Category Archives: Theonomy

The Relationship Between Libertarianism and Theonomy

Maximum freedom is found in God’s law.

Here’s what Bo Marinov has to say:


The libertarian presuppositions are Biblical presuppositions. Where the libertarian presuppositions deviate from the Bible, they also deviate from libertarianism. Theocracy is the closest thing to radical libertarianism that can be had. Anything short of theocracy is short of libertarianism as well. Thus, if you don’t have libertarian presuppositions, you are not a real theonomist. If you think that there is anything closer to radical libertarianism than theonomy, you don’t understand theonomy, and you don’t understand libertarianism.

Romans 13 Is So Misunderstood

Many Christians seem to take a blind obedience interpretation of Romans 13, but in actuality, it is dynamite laid at the foundation of tyrannical government. It says if you do good, you will have nothing to worry about from the civil magistrates, because they are God’s servants to carry out God’s wrath. Who defines good and evil? It’s saying if you follow God’s law, you won’t have any problems. And that the government’s job is to punish wrongdoers. The Supreme Court doesn’t define who the wrongdoers are. Government by God’s definition is to punish criminals as defined by God’s law.

And Romans 13 is also saying that punishing criminals is their ONLY job. It’s not their job to issue currency, build roads, provide welfare, educate children or even protect life and property. To believe that the government ought to do anything other than punish criminals is to have a misunderstanding of Scripture.

The Best Thing You Will Read All Week

Bojidar Marinov posted this article

about how closed borders (the position of Republicans, Democrats and the vast majority of idolatrous, American Christianity) is the socialist position.

A guy objects to the fact that immigration controls are socialist by saying, “Yeah, well we no longer live in a time of peace, border control is necessary….”

Bo says, “It’s the other way around. We don’t live in a time of peace exactly because of the same ideology which also promotes closed borders. As long as we have closed borders, we will have no peace. God doesn’t grant peace to those who rebel against His Law.”

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry.

November 1, 2002

I was talking to someone on Facebook who posted an article saying how serious the threat from Islamic terrorism is. I pointed out that 60 million babies have been aborted, and I would bet that police have murdered more Americans than terrorists (about 3000).

Obviously 60 million dead babies dwarfs the 3000, by a factor of 20,000. If you’re worried about anything, you should be 20,000 times more worried about that than terrorism. He didn’t care to discuss that obvious refutation of his idea, but we had a long debate about how many people the police have killed.

I admitted that I don’t have hard data on how many people have been murdered by police versus how many have been justifiably killed. He had hard data showing how few cops are convicted of murder. He thought that was meaningful, but ultimately admitted that a country that has warped the definition of murder to the point that the murder of 60 million babies has gone unpunished, might have a warped definition of murder for its revenue collection agents as well.

So I decided to try to determine that number by seeing how many people were murdered in September 2016. Is that an average month? I don’t know. An interesting question is whether police murders have gone up over the decades, or do we just have more information, because ordinary people have been walking around with video cameras in their pockets for the last few years? I wouldn’t be surprised if more people were murdered by police in the past (like in the 80s and 90s), but who knows? I would think the militarization of police was a smaller factor, but cops working in inner cities probably had an even better chance of committing murder without any consequences. Maybe that will be my next area of study.

So what are the results of my study for the month of September? You can check out each case here, but there were 18 people murdered that month, as best I can tell by a biblical definition of murder. There are issues I’ve run into with compiling that number as I’ve discussed here and here, but I’m confident that those 18 were murdered by the biblical definition.

Assuming that is an average month, how long before police would have murdered more than terrorists? Three thousand divided by 18 would be 166 2/3 months, which is less than 14 years. So, since approximately November 1, 2002, three thousand people have been murdered by police.

The obvious issue is that I’ve only done this with one month, and one month could be far from average, maybe high or maybe low. I acknowledge that.

But it is interesting that since September 11, more Americans have been murdered by cops than by Islamic terrorists.


Darth Vader Government


I found the above meme, and think it’s a great way to express the truth. We all know what an evil guy ol’ Darth is and that’s a famous line from the movie:

If one side of a contract or deal can alter the terms, then, the contract is just for show. The megalomaniac puts his gun on the table for all the honest world to feel, and it is revealed that there was never really any voluntary deal.

But government is every bit as megalomaniacal as Darth Vader. The city says, we will provide these services in exchange for these taxes. Maybe the initial parties agree, but then, down the road, the social contract can be changed. You just need 50.01% of the voters to agree, or maybe just your representatives, and everyone else will arbitrarily see their social contract changed, and they know what will happen if they don’t go along. At least Darth Vader makes it quick and relatively painless.

