Category Archives: Reject Socialism

Mafia Supporter

A had a Facebook conversation with a guy who can’t answer why it’s acceptable for government to force people to pay for things (aka theft). In fact, the vast majority of people are just like him. I’ve asked this question to many people and have never got a good answer. Here’s the conversation:

ME: Taxation is theft. Abolish public school.

John: Then you need to live on a little island all by yourself?? And be cut off from the rest of society that is funded by those very tax dollars?? That I know you have some sort of benefits from??

ME: So you have no problem with forcing people to pay for things they don’t want?

John: Take your child to a private school and pay for it yourself?? Thats your right.. No one stopping you.. But not with tax dollars..

ME: you seem to be refusing to respond to my argument. Why do you think it’s acceptable to force people to pay for things they don’t want?

I’m opposed to forcing you to pay for other people’s children’s private school tuition. I’d appreciate you not being in favor of forcing me to pay for things I don’t want.

John: You have the answer?? You just don’t like the one that was provided.. Go whare you please?? For your children education.. If you go private?? No public tax dollars are going with you..

ME: So if you lived in certain parts of New York at various times in the past where the Mafia forced people to pay for protection, you’d tell the victims something like, “Tough luck. If you don’t like living in Mafia-run areas, you should move.”?

John: Even back then?? That was and is a option..

But seriously the mafia has nothing to do with our public education system.. So your analogy is not accurate..

ME: You haven’t answered the question. Why is it acceptable for government to force people to pay for things they don’t want? You’ve suggested an option for what to do about the situation but you haven’t explained why it’s acceptable.

The analogy between government and the Mafia is perfect. The Mafia provided services and forced people to pay for the services. Feel free to explain why it was acceptable for the Mafia to force people to pay them–not what their victims’ options were, but why it’s acceptable.

John: Do you at your place of employment have to abide by there rules ,regulations, policies?? If so you should know why? If you don’t like any of that?? You are free to leave and go somewhere else?? Something applies for the school district.

As your work place is? Also school district?? Their not a democracy… They have here rules, policies, standards, curriculum to meet.. Theres no difference.

ME: You are unable to answer my simple question I’ve asked over and over. You can have the last word.

Boris Yeltsin Grocery Shopping In Houston

Boris Yeltsin, the leader of Russia, around the time of the fall of the USSR made an unscheduled visit to a grocery store in Houston, in 1989.

Yeltsin, then 58, “roamed the aisles of Randall’s nodding his head in amazement,” wrote Asin. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, “there would be a revolution.”

In Yeltsin’s own autobiography, he wrote about the experience at Randall’s, which shattered his view of communism, according to pundits. Two years later, he left the Communist Party and began making reforms to turn the economic tide in Russia. You can blame those frozen Jell-O Pudding pops.

“When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people,” Yeltsin wrote. “That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it.”

The problem was not lack of production or corruption , it was the mismanagement of the goods to the store. Simply put, communism just didn’t work properly.

Leon Aron, quoting a Yeltsin associate, wrote in his biography, “Yeltsin, A Revolutionary Life” (St. Martin’s Press, 2000): “For a long time, on the plane to Miami, he sat motionless, his head in his hands. ‘What have they done to our poor people?’ he said after a long silence.” He added, “On his return to Moscow, Yeltsin would confess the pain he had felt after the Houston excursion: the ‘pain for all of us, for our country so rich, so talented and so exhausted by incessant experiments.’ ”

Confusion In The Camp

Over and over, when talking with “conservative” police or public school supporters, I call those programs socialist, and the “conservative” says something like, “Those aren’t socialist programs, we pay for it.” Here’s another example of exactly that, and how I responded.

Crazy conservative lady says, “You are the one calling names here! NO we are not socialists if we send our kids to public school. WE PAY FOR IT. Many parents cannot afford private school. Glad you can; good for you. I don’t see you out there on the front lines trying to get more charter schools or doing anything else that’s positive. So what are your “personal sacrifices” – or are you just talk? Meh, Basic communication note: you won’t convert anyone to your side with your hostile, accusatory rhetoric. But I don’t think you care.”

I said, “I want you to re-read what you just wrote, and I hope that you will see that this is exactly why we are losing this country to socialism. We conservatives don’t have a clear understanding of what socialism is or why it’s wrong. How can we win a battle when most of the people on our side don’t even know who the enemy is? The battle for this country is all but lost if we don’t get this right.

Socialism is wrong, because it’s based on covetousness and theft. People are forced to pay for it whether they like it or not. People with five kids receive approximately $50,000/year in benefits while people without kids receive nothing. Some people don’t believe in public school and don’t want to support it with their money, but if they don’t pay their property taxes, they will have their home confiscated. This system is pure evil. I don’t understand why I’m the only one here that sees it. Socialism doesn’t work, because the system doesn’t have to please customers. Public school is socialism, and it’s contrary to historical conservative beliefs.

The next time socialists are on the verge of passing free healthcare are you going to say, “It’s not socialism. WE PAY FOR IT.”? Can you please be consistent and apply all the reasons that you would oppose free college or socialized medicine to all these socialist programs that you seem to like?

