Christianity in Public Schools

A friend said this about Christianity in public schools:

I’m a Christian and am against mandatory Bible teaching in PUBLIC school (for it at private Christian schools).

You’re probably referring to the 2023 bill a couple idiotic senators introduced that would require all schools to display the ten commandments. This never made it from the senate.

Public schools are funded by forcing people to pay for them, and shouldn’t exist at all. 

Every institution whether it’s a government institution or not should be submitted to Christ as Lord. You can’t have education that ignores Christ or pretends to be neutral as there is no such thing as neutrality towards Christ (Matt 12:30). You’re either for Him or against Him. When public schools or government feign neutrality, they’re actually opposing Christ.

Any institution that isn’t submitted to Christ is actually opposed to Christ and its purpose can be shown to be absurd, self-contradictory or unintelligible. If you’re going to open a strip club, it better be submitted to Christ. That sounds every but as absurd as having a public school submitted to Christ. At least a strip club has willing supporters as opposed to public schools who get their funds by threatening to confiscate people’s property.