Tag Archives: homeschool

Homeschooling Pros and Cons

There’s a Facebook group where someone considering starting to homeschool asked about the pros and cons of homeschooling. Here are a few things that caught my eye.

This was our first year homeschooling. We just moved here from Alabama.

My daughter completed 11th grade in the first semester and is currently doing her senior year now. She will graduate highschool in may at 16. If my son keeps at it he will also graduate highschool at 15. Both will be completed with 2 years of college by 18.

Pros? – they get to decide how long they work on school work each day. Minimum 2 hours to complete all core classes. They’re allowed to do more if they choose. One kid likes to wake up and get school done by 9:30/10. The other likes to do school work at night. One does school work mon- Thursday (he does extra 🤣he’s my over achiever) The other does the min. at least 5 days a week.

Cons- (for me)I wish they had more social interaction with kids their own age. They’re teenagers 14 & 16. There is TONSSSSS of homeschool groups, activities, co-op groups and kids in our area. Midland/big spring Tx. I’ve tried to get my kids involved but they’re just really not into it 🙃 but if your kids are, the library does classes for free. Coding, chess, art for examples.

I wouldn’t change anything about our decision to switch.

No cons for us at all, we have loved every minute of it! Traveling during off season means fewer crowds and cheaper rates! Not missing out on their childhoods is a bonus as well!

My girls who have graduated through homeschooling/currently homeschooling are 20, 15 and 11.

We have been homeschooling for 7 years and have absolutely no cons!

Our pros are:

*I can teach a biblical world view

*I do not miss out on my children’s lives

*We can travel whenever we want

*I can tailor their school work to their learning needs and interest

*They get ample outside time

*We are rarely sick because we are not exposed to school germs

We’ve homeschooled for 9 years and love it. Like with anything, sometimes days are hard or long, but, for the most part, it’s great. I meet my kids where they are and we work until they master it. Could be 15 mins or weeks. We travel whenever we want and especially love yo travel in the off-season. I get to spend lots of time with my kids that I would otherwise miss out on. I used to teach public school and I felt like I spent more waking hours with other people’s children than my own.

No cons for us and I’m graduating the last of my 4 this year all done locally. Several of mine attended OC and graduated with associates degrees & high school diplomas at the same time. I wouldn’t trade the time I had with all of my kids for anything.

The Death of Public School

This is from the Rational Optimist Society weekly email. There is no need for public school or teachers other than as a baby sitter.

AI robots don’t just learn… they can teach! We’ve known exactly how to give all kids a world-class education since 1984. It comes down to personal attention. Give almost any kid a one-on-one tutor tuned into their strengths and learning style, and they’ll excel. But we couldn’t afford to give every child their own one-on-one teacher. Until now.

Khanmigo is an AI tutor built by Khan Academy and OpenAI. It tailors lessons to each student’s unique needs. It’s already being used in 266 schools across America, including 20,000 kids in Indiana.

For $15/student/year, kids get unlimited access to a tutor that never tires, never loses patience, and constantly learns how to teach each child better. Khanmigo is the first AI tool I’m excited for my kids to try.

Picture a third grader. He’s a visual learner who loves Star Wars and struggles with math. His AI tutor can design lessons to explain multiplication through lightsaber battles. It’s like having a teacher who has known your child since kindergarten and understands exactly how they learn best.

Think back to your own schooling. Remember that one amazing teacher who believed in you, who explained things in a way that just clicked? Now imagine every student having that experience, every day, in every subject.

Traditional schooling with rigid schedules and standardized tests is a curiosity killer. I hated school but rediscovered the joy of learning when I was free to learn my own way. AI tutors ensure our children never lose that spark.

They let us realize the dream of “no kid left behind” AND allow every child to soar as high as their curiosity can take them. Slower learners will get the one-on-one help they need. And if your kid’s a genius, AI will help her explore Newtonian physics in third grade.  

A world-class, personally tailored education for every kid, regardless of zip code. What a time to be a parent!

More on this:

  • A hedge fund manager I know uses AI to homeschool his three kids. He told ChatGPT about their strengths and weaknesses, the values he wanted to instill in them, and what textbooks they owned. ChatGPT drew up full weekly learning schedules and even graded their work. None of this was possible even a year ago. 
  • Harvard’s most popular class, Computer Science 50, now uses an AI teaching assistant. Students using the AI tutor learned more than twice as much in less time. 
  • Austin’s AI-focused Alpha School gives us a glimpse of how we can combine AI with regular schools to achieve outstanding results. Using AI has helped kids who were two years behind in school catch up in under six months.

And remember, this is the worst AI tutoring will ever be. The revolution in human potential is just beginning.

Great post from Bill Evans

America is dying from systemic decay extending across a broad front, and overlapping many issues. Abortions by the millions are not merely performed, it’s tolerated and more, codified as a right. Sodomy is not merely legalized, but celebrated. Efforts by a few to resist evil locally are prosecuted as crimes. Yet these are but symptoms.

Meanwhile, careful sermon preparation, to insure proper exegesis and delivery goes on. God’s people must understand some nuance of the TULIP or baptism while their children attend Caesar’s schools, receiving 40 hrs/week of training in Total Depravity. Churches have become all but irrelevant as salt and light. Civil government, with its ten thousand rules, codes, regulations, has all but been deified. Church congregations remain pleasant, insulated, and unprepared and unwilling to fight, intellectually, much less physically, the war of worldviews that is upon us. Pulpits are filled with nice, polite, pastors instead of angry, Holy Spirit filled leader-warriors. The church triumphant has become the church recumbant.

May the Lord quickly send the tribulation and persecution we desperately need to stir us from our fatal ease! Will Christ indeed reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet? To be sure, but America a think, will not be around in its present form to observe it. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. The next enemy to be destroyed may just be America, along with her myriad of 501c3, tax-exempt religion dispensary franchises. Any tree that does not bear fruit… Truly, pending revival, for which we must earnestly pray, this nation will be destroyed. Is this tragic? Does it undermine our confidence in Gospel Victory? Not at all! It will be merely a case of the Lord of the Harvest, pruning and destroying the unfruitful branches.