Like I Said

This is great, from Bojidar Marinov.


The laws against abortion are on the books in every state. Roe v. Wade was actually the SCOTUS vs. the State of Texas. Under the state laws of at least 35 states, abortions are still illegal. Sheriffs are not elected to serve the Supreme Court. They serve their counties, and thus, they enforce the laws of their counties and states, not opinions of the Supreme Court. Therefore, if these Sheriffs were what they said they were, they would enforce the laws of their counties and states.

Modern police has supplanted what America originally had: citizen’s militia. The real authority, morally and constitutionally, is that citizen’s militia of the Second Amendment, and the courts. That authority has been de facto taken away from them, and given to an institution of executive power – the police.

I am calling the people back to their Biblical and Constitutional origins. I never said that individual citizens are supposed to shut the abortion clinics. But I am saying that we are supposed all, as individual citizens, to work and fight to restore the Biblical order. In a Biblical order, the citizen’s militia will suppress any attempt at setting up abortion clinics. Under the current order, police keeps them open, and that is what I use to prove that this social order is not Biblical.

Yes, eventually we will get to shutting down the abortion clinics, in defiance of the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, there is work to be done: educate the people to know why the current situation persists, and why they can’t change it. One reason: they believe police is a legitimate authority. They need to break free of that lie. It is not. Police is an occupation army, and we should treat it as one. That is, shrewdly and carefully undermine its authority until the time is ripe to abolish it. And yes, eventually, we as citizens will shut down the clinics.

The issue is timing not consistency. Paul knew slavery would be abolished one day. He just started the fight strategically, not stupidly.

Read my article on “Paul’s Political Debate Against Augustus.” And listen to my lectures from the Freedom Conference earlier this year.