This quote really resonates with me.
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The Death of Public School
This is from the Rational Optimist Society weekly email. There is no need for public school or teachers other than as a baby sitter.
AI robots don’t just learn… they can teach! We’ve known exactly how to give all kids a world-class education since 1984. It comes down to personal attention. Give almost any kid a one-on-one tutor tuned into their strengths and learning style, and they’ll excel. But we couldn’t afford to give every child their own one-on-one teacher. Until now.
Khanmigo is an AI tutor built by Khan Academy and OpenAI. It tailors lessons to each student’s unique needs. It’s already being used in 266 schools across America, including 20,000 kids in Indiana.
For $15/student/year, kids get unlimited access to a tutor that never tires, never loses patience, and constantly learns how to teach each child better. Khanmigo is the first AI tool I’m excited for my kids to try.
Picture a third grader. He’s a visual learner who loves Star Wars and struggles with math. His AI tutor can design lessons to explain multiplication through lightsaber battles. It’s like having a teacher who has known your child since kindergarten and understands exactly how they learn best.
Think back to your own schooling. Remember that one amazing teacher who believed in you, who explained things in a way that just clicked? Now imagine every student having that experience, every day, in every subject.
Traditional schooling with rigid schedules and standardized tests is a curiosity killer. I hated school but rediscovered the joy of learning when I was free to learn my own way. AI tutors ensure our children never lose that spark.
They let us realize the dream of “no kid left behind” AND allow every child to soar as high as their curiosity can take them. Slower learners will get the one-on-one help they need. And if your kid’s a genius, AI will help her explore Newtonian physics in third grade.
A world-class, personally tailored education for every kid, regardless of zip code. What a time to be a parent!
- A hedge fund manager I know uses AI to homeschool his three kids. He told ChatGPT about their strengths and weaknesses, the values he wanted to instill in them, and what textbooks they owned. ChatGPT drew up full weekly learning schedules and even graded their work. None of this was possible even a year ago.
- Harvard’s most popular class, Computer Science 50, now uses an AI teaching assistant. Students using the AI tutor learned more than twice as much in less time.
- Austin’s AI-focused Alpha School gives us a glimpse of how we can combine AI with regular schools to achieve outstanding results. Using AI has helped kids who were two years behind in school catch up in under six months.
And remember, this is the worst AI tutoring will ever be. The revolution in human potential is just beginning.
What does the Bible say about immigration?
I think I’ve written about this a lot, but I like the way this article is clear and concise and gives lists of verses for each point. Here it is:
Pure Evil
Conversation with a Socialist
Bernie Sanders posted a video that wasn’t worth watching a couple days before the election last Tuesday. It was not worth watching at the time and it’s certainly not worth it now that it’s obsolete. I did watch it so I wanted to leave a comment in the off-chance that someone might read it and it lead to an interesting, but sad conversation with a socialist. Here’s the conversation:
Me: Abortion is murder. Bernie Sanders is a greedy socialist.
Socialist: Well I am a socialist
Me: You’re not entitled to anything that belongs to anyone else.
Socialist: Okay, but rich people are allowed to own millions of dollars while other people die out of poverty and hunger?
Me: Yes. You wanting to help the poor doesn’t entitle you to anyone’s money. Socialism causes more poverty, not less.
Socialist: Okay…Let me put this straight: As long as people die due poverty and hunger no one is entilted to have more than they need to ensure their survival. Rich people have no right to spend the money which the poor normally need
Me: If it was as simple as simple as walking up to someone and giving them money, there are so many charities and millions of people that would gladly do that. If you know of someone who is on the verge of starvation, I will give them money for food right now. Who are you talking about who is dying of hunger?
Socialist: I am talking about people all over the world. I know shocking, but I also don’t think in random chosen national borders. People die out of hunger in many places on this planet. And as long as this is happening no rich person has a right to keep their money for themselves
Me: Bernie Sanders is opposed to open borders. I can give you the video where he says that if you like. Socialists are opposed to open borders because they want to control the labor market and trade.
You keep saying there are people starving, but I don’t know who you’re referring to. The only people in the world who are starving that I know of are Venezuelans who are victims of socialism. Wherever people are starving it’s because of government abuse (socialism) and a lack of freedom (capitalism).
You may not like that everyone is free to do with their money what they want. Everyone will give an account to God for what they do with their money to God on Judgment Day. But you wanting to force rich people to do what you want with their money is you being covetous and greedy.
Socialist: By the way I am excited about your explanation why socialism would cause more poverty?
Me: Wherever socialism has been tried, it has failed miserably such as the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc. Socialists like to argue that Scandinavian countries have socialism. The U.S. also has plenty of socialist programs, but the U.S. and Scandinavian countries can mess around with socialist programs because they can fund them with wealth that comes from the free markets. Voluntary charity is far superior to socialist programs.
I can give you a hundred reasons why socialism doesn’t work, but the issue is that it is based on theft, covetousness and greed. Maybe the more admirable socialists covet healthcare, food and housing for everyone, rather than nuclear weapons. But confiscating someone’s property for a good cause is still theft.
Socialists are evil and greedy, even if they want to steal people’s money to give it to someone in need.
Michael Richards on Abortion
Mormon Confusion
I had a conversation with a Mormon about how there is no such thing as eternal marriage. Jesus clearly taught that there is no marriage in heaven. Joseph Smith completely made up eternal marriage. Here’s the conversation:
Me: It’s all made up. Jesus specifically said that there is no marriage in heaven. Marriage isn’t eternal.