“You are the one calling names here!”

First of all, you need to toughen up a little. I haven’t actually insulted anyone, but put a label on the position people hold. People get called names every day in this group. It’s just that it’s not usually you. There is no doubt that people who send their kids to public school are welfare recipients. Public schools spend $10,000/year on each student. It costs parents nothing. They are receiving free education. I don’t even know why you object to being called that when it’s obviously true.

“I don’t see you out there on the front lines trying to get more charter schools or doing anything else that’s positive.”

Government schooling is evil and built on socialism. Charter schools are still funded by socialism, and still run according to government rules. If that’s what you’re doing, you are the reason we are losing this country. That is one of the worst things anyone could do. It’s like saying socialism is OK if we tweak it a little. It is a losing strategy.

I don’t private school my children. I homeschool my children and could do it for about $100 per year for books. That is why I say the anti-socialism in this group is hogwash when most people could easily homeschool their children, but they prefer the benefits of socialism.”

Another “Conservative”

I’ve already posted the conversation that preceded this about how public school is bad. This guy comes along a few days later and posts this comment, and here is my response, but I have a few additional comments below.

What I didn’t bother to say in reply to the guy is that the whole purpose of the group and politics is to convince people to think a certain way. (At least that’s what it ought to be, but most use it to get government to force people to do things–the actual Gestapo.)

When he says “You have NO right to tell people they have to think a certain way…”, he’s telling me I have to think a certain way. The statement is self-refuting, and shows the level of thought in this group. It’s as if everyone in the group has gone to substandard public schools. He can’t live up to his own principle.

The whole principle of public school is built on the idea that society, the government, the voters or whoever, is going to force people to pay for government schooling whether they like it or not.

I unashamedly attempt to convince people of my beliefs, which include pointing out the immorality of forcing people to pay for public schools. I can see certain situations where in the far-from-biblical world we live in where some people might almost have no choice but to send their kids to public school, accept social security or welfare. I see no way around using roads or occasionally having to call the police or fire department. What I don’t see is conservatives supporting those socialist programs and not working to establish alternatives so that they can be ended…exactly for the reason that Henry points out. Because those programs demand a Gestapo to force people to pay for them whether they like it or not.

Henry’s comments were completely hypocritical. He’s the one supporting the Gestapo. He’s the one violating his own principle of not telling others what to think.

And I also don’t care for those who post responses and never respond back after I reply. Which he has done in the past.

Step 1 Is Getting Your Kids Out of Public School

Assuming you love your kids or your country, step one is going to be not sending your kids to public school. You don’t even have to love both your kids and your country. Just loving one or the other is enough for anyone with half a brain to get their kids out. It is just patently obvious to me that that is the case. Sometimes you have to provoke people a little to get them to start thinking. This was what I was doing here. I’ve responded to probably a dozen of this lady’s posts, and never seen her comment on any of them. I doubt she read this conversation, but at least she read my initial comment. Here’s the conversation:

I think I will leave the conversation there. I’ve pretty much already told her I’m homeschooling. I’ve told her that her children would be better off roaming free than in public school. That’s my suggestion. If people truly can’t homeschool, they should let their children roam free. Unschooling is a valid homeschooling method. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you don’t hate your kids, don’t send them to public school.

Be Consistent

Liberals are too far gone to even criticize. Conservatives may have hope, but require some serious criticism for their disgusting inconsistency. Here’s one great example.

If you don’t get how the pledge of allegiance is socialist, spend a few minutes looking into who wrote it and why. Even if it weren’t written by a socialist, there is no room in conservatism for pledging allegiance to any state. Such a pledge is anathema to the basic principles of conservatism. The state is a necessary evil in conservatism that we’re certainly not allowing the state to claim any rights over our children.

Think about sending your kids to government several hours per day from the age of 5 to 18 where they pledge their allegiance to that government. It’s a cult. No conservative or Christian in this country should be involved in public school in any way shape or form, other than to stand outside of it and protest its existence. It is that evil and that antichrist.

Vote Harder This Time

The 2020 election is the most important election of our lifetime. How many times will Sean Hannity say that on his radio show in the next year?

I guarantee the Democratic candidate will be an utter despot and tyrant limited only by the tattered vestiges of the Constitution. We already know that is what the Republican candidate/incumbent will be. Trump is a New York liberal, a RINO, who is only a hair’s breadth better than whoever the Democrats put up.

Voting for either the Democrat or Republican candidate is a waste of time–from the president down to the local city council. You’re voting for people who will fight over how to best spend stolen money. The only time it might be worth voting is if someone campaigned on drastically cutting government spending and services and cutting taxes.

Christians could control who the Republican party nominates, and I think we already do. But the pulpits refuse to teach what the Bible says about politics, and that the Bible demands godly leaders. They refuse to apply God’s law to government, teaching that Satan controls the world, and the Bible is really only about getting people to heaven.

