Tag Archives: Bojidar Marinov

Must Listen – Session 4 of the Freedom Conference

-Belief in an executive government (our government) is idolatry. An executive government is one that makes laws. If government can make laws, they are a god. Only God can make laws; government’s only job is to punish those who violate God’s law.

-Torture is unbiblical.

-Questions for self-examination:
1. Do we call the cops on our neighbor for things the government ought not be involved in? Stop.
2. Do we teach our kids to respect all authority? Stop.
3. Do we teach our kids to discern proper authority?
4. Are our kids in public school? Public schools haven’t failed, but are very successful, and operating at maximum efficiency.

-The nuclear family is the building block of a Christian society.

-1 Cor. 3:21-22: The past isn’t ours. The past is forgotten. Christians are to have a future orientation.

Step 1. Purge the pulpits of idolatry.
-Socialists aren’t the problem; American pastors are the problem.
-If a pastor isn’t preaching rebellion at this time of injustice, he’s preaching idolatry.
-Stop donating to idolatrous churches/pastors/ministries.
-We are responsible for rebuilding the black robed regiment.

Step 2. Starve the beast.
-Serve on a jury. Only vote to convict for biblical crimes.
-Defeat school bonds and tax increases.
-Influence the sheriff to reject federal government handouts.
-Don’t submit to the government voluntarily. Make your compliance painful and expensive.



Must Listen – Session 3 of the Freedom Conference

Here are the highlights from session 3:

Our job is to eliminate:
1. Standing armies. A standing army would have been repugnant to the founding fathers, and it is repugnant to God’s law.
2. Police. Police are a domestic standing army. Any sheriff who has a single piece of equipment from the military isn’t a local. He’s a government henchman.
3. Taxing Agencies. Taxation for any other purpose than that in Romans 13 is theft.
4. Sin tax. Sin taxes are the attempt of a god to reach into our hearts to try to change us.
5. Public school.
6. Economic regulations.
7. Econimic subsidies. Including agriculture, welfare, minimum wage, federal reserve, immigration restrictions.

– 1 Cor. 11:3: “…the head of every man is Christ.” This is a political statement. Government is not the head of any man.



Must Listen – Session #2 of the Freedom Conference

Happy Independence Day! Today is a day of celebrating the Christian heritage of standing for our God-given rights and opposing the tyranny of King George. It’s also a day of weeping for the rights we’ve so willingly given up, and the fact that so many Americans don’t get it.

Here are the notes from Session #2:

-History is the perfection of Christian creeds over time.

-To believe there is no difference between a Christian and pagan society is to believe the gospel is powerless.

-The church is God’s prophetic voice to the nations.

-The beast of Revelation 13 is tyrannical government. The stars and stripes are the image of the beast. The beast doesn’t allow buying and selling without taking the mark. Government doesn’t allow buying and selling without licenses, permits, Social Security number, work visa, and on and on.

-God can write his law on our hearts. Satan has to attempt to control our bodies, and he uses coercive government.

-God’s law says you’re only under the authority of government when you commit a crime and there are two witnesses.



Must Listen – Session #1 of the Freedom Conference

This is the audio from the Freedom Conference held in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Bojidar Marinov spoke in 4 sessions, and it is fantastic. I’ll post the notes I took, and post a link to each audio in the next few posts.


-We have a God-given duty to rebel against a government that violates people’s rights. The line drawn in the Bible is between wise rebellion and unwise rebellion–not between rebelling and not rebelling.

-Respect to authority is bad (except where it is biblical as in the case of children with their parents, etc).

-Romans 13, far from being a call to blind obedience to government, is a full-scale idealogical challenge to Rome (and Washington D.C., Denver, Fremont County and the city of Canon City). Romans 13 is dynamite laid at the foundation of wicked government.



Below is a post from Facebook:

Joshua Houser added 2 new photos.

So I’m at work at a customers house, the police show up guns drawn tell me to put my hands up, I refuse and they tell me I’m accused of walking around the property and trying to open doors and looking thru windows trying to get in to steal stuff. Meanwhile in the real world I’m looking for some cable wiring that is underground no where near any houses, in a bright red cable shirt, in big white cable truck!!! My bad are you using my truck as your desk?! I’m so sorry America didn’t realized working was a crime?!!?‪#‎blackslivesmatter‬


Bojidar Marinov is on it, saying this:

And of course, at the end of the week, the government will withdraw its share from the paycheck of the black guy to pay that cop who probably never put in a single day of honest work in his life and has always lived off other people’s tax money. And then that same cop will babble about the blacks and their “dependence on welfare,” while living off the tax money taken from the black guy whom he arrested.


And he has an excellent podcast. You can listen to an episode he did on this topic a few weeks ago here.

Don’t Yank on the Chain If You Don’t Know What It’s Connected To!

This article talks about how the German people are wondering about whether the Muslims converting to Christianity are genuine.


Bojidar Marinov said the following in response:

In other words, one bad idea leads to another, and all of them together lead to more statism. People ask for the government to control the movement of people (a bad idea), but then realize that this leads to injustice and cruelty to Christians in the Middle East. Then they try to mitigate this by calling for the government to stop only Muslims (another bad idea), even though they have read multiple articles explaining that Muslims have no problem parading as “Christians,” and then they see Muslims getting baptized in droves. Now, since no one is sure if these conversions are real, the next step is to get the government to decide if they are sincere or not (another bad idea). Step by step, somewhere down the road, because we have been manipulated by irrational fears, we will let the government decide for us if we really are Christians or not, and what does it take to be a Christian.

Practical Christianity

The Bible applies to every area of life, though you wouldn’t know it if your only source of information is modern American Christianity. Someone asked Bojidar Marinov if there is a systematic theology book that discusses economics. Below is his answer.


Any area of practical study and application is deadly to anti-Theonomists, for it exposes their nakedness. If they want to be Biblical, they are forced to go to the Law of God, which makes them an easy target for Theonomists who point to their inconsistency. If they want to be faithful to their anti-Theonomic position, they have to rely on humanistic theories which can be easily exposed as anti-Biblical. If you go back and read Joel’s and mine articles against the Two Kingdoms rhetoric, you will see that most of the time all we need to do is wait for these guys to talk on some practical issue – economics, politics, law, etc. – and show how they go against their own theology.

Therefore, the safest bet for all these seminary rats is to exclude such issues from their systematic theologies in order to avoid exposing themselves as inconsistent and as theological hypocrites. Keep only obscure hyper-spiritualized irrelevant topics under the title of “theology,” and relegate life and action and practical thought to the realm of “natural law” and common grace.