Tag Archives: end public school

Send Your Kids to the Government School?

I keep running into my former teachers on Facebook who say some of the most retarded things. This woman was never my teacher, but she must be a real winner, because she’s a principal currently. People with her logic skills ought to be placed in positions of authority, right?

Really, I blame pastors for being unwilling to teach on any political topics, even though Scripture speaks clearly on it. Christians are supposed to protect the weak, but when the majority of citizens vote to have government force an individual to pay for something, the individual is out of luck. The taxpayer must not be the weak person in his relationship to government. There must not be any moral principles involved in taxation and the Bible must not speak about government’s proper role.

However, I blame anyone who sends their children to a government school where the teachers are in unrepentant sin and demonstrate an atrocious level of thinking skills. Sartori is the principal of Mountain View Core Knowledge advocating that people vote for a property tax increase to pay for a swimming pool. Here’s the conversation.

Here’s my initial complicated 3-sentence argument full of supposed logical leaps.

  1. Forcing others to pay for something you want is theft.
  2. Voting for this is committing the sin of covetousness.
  3. Thieves will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Where is the leap? Which proposition does she disagree with? #2 might be new information for people. #3 might be new, but I provided a Bible verse.

As far as #2, if you don’t have the right to force someone to pay for something, how did government get that right? Is government not made of humans? If a group of people don’t have the right to force someone to pay for something, how does a group of people get the right to vote for another group of humans to force someone to pay for something? There is certainly nothing in Scripture that would make it acceptable for government to force people to pay for something and the questions in the paragraph have nothing to do with Scripture.

Sentence #3 might be disagreeable to non-Christians, but I’m only here to tell people what the Bible says. Your covetousness will take you to hell, whether you agree or not.

This is the logic of someone responsible for educating hundreds of people. A greedy, covetous statist woman with extremely limited logic skills. But keep sending your kids and according to Christ, they will be like their teachers.

No Wonder We’re Losing

There’s a pro-freedom, local page that I take part in. A lady posted about how courageous everyone opposed to masks was at the school board meeting where they were begging their school board masters not to make them mask/abuse their children. First of all, I think sending our kids to socialist, government schools is the primary cause of this country’s long, gradual destruction. We’re handing our kids over to be discipled by the enemy, and teaching them that socialism is the best way to educate them.

I wanted to post something, along those lines in the conversation, but the post was already two days old when I first happened across it. I decided to post a meme that would hopefully get people thinking about how stupid it is to send their kids to the government. Below is what I posted and the ensuing conversation with one lady.

The quote in the picture of the school bus says, “Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school.” -Texas Federal District Judge, Melinda Harmon.

Of course the quote is absolutely true, if you know the law. They can do all kinds of things to kids without your consent while they’re at school. Additionally, anyone who thinks that’s not true, sent their kids to school all last year wearing masks, so I’m not too impressed with anyone who claims to be not giving up their rights.

The thing I wanted to point out with this conversation is that Ms. Kunkel objects to my calling public school a socialist program, or being free. She has no idea what socialism is. The vast majority of conservatives/Christians opposed to socialism and wanting it to end have no idea what it is or that they are participating. They have no idea that their continued participation in the program is destroying our country. They have no idea that when they go beg the school board for scraps, they’re advocating for socialism.

We will continue to lose until pastors speak up about not sending Christian children to be educated in the false religion of human secularism.

This Week’s To Do List

Are you looking for something you can do for Christ? Here’s a list of ideas from Paul Dorr.

• Confront abortion clinics with the love of Christ while reminding them of the wrath of God
• Expose pastors pushing to poison many with the vaccination.
• Confront local government waste.
• Leaflet drop school parking lots on the sin of public education.
• Expose bond dealers plundering local county government
• Expose growth in local government employment along with decline in services.
• Confront cable companies pouring filth into local communities
• Praise local magistrates who are fighting to defend families and property rights
• Do public records request of fake government economic development groups and point to those profiteering
• Confront gay pride parade with the Gospel
• Confront local feminist organizations
• Confront feminism in the local churches
• Lit-drop and picket neighborhoods of local tyrannical judges
• Expose miserable misandrist lawyers exploiting marital difficulties to destroy marriage
• Lit-drop local bars on what real Christian manhood looks like and invite them to a Bible study.
• Confront local police who are encouraging tyranny
• Confront filth at local high schools
• Take home-school kids, especially boys, along with many of these public confrontations. Expose them to some human fear while teaching them to cling to Christ