M&M Logic

Every day Christians on Facebook keep repeating this analogy: If you had a handful of M & Ms and you knew two of them were poisoned, what would you do?

Meaning, we should not give any Syrians refuge in this country, because we would be letting in a certain percentage of terrorists. Unfortunately, that analogy can be applied to any group of people to justify their abuse. Japanese-Americans were thrown into prison camps in World War II using M&M logic. Using M&M logic everyone would be in favor of abolishing the police, because we all agree that there are a certain percentage that are bad.


Here’s what Bojidar had to say on that.

“Police commit many more crimes than Muslims in the US. If conservatives applied the same logic to police, we would have all cops banished from this country and police shut down forever as an institution. The fact that we see these memes applied only to politically weak groups and not to the real problem, the politically powerful standing army of police, undermines the conservative position and makes it laughable.

Inconsistency destroys credibility. If you are not willing to apply your logic across the board, don’t even bother.”