Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Freedoms You’re Losing

I’ve been discussing border issues a while, but I guess I’ve changed my tactic a little so I’m getting different responses. I’ve been talking about how people are so willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for safety. The surprising part is that people don’t even realize the freedoms they’re surrendering. So here’s the list.

1. In order to hire someone you have to act as an agent for the federal government to verify that the employee is legal to work.
2. You can’t hire whoever you want. You can only hire someone who is a citizen or has a green card.
3. You can’t have over to your house whoever you want. A foreigner can’t just legally show up but has to be approved to be in the country and if they are approved can’t just stay around, but can only be here on certain terms.
4. You have to have a passport to re-enter the U.S. in many instances after you’ve left the country. Passports are a pain. Keeping track of passports for a family of 6 is no easy task.
5. The immigration checkpoints within 100 miles of the border mean you can’t drive without being harassed by the government. Why is a [Nazi] checkpoint constitutional near the border but unconstitutional in Nebraska?

I used to think that an evil minority in Washington D.C. managed to take away our freedoms. I’m realizing more and more that Americans beg for their freedoms to be taken away. Ben Franklin said those who would give up liberty in exchange for safety are worthy of neither.

Obvious Failure

If a random Christian gets challenged by an unbeliever about anything in the Bible whether online or in person, you can guess how it’s going to go. It’s not going well, and there may even be heresy involved, even when you know the random Christian isn’t a heretic. It’s very sad.

The recent invention of one guy standing up and preaching (Sunday morning church service) is a complete failure. Any pastor at this point who isn’t sickened by the obvious failure isn’t paying attention, or is blinded by his paycheck. Sunday morning church is a waste of time as far as the education/sermon is concerned. You’d be better off sleeping in. It’s time to try something different.

What Attitude Should Americans Have?

I know people who don’t celebrate Christmas because they think Christmas trees and other Christmas traditions are pagan–same thing with Easter. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t celebrate Independence Day/Fourth of July. Of course, that is the date the Declaration of Independence was signed. That is, political leaders in the 13 colonies told the existing government that they were no longer going to submit to them. They were forming their own new government. They were no longer going to obey the King and his laws or pay their taxes to Britain. In fact, they ended up killing British government agents and soldiers.

The patriots wrote eloquently about resisting tyranny and the God-given rights of men. The king was abusive, but only a fraction as abusive as today’s U.S. government. He charged a very small, yet still unjust tax, a fraction of what we pay today, and the colonists revolted. The way the vast majority of Americans twist Romans 13 into teaching nearly blind obedience to government would indicate that the founding fathers were in grave sin. Yet I know of zero conservative Christian Americans who aren’t proud Americans who celebrate Independence Day with vim and vigor.

When I point out that inland immigration checkpoints are wicked, and police are an unamerican, socialist institution, public schools are funded by the most evil form of taxation–property taxes, and so forth, conservatives get mad at me and say I’m the unamerican one and I should leave the country. But who is really unamerican? What is the definition of what America is and what it ought to be? Is it defined by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bible? Or is it defined by proudly pledging allegiance to whatever it is now? If what defines a good American is how proud you are of what America currently is and saying the pledge of allegiance, then I guess they’re right. I’m unamerican. I’m not pledging my allegiance to a country that has betrayed its founding values. I’m not pledging allegiance to a country that has allowed the murder of 60 million babies and takes 50% or more of our income through all forms of taxation or that stops people as they travel through the southern U.S. to ask them what their citizenship is. By that definition I’m definitely unamerican and so are the founding fathers. However, I think the Bible, the Declaration and to a lesser extent, the Constitution define what a true American is and I’m, unfortunately one of the few true Americans left.

The Supreme Court Is a Joke

I don’t believe anything the government says. They may be right on some things or tell the truth sometimes, so you have to verify everything they say. Reagan said we would trust the Soviets, but verify. I say we don’t trust the U.S. government but verify.

We ought to be able to read the Constitution and have a good understanding of what the laws should be. It’s not written for dummies, but generally, someone with some effort should be able to generally apply it and come to an understanding of what their rights are. One principle is that the federal government is limited to powers that are specifically enumerated in the Constitution. Of course, the government and liberals hate that. It turns out conservatives hate it as well.

One way they’ve gotten around that, rather than amending the Constitution is to warp and bend the foreign commerce clause. That clause is Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 and gives Congress the right “To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes…” That seems quite clear.

Do you see anywhere where that clause gives Congress the ability to deal with individuals? If a foreigner were to arrive at a port or cross the border and look for a job, what does that have to do with a foreign nation, much less commerce? You’d have to really disrespect the Constitution to say that applies to individuals crossing a border. In conservative parlance, that sounds like a libtard interpretation of the Constitution. Conservatives would never put up with such foolishness when it comes to the 2nd Amendment.

