Exodus From Public School Begins

Right now, the exodus from public school has begun. It may be just
a slow trickle, but it will grow. Not because people all of a
sudden have become convinced that public school is a Marxist
indoctrination camp, but because it won’t be able to compete.

It costs a lot of money for public school. They waste a ton of
money, just like any agency that has little accountability while
spending other people’s money. Alternatives enabled by the
internet are going to blow public school out of the water based on
price and quality of education.

Before I had kids I never really thought much about this topic. I
went to public school, and I assumed that was the best choice.
When they changed it so that kindergarten was going to last all
day, I started looking into homeschooling.

We completed homeschooling my oldest son through kindergarten last year, and we’re planning for 1st grade. I think he is much better
off for the one on one attention he receives. We covered all the
topics kindergarteners are supposed to cover and more in only 2-3
hours per day.

My wholehearted recommendation is that you homeschool your kids. Never mind all the biblical issues that would demand parents
homeschool their kids. It is just plain old better than public

Check out this article for more on this topic.