Meet Officer Nutjob

1. Police can’t order people to leave a public sidewalk. No one is obligated to obey such an order.

2. I would guess the girl that got body slammed said something stupid. Police can’t body slam people for saying stupid things.

3. According to God’s law, the first person to draw a gun or a deadly weapon can be killed in self-defense (Numbers 35:16-21, Exodus 22:2-3). Cops don’t have special rights. Bystanders or other cops would be free of guilt in God’s eyes for killing the cop who drew his gun.

4. Abolish the police!

This video is 8 minutes, but you can just watch from 2:30-3:30 or so. And be sure to watch the first 10 seconds of Officer Nutjob doing the TJ Hooker roll.