Sonja: No, he did not say that specifically. I think uou have some confusion on some Bible verses going on.
Me: The Sadducees asked about a woman who was married on earth, and who she will be married to in heaven. Jesus said there will be no marriage; we will be like the angels (Matthew 22:30). He’s clearly and specifically teaching that there will be no marriage in eternity. Joseph Smith was a false prophet who contradicts obvious teachings of the Bible. You believe in an idolatrous version of Christ who can’t save you from your sins.
Sonja: He was saying marriage would not take place in heaven. I think you are misinterpreting that verse. Notice he answers, “IN THE RESURRECTION” there will be no marriage performed.
Me: He said that a lady that was married on earth will be single in heaven, like the angels.
Sonja: That is not my interpretation.
Me: then your interpretation is false.
Sonja: That’s pretty arrogant. And unChristlike.
Me: It’s very judgmental of you to call me arrogant and unChristlike.
Sonja: Have a good evening!
Socialist Teacher
Should I really be shocked that my junior high gym teacher is a socialist? It was a long time ago that I was in junior high and all the run-ins I’ve had with my former teachers have been horrendous. I’ve had an online conversation with a teacher who hates the Bible. I tried to witness to a high school teacher on the street who was half drunk and hostile to the gospel. And now my junior high teacher goes public as a coveter.
She wrote a letter to the editor endorsing raising taxes for a swimming pool. If you support forcing people to pay for a swimming pool because you want a swimming pool, you’re committing the sin of covetousness.
Here’s the craziest line in the whole thing. Char Lindner says, “But this is a time to sacrifice and spend my money on doing what is for the greater good of all and stop thinking of myself.”
She wants a pool and she’s willing to pay for the pool so to stop thinking about herself she want everyone to be forced to pay for a pool whether they like it or not. It seems she is thinking only of herself. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself and she doesn’t care what the minority of voters think.
“For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” (Ephesians 5:5).
Char Lindner is an idolater.
Should a Church Fly an American Flag?
We went to an event where a large church in town had a fall fair type of thing with games for the kids. They had a crane set up in the parking lot where they were flying a large American flag. Is this appropriate? What is the point they’re trying to make?
First off, I don’t think they’ve thought it through like I have. They are proud of America and they want to fly the flag. While maybe they haven’t thought about it as much as I have, they went through the effort of getting a huge flag and getting a crane. All of this while there was tons of effort going into getting ready for a complicated event. I would encourage them to think about it as I don’t think it’s defensible for any Christian who has thought about it.
The most obvious thing to me is that Americans have murdered 65 million babies since Roe v. Wade. The government has failed to do what they are ordained by God to do, which is punish murderers (Romans 13:4). 65 million murdered babies is about 10 times the number of Jews killed in Nazi Germany. What will it take before we stop supporting the government? Is it 100 million dead babies, 200 million? Where’s the line?
The next thing is that we are to seek first the kingdom of God. Most Christians don’t even know what that means. God’s kingdom has a king and we are citizens of that kingdom. We are to identify more with God’s kingdom than with any earthly kingdom. I would feel more affinity towards a foreigner who was a Christian than for an American atheist, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, etc.
We are to be more concerned with seeing God’s kingdom grow and His justice be done on earth than we are with advancing America.
I don’t see any defense for flying an American flag at a church at all.
What Am I Missing?
I’m perplexed by the behavior of Christians I know, especially the men. I’m a theonomist. Theonomy is trying to apply all of Scripture to all of life. We reject the idea that the Bible doesn’t talk about politics. I have tried to engage Christians in conversation on biblical topics many times. I’ve tried in person. I’ve tried passing out pamphlets about theonomy in church. I’ve tried on Facebook. I’ve tried to be nice. I’ve tried to be provocative. I tried to get them to go witnessing with me. I taught a Way of the Master class and about 15 people attended. A few went witnessing, but no one stuck with it or ended up coming with us weekly.
No one has ever really engaged with my theonomic arguments. Some have said they agree with me but haven’t really seemed to dive into all the implications of applying the Bible to politics and all of life. Some have opposed what I’ve said, almost all of them women. But none of them have carried on with the discussion. They say I disagree, and some have even explained why they disagree, but they don’t carry on with the conversation. The men have almost all remained silent. A couple days ago, one didn’t remain silent, but didn’t explain why and refuses to carry on the conversation. Here’s that “discussion”. I left a comment on a newspaper article about raising taxes for a swimming pool.
My initial comment consisted of four sentences. Which of the sentences did he disagree with? The first two sentences are absolute statements of fact, so he can’t disagree with that. The third follows from Romans 13:3-4, and all of the Old Testament. The fourth follows logically from the first three sentences. It all seems pretty obvious and true to me.
On one hand, him disagreeing is more than I get from 90% of Calvary Chapel men. On the other hand, why is he not willing to explain himself? Does he not know Scripture? If that’s so, why would he comment? Is he scared of arguing in public? Then why say anything at all? He wants to take a stand and go public as not agreeing while not being in any way capable of defending his position.
I think all of this behavior from these people comes from two errors.
1. Having a false understanding Romans 13.
2. Having a false eschatology (end times view)–premillennialism.
They have been taught the bootlicking interpretation of Romans 13 over and over. They think the government has a blank check to do what it wants. Their pessimistic eschatology teaches that they will be defeated more and more soundly until they are raptured. So, they expect to lose and so they don’t apply Christian ethics to government. I’ve tried to explain this all many times and no one really seems to care. My arguments from Scripture apparently aren’t overcoming their pessimistic presuppositions.