If you want to do something to help the future of this country, voting is one of the least useful. What you can do to help the country is:

  • Find a church that speaks out about what Scripture teaches about government.
  • Stop giving your money to defeatist churches that only care about snatching souls, right before the gospel and the church are defeated, rather than the advancement of God’s kingdom.
  • Don’t let your kids set foot in K-12 government indoctrination centers.
  • Care about your neighbors, and try to work out differences and help each other rather than calling police.
  • Refuse to accept government benefits, and government will shrink.

Here’s a fantastic quote from Bojidar Marinov:

“What most outside observers – and most American Christians as well – often miss about the US is how much this nation is driven by what’s preached from the pulpits. The statists know it very well, though, and that’s why they have worked so hard to capture the pulpits. And I am not talking about the liberal pulpits here: The pulpits in the so-called “conservative” and “Reformed” churches are just as much accomplices to statism as the liberal and the Charismaniac churches.”

“The solution to America’s slippery slope to statism and tyranny is actually very simple: purge the pulpits of any preacher who doesn’t preach righteous rebellion against unjust authority. Yes, even the celebrities. Yes, even those that are otherwise orthodox and preach really good sermons on the doctrines of grace or the five points of Calvinism. And even those that are good men and wonderful pastors. If they fail to take the right side in the great conflict of our day, they are useless and even dangerous. Kick them out. Replace them with preachers who will fearlessly oppose the Beast. Restore the Black-Robed Regiment.”

I Volunteer To Get Screwed Over

Social Security sucks. The first woman to receive social security benefits was Ida May Fuller. Feel free to google her for exact numbers, but she paid about $20 into social security, and received about $20,000.

Ida May Fuller was a covetous, greedy bitch, along with almost all others who have accepted Social Security.

Social Security is a wicked Ponzi scheme based on theft, and there is no good way to end it. The only way to end it is for a certain group of people who have have paid in not receive anything. And when I say “paid in”, I actually mean “robbed at gunpoint”. There is always a gun behind tax collection, even if you choose not to see the gun and pay by the due date.

I’m willing to forgive all the Social Security payments I’ve been robbed of to this point, and continue paying in (for a while) without ever receiving any benefits. I’m willing to be the victim of the covetousness and greed of socialists down through American history so that we can end all the greed and covetousness that Social Security causes the average American to engage in.

Baby boomers are fond of mocking younger generations while ripping off the younger generations by accepting their stolen Social Security payments.

One way to end socialism is to have a tax revolt. I have no doubt that would work if you could get enough people to participate. But, there seems to be little appetite for freedom among Americans, so I have to do what I can do, while avoiding prison. I have been on a benefits revolt for many years now. I hope others will join me. It might take a little longer to end socialism and tyranny with a benefits revolt, but if enough people refuse benefits of social security, public school, welfare, etc. we can end those systems.

There is a clear, perfectly legal path to victory over socialism for anyone who cares to take it. Are there enough people with a desire to end socialism?

Slippery Slope to Socialism

I spoke with a couple people demonstrating for universal healthcare on 9th and Royal Gorge today. I asked them what exactly they’re wanting, and they wouldn’t really commit to anything specific, saying there are several different proposals being discussed in the state legislature.

I pointed out that whatever they’re advocating, if it’s based on taxation, and forcing people to pay, they’re committing the sin of covetousness, and they’re in favor of government theft.

The guy said we already fund fire services, public schools, etc by taxation. I told him we homeschool, and don’t receive a dime from the government, yet I’m forced to pay for the education of other people’s children under threat of confiscation of my property. We learn in kindergarten that it’s wrong to force people to participate in something they don’t want to do.

But he is absolutely correct in pointing out that if I were to take the position that it is just fine to fund public school, fire departments, and police services by socialism, then it is perfectly fine to fund everyone’s healthcare by socialism. Any line that you want to draw between public school and public healthcare is completely arbitrary. There is no logical reason why one would be acceptable, and the other unacceptable.

That is why unless we take a stand against all socialism, we will lose this debate. Our society will be based on covetousness, unless we start applying Scripture to the public discourse, and appeal to God’s law written on people’s hearts–even socialists. It is equally wrong for conservatives and Christians to covet taxpayer money for public school, police, fire services or border walls, as it is for liberals to covet money for healthcare.

Defeat Socialism – Don’t Call the Police

The way to defeat socialism is to not utilize socialist-funded services. Take your kids out of public school. Don’t call the police. Don’t accept Social Security payments.

I realize these things are hard to pull off, and there aren’t many who are doing it, but we have to do what we can, and help teach others so they can do something, too. I enjoyed this short conversation with a guy who must have assumed I’m not already doing what he suggested.

One other thing I would point out is that there are very good practical reasons for not calling the police, even if you did think they were honest and trustworthy. The average police response time could be 10 minutes. The best they can often do is show up after the crime has been committed.

What if your neighbor really is in trouble? There are practical reasons why you might want to help your neighbor inside of 10 minutes. We are to love our neighbors more than we love ourselves (that is what the blue government thugs are failing miserably to do). Loving them involves being willing to run over to their house to help them–not pawning that responsibility off on government.

However, there are times when we are legally required to call the police, and there is no alternative to driving on socialist-funded roads, but we start with what we can do and demand change on the other items as well.

Here’s the conversation.