Tag Archives: Bojidar Marinov

Homeschooling Discussion: Is It a Sin to Send Kids to a Public School?

Here are some fantastic thoughts on whether it is a sin to send our kids to a secular temple for their schooling from Bojidar Marinov.


“So if you’re asked point-blank: “Am I in sin by having my kids in public school?” How do you respond?”

My answer: “Yes, you are. Just as much as you would be in sin if you sent your kids to the local mosque five days a week.” If they hate you for that, they will hate you for that. But some will be stung in their hearts who won’t be stung if you took the softer approach.

If you are a Calvinist, you should know this corollary from Calvinist soteriology: The reprobate won’t become less reprobate because you were friendly and soft; but the elect will be driven to respond if you speak as one of authority, not like their academically-feminized seminary professors (Matt. 7:29).

Flags at Half Mast?


Bojidar Marinov:

If the flags around this country were half mast to honor every civilian person murdered by cops, we will never be able to raise them full mast.

Just think about it, and think about the statism of a society that gives one government agent immeasurably more honor than to its multitude of murdered civilians.

One Good County Clerk?

Maybe there are a handful of good county clerks, but it is an extremely small percentage who are refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

For some reason, these homosexuals think that a piece of paper from the government can make their marriage something more than a fantasy.  Two dudes can never be married, regardless of what the supreme court says.

Jesus said, “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:6-9).

I thought it was interesting what Bojidar Marinov said about this situation today:

It is ironic to see that cop-worshippers among the church-goers in the US support Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis in her rebellion against the highest human judicial authority in the land.

It will be even more ironic when cops come to arrest her and remove her from office. What possible explanation will they have to make cops be “good” while serving illegal orders for an evil cause?

But I don’t expect cop-worshippers to change their minds. After all, after 1973, police has been the institution most committed to doggedly defending the abortion mills, not stopping before using torture, murder, and false witness against pro-lifers; and yet, cop-worshippers continue worshipping police. That’s because cop-worship is a religion, and no rational or moral – let alone Biblical – arguments can make its adherents change their minds.


Fire John MacArthur!

I have a John MacArthur study Bible. In general, he’s one of the best big-name pastors around. I would agree with him on 90% of things he says. But, for some reason he’s way off on this topic.

In fact, if I understand correctly, Bob Vernon was the assistant chief of the LAPD, and is an elder at this church. When Operation Rescue was in LA, blocking the doors to abortion clinics with hundreds of people, Vernon sought counsel on how he should handle these peaceful Christian protesters, doing a good thing. Apparently, MacArthur told Vernon to arrest them, and they had a sadistic heyday doing so.

So I made the video below with an encouraging quote from Bojidar Marinov. You can watch the video here, or if you’d like to comment and like it, you can click on the little Youtube logo in the bottom right that comes up after you hit play.

Cop Worshiping Christians Bring Judgment

At 11:30, you can see these Christians demonstrating in front of an abortion clinic have Comet thrown at them. The cops don’t do anything, and let the man go.

Obviously, cops can choose to ignore whatever laws they want. Sometimes they ignore unjust laws. Sometimes they just show their bias. But I’m in favor of cops not enforcing evil laws.


Bojidar Marinov was asked about this incident and had this to say, “Christians are stupid enough to worship police when police are the institution most committed to protecting the abortion mills. Thus, the judgment on the house of God will come from its very idols.”

I think this incident is just further proof of the veracity of this meme, made from an incident from 1989:


Dozens of Evil Cops

You really only have to watch a few minutes if you like. Here is what Mr. Marinov had to say about this video, and there were also several interesting comments I’ll include.


Bo said, “A conversation today reminded me of this documentary on police brutality, which I have watched many times with my friends from Operation Rescue.

Here, cop-worshipers, is your beloved police. Brutally torturing peaceful protesters against abortion, on the streets, in full view of the public. Not a single good cop there, out of hundreds. Not a single cop with a conscience; all brute beasts who eagerly jump at the opportunity to beat defenseless people, including pregnant women and old men, to break bones, or to inflict pain in any possible way just for the sheer pleasure of seeing their victims in pain. Sadistic perverts: this is the real description of your uniformed “heroes.” And some of these sadistic perverts would then go to church on Sunday morning, and false shepherds like John MacArthur would praise them for what they had done and even hold services in their honor.

Operation Rescue was very effective, despite the bad press it got. If it had continued, abortion would have been stopped back then, in the 80s, not by a political decision but by a grass roots movement.

Who then got in the way to thwart Operation Rescue?

The cops. Yes, it was your beloved, worshiped, “good” cops who went to the streets and applied every single ounce of brutality they could to protect the abortion mills from Operation Rescue.

Go ahead, worship the cops. Without them, we wouldn’t have thousands of babies murdered every day.”


Another commenter said,

Bob Vernon, LA Asst. Chief of Police, and elder in McArthur’s church was overseeing the torture that day. I wasn’t there but dear brother in the Lord, and former Las Vegas cop, Chet Gallagher, as I recall, was pleading with McArthur’s elder to stop the torture…to no avail.

Patrol officer, Greg Vande Kamp, in Sioux Falls, SD, and active in his Reformed church, hesitated when it came to arresting us back in the mid 1990s. (He had even asked me to come by his home where he begged me to give him an advance notice of the date of our rescue attempts, so that he could call in sick. I refused.) It was soon after he parted with his conscience and personally arrested me that he started rising in the ranks. He’s now a Captain and it wouldn’t surprise me if he made Chief one day…on the blood of the babies and in the name of Christ. Sioux Falls PD used mild “pain compliance”.