What’s the only solution to this? God’s laws is just and righteous. It won’t be changed, because any change will only take it from perfection to imperfection. This is called theonomy, and the only alternative to theonomy is autonomy (or man’s law).


Oh Well, Life’s Tough

There’s an article in the Daily Record that talks about how mobile home owners who don’t pay their taxes are having investors buy out their taxes and coming to charge them full retail to buy the house back. It sounds like they might have as little as $100-200 in the tax liens, and are then selling the mobile homes for $8000.

The conservative commentator might say, “Oh well, life’s tough. You better pay your taxes. You better obey the law, or that kind of thing will happen.”

The theonomist says the government is stealing tax money from everyone (including those who pay on time) and needs to repent. Property taxes are the most egregious, evil form of taxation that exists. I’m angry at the treasurer and assessor for stealing all this money and ripping people off. I’m also angry that the investors would behave this way.

I’ve purchased property tax liens in the past, and I’ve repented. I no longer own them, I was paid off by the owners. I will no longer participate in such a wicked system.

I used to think the most wicked people in this town might be drug dealers or pornographers. Now, I believe the most wicked people are the county clerk and recorder, who issues gay marriage licenses, the treasurer who aids in the theft of  millions of dollars in property taxes, and the mayor (who currently supports an immoral ballot measure increase sales tax). I would pursue church discipline against them, if I thought I wouldn’t be laughed out of their church because Christians don’t know the difference between right and wrong.

Those officials are nice people. I’m sure they’re nicer than me. They may even be Christians (except for the clerk and recorder; I don’t see how a Christian could issue gay marriage licenses), but pastors aren’t teaching the Bible. I don’t know of any pastors in the state of Colorado who speak on the matter of theft via taxation or might discuss the proper course of action for someone who works for the clerk and recorder and is asked to issue gay licenses or what the congregation’s response to gay marriage ought to be. As far as I know they all ignore it, and I’m sick of it.

Here’s a good example of a celebrity, conservative pastor who doesn’t know his right hand from his left hand.

Ten Difficult Truths

You probably won’t hear this from many pulpits, but the Bible teaches these truths. If you want to learn more, I can help point you in the right direction. These have not been easy pills for me to swallow, and I suspect they won’t be easy for most others, but Christians are to be truth seekers and tellers, regardless of the consequences.

  1.  The U.S. government at every level is antichrist. It is your enemy.
  2. The U.S. dollar system/federal reserve is sinful.
  3. Public school is a sin. Sending your kids there is a sin.
  4. The American law enforcement system is sinful and needs to be abolished.
  5. Drugs aren’t illegal under God’s law, and only tyrants are in favor of them being illegal under man’s law.
  6. Taxation is theft, voting for a tax increase is a sin.
  7. To have government agents controling the border is sinful.
  8. Requiring driver’s licences, building permits, liquor licences, business licences and on and on is a sin.
  9. Prison/jail is an unjust, wicked punishment.
  10. The U.S. has fought many unjust wars, and having a standing army is a judgment from God.

I’m not offering my opinion. These items are biblical truths. You are sinning if you send your kids to public school, are in favor of closed borders, support police, are in favor of keeping drugs illegal, vote for tax increases, etc.

These are controversial topics, but like I said, I’d be happy to explain why these items are true from the Bible.


Bojidar’s Recommended Reading

This is Bojidar Marinov’s recommended reading list for Christian reconstruction. I’ve read a few on this list, but I still have a ways to go. He can definitely recommend books faster than I can read them.

Many of these can be had for free at Gary North’s Free Books.


A Recommended Reading List for Starters


A few weeks ago, I received a letter from a mother of two very young children who wanted to start reading so that she could train them in a thoroughly Biblical worldview. I sent her the following reply which I post here, in case some of my friends find it helpful:

Hi, R.,

Thank you very much for your encouragement! Yes, I understand how you would feel at the very beginning when you see a whole world of new ideas that really make sense but you don’t know where to start from. Here are my suggestions:

The best book to start from is Gary North’s Unconditional Surrender. It gives a short but comprehensive overview for our message – what the Bible says about God, man, time, law, what it says about the institutions (family, church, state, economy), and what it says about history and future, and our job here. Then I would also go to an old but excellent book of Gary North’s, 75 Bible Questions. It covers three sections of 25 questions each: Sovereignty, God’s or Man’s?, Law: God’s or Man’s?, The Kingdom: God’s or Man’s?

