible,” Elmer Tanner, Navarro County Sheriff stated in a social media post. “It was uncalled-for and was as classless an act as I have ever witnessed.”

“Be angry with a law, a situation or a person, but direct your protest at the right place and the right time,” Tanner stated. “Not at a place of worship where children are needing to feel safe, welcomed, eager and excited to be … Nothing beneficial came out of this display today. Nothing.”

Sixty million babies have been murdered in this country. This dirtbag sheriff has done absolutely nothing in his official capacity to stop it. He would almost certainly say stopping abortion isn’t his job, and that his job is just to enforce the law. That is the same excuse the Nazi guards used during their trials at Nuremberg.

Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops. Tanner is the proof of that statement.

The funny thing is that HB948 would have required sheriffs like Tanner to stand up to tyrants and baby murderers. Tanner is clearly too big of a sissy to do that. He would fold in front of a fed like a little girl.

How Does The Bible Define Anarchy?

I told someone that the cops should arrest abortionists for murder, and they said that would be anarchy. Here is my response. Please check out the link, and take the time to read that important article.

If the Nazi guards at the concentration camps had disobeyed orders to kill Jews, would that have been anarchy? Six million murdered Jews is anarchy. Sixty million dead American babies dwarfs Hitler’s anarchy. The Bible only ever refers to man’s laws as lawlessness, i.e. anarchy. Check out this article.

All unlawful orders must be disobeyed. Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops.

The Biggest Thieves In Colorado Are Named in the Paper

Civil asset forfeiture is plain old wicked. It is blatant, out-and-out stealing. Some Colorado lawmakers aren’t trying to end it, but to just rein it in a little bit. (That in itself is not the best approach. Theft should be illegal and any concession that theft should be legal under certain circumstances is evil. But this episode reveals a lot of truth in spite of that little fact.)

Here’s the Daily Record article on it.

Prominent cops are bold in saying that they want their thievery to remain unchecked. They have revealed their covetous hearts and their names are named unashamedly in the newspaper.

Pete Carey, Colorado Springs Police Chief

Chip Taylor, executive director of Colorado Counties Inc.

Justin Smith, Larimer County Sheriff

They’re the ones who are named in the article, but I’m sure there are many, many more. Those guys don’t stop theft in their jurisdiction. They and their blue gangs are the biggest thieves.

Cops blindly enforce any and all unjust laws and then use the lame excuse that they don’t make the laws, they just enforce them. Obviously, that’s a lie and a cop out. They have the ear of the governor and lobbyist groups and they can’t claim to be impartial parties. They are a powerful constituency and they make their voices heard.

Justin ends the article saying that if the law passes, “I just simply see a lot of agencies — they will abandon forfeitures.” I certainly hope so.

UPDATE: A similar story appeared in the Pueblo Chieftain. We can add these names to the list of thieves boldly coming out of the thief closet.

Kirk Taylor, Sheriff, Pueblo County

Eric Gonzales, Sergeant, Pueblo Police Department


From Pastor Matt Trewhella

In case you were wondering, it’s not just me saying all of this stuff about how terrible the police are. There are bona fide Christian leaders who are saying this stuff.

I don’t know if you watched any of the video Jeff Shirton, but the people involved did nothing but film – some for people they didn’t even know. No concern for their mistreatment? No concern that police routinely lie – and lie to cover for each other’s unjust behavior? No concern that legislators in various states are making laws to further help them cover their unjust and wicked deeds?  I have had the police lie about me or others many times when arrested for our efforts on behalf of the preborn. They have erased our videotape to cover their wicked deeds. One time I was looking at 20 years in prison for the charges the police made up against me – all lies. The only thing that saved me from their lies was someone videotaping from about 75 yards away that they did not know was filming. Their video showed their lies – and the prosecutor released me with all charges dropped.

Concerning the situation that I speak of on this post, I was looking at 4 years in prison – all based on lies by the police. I simply filmed another pastor who asked me to because of the unruly officer. I stood about 15 feet away; never said one word; never raised one finger; the officer never said anything to me but approached me and beat me to the ground. Other officers arrived. They took me to the squad car and several beat me there before putting me inside it. The officers then made up a lie. The first one said I approached him and he warned me to stop and that I had an unidentifiable object in my hand (the old ‘I thought he had a gun routine’). The others covered for him and said I was so unruly it took four of them to take me to the squad car and that I fought with them there. I never did. I was handcuffed. I simply had to take their beating. They spent an hour at the police station with me cuffed saying filthy things about Jesus to me and mocking my Christian faith. Once processed to the sheriff, they then tried to confiscate my video footage, but I had already released it to friends. Why did they want it? To erase it. It showed I was telling the truth.

What they didn’t know was that my daughter had taken about 20 still shots of them walking me from where the first cop beat me to the squad car – showing there were not four officers restraining me in my unruliness but I was just walking with one officer gingerly holding my wrist while the other 3 followed about 5 feet behind. The also did not know that someone was filming them about 100 yards away showing them kicking and beating me at the squad car – and me doing nothing but taking the beating.  There is SO much more I could say about this story – but in the end, after a 3 day trial, I was found “not guilty” of my charges. During my ordeal, I was contacted by three people who had been brutalized by that police department. My lawyer also found numerous reportings against their behavior including a death. This IS a problem – and attempts to stop the lawful recording of police in public can only be meant to further evil. A big part of the problem is the type of training law enforcement receive in this country.

You don’t care about this man who is facing 42 years in prison for simply filming the unjust/wicked actions of the police Jeff? And this is the problem, the “good” officers cover for the bad. There were 15 officers on the scene when I was beaten and charged – yet not one came forward to say it was a lie. In fact, several stood on the stand in court and lied to help their fellow officer. And not only that, but the police chief, the city attorney, and the district attorney all became involved and joined in the cover-up; to get me convicted and the officer exonerated. The only thing that kept me from prison was a just judge. I was fortunate – most are not.

Bad News

I have some bad news. I was found guilty at my speeding ticket trial today. The cop did a really good job of presenting his case, and didn’t screw up the things I thought he might.

I also screwed up a little bit on the jurisdiction line of reasoning. Rather than say, “Why do you believe the law applies to everyone in the state of Colorado?” I said, “How do you know the law applies to everyone in Colorado?” He said because he has peace officer certification. So that tripped me up a little, I got side tracked by that and asked a few questions about that rather than going back and rephrasing the question. Obviously, the law applies to everyone in Colorado because he’s a peace officer is a misunderstanding of the question, and I blew it.

I eventually got him to admit that the peace officer certification is based on the law, and the right to pull me over is based on the law, but the judge stopped that and said something like, “I wanted to give you some leeway on that line of questioning, but the court determines what law applies.”

So to the judge, I said, “Can I ask you a question, then?”

She said, “You can ask, but I may not answer.”

I said, “What is the legal reason for why that law applies to everyone in the state of Colorado?”

She said, “I’m not going to answer that question.”

So I asked several questions about the tuning forks, and I cited a case that said the tuning forks have to be proven to be reliable for radar evidence to be valid.

Ultimately the judge said that the cop’s testimony about eyeballing my speed would be enough to convict me, regardless of what the radar gun said.

There is some good news. The trial took 30-45 minutes, and there were three cops sitting around waiting for the trial, so they were off the streets for that long. There were also two clerks sitting there the whole time. So, it cost them much more than the $190 they got out of me.

But the question of why the law applies to everyone in the state of Colorado goes unanswered. There is no answer, and the system is based on a blind faith religion, albeit an antichrist religion.

We will go on pretending that the laws given us by half-wits in Denver is sacrosanct.

I hope I never get another ticket, but I would like to do better next time.