But, that is the exact basis that the Supreme Court cites to give Congress power to regulate immigration. In Fong Yue Ting v. The United States (1893), the Supreme Court ruled that Chinese immigrants can be deported because of that clause that says nothing about individuals or immigration.

Samuel Nelson, Supreme Court Justice from 1845-1872 stated: “No direct authority over aliens has been delegated to Congress by the Constitution.”

In reality, the Supreme Court has twisted and judged incorrectly time and again. They’ve ruled that babies can be murdered in the womb; black people aren’t fully human and on and on. I use their decisions when they suit me and reject them when they are clearly wrong. They aren’t to be trusted. They’re not an authority on anything without threats of violence. They’re nothing more than pedophiles in weird black dresses.

Crazy, Confused Guy

My original comment was that the founding fathers gave us open borders. This guy responded that apparently the British attacking in the 1770s caused them to not have open borders? Then I tried to give him a few supporting facts and he just goes off the deep end. Slavery being made illegal is an immigration limitation? It would just mean that anyone brought to this country as a slave is no longer enslaved.

I’ve now posted these facts hundreds of times over many years and this is as good as any other argument against them as I’ve found.

Border Problems Have Biblical Solutions

It should come as no surprise that the border crisis could be solved tomorrow by applying biblical principles. Freedom and justice are absolutes. Anything other than biblical solutions will cause injustice and loss of liberty.

Are men free to make up whatever laws they want? No, because any deviation from God’s law causes someone to suffer injustice or some loss of freedom.

It turns out that the founding fathers gave us a system that was much closer to biblical ideals than what we have now. This consisted of:

1. Open borders and freedom to travel.

2. Freedom to work for whoever cared to hire you.

3. No government handouts to anyone–only private charity.

4. Limited political franchise/citizenship/voting rights.

These are not only biblical principles, but America’s founding principles. Any objections to open borders from Republicans/”conservatives”/Socialist Party R are answered in these 4 principles. This is the true conservative, free-market, anti-socialist position.

When we advocate for anything other than these principles we advocate for government of the beast (Revelation 13:17) and abuse of strangers. Strangers are a protected class in Scripture along with orphans and widows. You will face God on judgment day and give an account for how you treated them (Matthew 25:31-46) and how you advocate they be treated by the government.

So what should we do? We are to teach the nations to obey all that Christ has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).

Abortionists rest easy at night knowing there are no good cops.

Here’s a simple proof for the proposition that there are no good cops.

  1. The Bible defines what a good cop is.
  2. Romans 13:3-4 says that the government’s job is to God’s servant to punish evildoers.
  3. Abortionists are evil mass murderers.
  4. Abortionists operate in peace anywhere in America.
  5. There are no cops who are carrying out God’s wrath against abortionists.
  6. Therefore there are no good cops.

Emotional Arguing

Here’s a frustrating conversation. This is a woman from my old church. She completely misses the point and is unable to form a rational response to anything I said. She should be rebuked by her husband and her pastor for not having the ability to think rationally.

In reality, I don’t even know why she would be offended by my original meme calling those who support cops loyalists. If she has the typical erroneous understanding of Romans 13, she should be all about loyalty to the British and calling the Revolutionary War a sinful rebellion. I think she’s just generally offended that I don’t support police and she has a very emotional connection to the police. I have found this type of arguing to be very common.

What’s even more sad is the women will argue. Their husbands are silent. That has been the case now for 4 women. I’ve had one interaction with a man, who wanted to continue the conversation offline, which I did. And 4 women whose husbands are unwilling to talk in any way.

Unfortunately, I missed copying down one of her comments where she told me to call a crackhead rather than the police, and the original post was deleted. But here’s the conversation.

Is the Border Like Your House?

Americans are steeped in socialism and statism. That definitely includes Republicans and conservatives and even those who hate socialism. They have socialist presuppositions and positions. Someone who hates socialism, but supports police is actually a socialist. Someone who hates socialist healthcare but supports the military is actually a socialist. Someone who hates socialism but wants the government to vet immigrants and travelers is actually a socialist.

The common analogy that socialists who don’t realize they’re socialists use is comparing the border to your house. They say, “You control who comes and goes from your house, so the government should also control who comes and goes from the country.” This belief reeks of socialist presuppositions. Here’s a response I posted, and I’m posting it here so I can come back and don’t have to retype it.

You’re comparing the country to your home. Your home is private property. You have the right to control who comes and goes. Private property is a capitalist (and also biblical) idea that is incompatible with socialism, right?

To say that the government can control who comes and goes from the country is to say that the government or the commune has some kind of ownership over the country as a whole. That is a socialist belief. The government shouldn’t be allowed to control who comes and goes, because it doesn’t own the country. If you believe the government owns the country, you at least have some socialist presuppositions, whether you realize it or not.

The Bible teaches that the government should have zero control over someone who isn’t a criminal. Traveling or working in a foreign country is not a sin, therefore it’s none of the government’s business.