On the Law of God, start with R.J. Rushdoony, By What Standard, Greg Bahnsen, By This Standard and No Other Standard. Then, prepare for some fat books: R.J. Rushdoony,Institutes of Biblical Law – the foundational book of the Christian Reconstruction. Then, you need to take on four other fat books (but they are broken into chapters and very easy to read), Gary North’s first four volumes of his economic commentary of the Bible: The Dominion Covenant (on Genesis), Moses and Pharaoh (on the Exodus), The Sinai Strategy(on the Ten Commandments), and Tools for Dominion (on the case laws in Exodus 21-40). The books look intimidating but once you get into reading the first one, you will be excited by the new information you are learning.

On eschatology, my favorite one is Kenneth Gentry, He Shall Have Dominion. It is a defense of postmillennialism, very thorough, very academic. But there is a simpler book for starters, and it is David Chilton’s Paradise Restored – and that’s what I would advise you to start with. Kenneth Gentry also has The Greatness of the Great Commission, and I tell you, he does a great job in explaining the meaning of the Great Commission. I would also add Dennis Peacocke, Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men here.

On social action, I will recommend Gary North, Liberating Planet Earth which is part of the Biblical Blueprint Series. (The whole BBS is very good: short books, almost like textbooks, and they have been very helpful for my people in Bulgaria. I will mention some of the other BBS books later.) Gary DeMar, God and Government has been a great resource to homeschoolers – it is like textbook, and explains both the Biblical principles for government, and how America was founded. Gary North’s Tactics of Christian Resistance and Theology of Christian Resistance deserve your time too. Also, R.J. Rushdoony, Politics of Guilt and Pity, Christianity and the State, and Salvation and Godly Rule. A Book that you need to read and also give to your pastor is Herbert Schlossberg, Idols for Destruction.

On business and work, I strongly recommend Dennis Peacocke, Almighty and Sons: Doing Business God’s Way. Also, sign up for Gary North’s articles on The forums there are great – many people sharing their expertise from a Christian perspective. Other books you need to read: Ian Hodge, Making Sense of Your Dollars, Terry Applegate,A Christian View of Vocation.

On economics, in addition to North’s economic commentary on the Bible, a great book isIntroduction to Christian Economics. In the Biblical Blueprints Series you will find his Inherit the Earth and Honest Money. (You have to read Honest Money, and I mean Y’ALL, both you and your husband, in these times.) R.J. Rushdoony’s CD series, Economics, Money and Hope is a great resource too. Find also Stephen Perks, The Political Economy of the Christian Society, David Chilton, Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt-Manipulators, and Ian Hodge, Baptized Inflation.

On family and education, Biblical Blueprint Series has Robert Thoburn, Children Trap, and Ray Sutton, Who Owns the Family? God or State? You have to read R.J. Rushdoony,The Philosophy of Christian Curriculum, and Stephen Perks, The Philosophy of Christian Education Explained. Two books will give you a good idea of what the public schools are: R.J. Rushdoony, The Messianic Character of American Education, and Bruce Shortt, The Harsh Truth About Public Schools. To get an idea about how a subject can be taught from a Christian perspective, get James Nickel’s Mathematics: Is God Silent?

On history, nothing beats R.J. Rushdoony’s CD set, A Christian Survey of World History, and his book, The Biblical Philosophy of History. As an American Christian, you need to read John Chamberlain, Enterprising Americans. There is more on history but I will give you more titles later, as you progress.

On psychology, R.J. Rushdoony’s Revolt Against Maturity – an excellent book, and you will learn how to evaluate yourself and your children from a Biblical perspective.

On apologetics, Greg Bahnsen is the authority: Always Ready is a simple and excellent book, Presuppositional Apologetics is more complex and academic. Pushing the Antithesiswill teach you how to defeat the enemy before they know what has come upon them.

On theology, R.J. Rushdoony, Systematic Theology and Sovereignty. You need to become familiar with John Calvin’s Institutes of Christian Religion: that book changed Europe and shaped Europe and America beyond what most historians are willing to admit.

If you need audios, the best place to go is – over 2,000 hours of Rushdoony’s lectures!

The websites where you need regularly go for resources are and

In all those books I am recommending above, there will be additional bibliography that will help you expand the list. If you need to consult me on a specific book or topic, don’t hesitate to email me.