Bo said, “[A cop] can choose to participate in injustice, or choose to not participate in injustice. The position doesn’t justify participation in injustice. If cops had refused to follow orders, things would be different. Police chiefs took part in it willingly, self-consciously, as part of their assertion of police power. It was a religious statement by all, politicians, cops, and pastors. And the religious statement was: “We have no King but Caesar.” All of them are guilty.”


Some other commenter said, “I have a friend who is now a full-time pro-life activist who once was a cop who refused to arrest pro-lifers. He was fired when he was less than a year away from his retirement and pension. I admire him for his sacrifice. But I’d rather have guys like that on the police force than fired. I don’t blame the ones who are reasonable and still work within the corrupt system. We live in a fallen world. Sometimes the Daniels have to face the fiery furnace. But other times they can accept promotions within the system and function as prophets of God.”


Bo said, “I have been friends with some of the people in this video for 15 years now. Joseph Foreman (one of the speakers in the video) was my first true friend in the US, and my first church elder. I lived 6 months in his home as part of his family. I am still close friends with many of them. Some of them spent time in jail because of their involvement with OR, all of them had to go through confiscations, having lost their court cases to Planned Murderhood. Yes, it’s the same Planned Murderhood that is in the focus today that forced many of them into poverty.

And guess what: The cops were the ground troops for Planned Murderhood and for the abortion mills. It was not OR vs. the abortionists. On the street, it was the cops who fought for the murder of infants more than the abortionists themselves. In some cities, abortion mills were closing because of OR; abortionists were giving up. It was the police that never gave up in their fight for institutionalized murder. Without the cops, abortion would have been history by now.”


Bo said, “That’s why I am so outraged by statements of tyrannical cops like Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee, who said, “If black lives mattered, they would be protesting in front of the abortion clinics.” The truth is, Milwaukee has always had very strong protests against abortions, and Clarke has always been a muscle man for the abortionists, not a fighter against them.

Police must be abolished. It is an agent of tyranny and wickedness, not of law and order. We don’t need police.”

Wisdom From Bojidar


Referring to a Facebook conversation where someone said their pastor was saying public school is just as good for Christians as homeschooling, Bojidar said:

My rule of thumb is this: If he pulls the “pastor” card, Biblically, he is under greater judgment, and therefore the standards of logic and Biblical faithfulness are stricter for him. He can and MUST be judged harsher than those who are not pastors, and therefore dealt with mercilessly in a discussion where he shows unreasonableness and makes heretical statements. I have zero compassion for pastors who use their position to earn themselves a higher ground in a discussion.

Pastors in this country have been a little too comfortable for far too long, because the ordinary church members have not applied Luke 12:48 [But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating.Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.] to them.

No wonder we don’t have lesser magistrates protecting us in the civil realm. We have neglected applying the same principles in the church. We need men who will step in the breach and make interposition between the congregations and their evil, tyrannical, heretical, or incompetent pastors and elders. Before we lead the way in the church in raising lesser magistrates, we won’t have them in the civil government.

Encouragement for the Day


Bojidar Marinov says, “Every single positive change in history starts with change in our hearts, and change in the pulpit. Which means, concerning the standing occupying army of police, we need to first change our hearts and trust God that maintaining a social order is not the same as having a standing army for terrorizing the population. Then we need to purge the pulpits of any preacher who supports the existence of police, or the existence of any other tyranny. At the very least, do not support with your money pulpits which support tyranny.

Once preaching is changed, the change in the culture will come very quickly.”

Police ALWAYS Lie

In reference to an article that says it’s OK for police to lie, Bojidar Marinov says, “They are not only allowed, they ALWAYS lie. The very purpose of police is to use lies to create “criminals” out of law-abiding private individuals, with the purpose of extortion. Police are not created to protect us against crime but to institutionalize it. It is an immoral institution and should be abolished.”

I couldn’t agree more. Here’s an instance of a cop lying and threatening a 14 year old and getting a 3 day suspension. He should be fired, but if they fired people for that, they’d have to fire all the cops.

Police Are Unconsitutitional


Bojidar Marinov said:

Well, first of all, I would recommend that police doesn’t exist. Neither the Bible, nor the Constitution allow for the existence of a standing army of executive privilege to harass civilians. Warrant-less arrests must be abolished – except in the case of preventing a crime – and constitutional order restored, where only a court order or verdict can legalize arrests. The very concept of the right of police of arresting people on executive decision by the cops themselves is immoral, and is also against the Constitutional order envisioned by the Founding Fathers. It is a typical totalitarian measure. The US didn’t have police until corrupt Democrat politicians created it, and before America had police, “hardly a crime was left unsolved or unpunished” (de Tocqueville).

Second, there are enough methods for THREE persons to detain ONE person without inflicting pain. Police, though, is specifically trained to inflict pain – first, because it satisfies their sadistic impulses, and second, because it is a religious statement of domination. Police was specifically created to establish a totalitarian domination over the population.

Third, most of the “crimes” today are actually violations of some illegal and unconstitutional government policy. Until the War Between the States, the government was never a party in court cases. There was no government policy to enforce, and people were free. Police came with the big government, and remains exclusively an instrument of big government. The safety and security of the people has been and can be maintained without police.